in hive-196037 •  2 years ago 


  1. "BUT YOU HAVE CAREFULLY FOLLOWED MY DOCTRINE, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, love, perseverance,
  2. persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch...
  3. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and being assured of, KNOWING FROM WHOM YOU HAVE LEARNED THEM.
  4. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
    2 Timothy 3:10,11,14,16,17 (NKJV)

• You build your spiritual strength through consistent walk with God.
WHEN you cultivate the habit of studying the Word of God, praying, fasting, and sowing seed consistently over a period of time, you will experience a strong deposits of God's grace, anointing, and power in your life.

• Another important and pertinent thing about it is relating with God’s delegated authority who carries the kind anointing you need to fulfil in your assignment.
IF you follow someone whom God has stirred your heart to follow, you will have a number of things to learn in the Life and ministry of such a minister—which would help you in a bid to fulfil your assignment (2 Timothy 1:13).

  • You receive grace and the anointing on a servant of God through your relationship with such.
    THE relationship is covenant based, therefore it should be the centred around God.
  • The person, the delegated authority, may not know you in person, you may have not met him one on one before, yet God wanted you to relate with him.
    IN some cases, the delegated authority may live in hundreds or thousands of miles away from where you are, yet God wanted you to relate with him.

• There are different methods of relating with God’s delegated authorities, some of the methods are:

I. You can relate one on one, through personal contact with the person.

II. You can also relate through books, and other material of the person.
ONE on one relationship is good if you have a privilege of meeting the delegated authority in person.
HOWEVER, if one on one is evasive and you believe the servant of God carries the grace, the anointing that you need to fulfil you assignment, then you lay hands on his Material—books and whatever.
THE anointing on a servant of God can be received through their Material.
IF you read or studied the material of a particular minister extensively, the SPIRIT that works with him will begin to work with you and manifest in your Life and work or Ministry: either the Spirit of God or any other spirit which is NOT of God, it depends on the SPIRIT that such yielded to.
THIS is the reason why you need to be careful on whom you read after.

III. Another way about it is: sowing material or monetary seeds to the Life, vision, or the ministry of the person—the servant of God.

  • It is the anointing you respect that you attract.
    IF you do not respect the anointing on a minister of God, you can not attract the anointing, that is, the anointing can not be extended to you.
  • Also, it is the authority you sow to, that you attract.
  • You also attract the anointing you serve.
    When you submit to serve a particular anointing, it will be extended to you, rub off on you.

• Take note:

  • You can honour, respect the anointing on a servant of God by sowing seed of material things to the anointing (Genesis 27:1-4).
  • You can serve a particular anointing through your seed—money or material things.
    SOWING to a minister’s Life or their Ministries can move you from where you are, your current level, to another level.
  • You need to know that the relationship is centred around God, built on Him; HE is the One who placed the grace, unction, or the anointing you crave on the person; and He, God, is the only One Who anoints; when He sees your heart desire, about receiving the Grace or the anointing, He will surely extend it to you.
  • Everything has to do with your heart, how genuinely and faithfully you honour the servant of God in your heart.
    GOD works with our hearts, our motives; if you have any wrong motive or negative heart towards the minister you desire his anointing, you MIGHT not receive it.

• Even on one-on-one relationship, if your heart is not right with the servant of God, you may not attract the grace, anointing, on his life.
HE may pray for you with all his heart, however, if you have rebellion in your heart towards him or you despise him in your heart, the blessing he pronounces will not alight and rest on you—it will bounce back.
IT is a spiritual principle and law, May the Lord give you understanding.

• Work on your relationship, fellowship with God, that the grace of God on your life may be increased.
GIVE attention to the study of God's Word (2 Timothy 3:15-17).
PRAY always without ceasing, especially praying in the language of the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 Corinthians 14:2; Jude 20).
CULTIVATE the habit of staying in the place of prayer for hours.
AS a leader, a minister, you pray for three hours daily, at least, and have a time or day which you pray for longer hours like seven or eight hours once a week.

• Fast regularly

  • You subdue the flesh through fasting (Acts 9:9; 13:1,2; 14:23; 2 Corinthians 11:27).
  • Discipline your flesh, your body (1 Corinthians 9:27).
    WHAT you train your body with, it adjusted to.
    YOUR spiritual muscle, stamina, is built through consistent fasting.
    WHEN you live a fasted life, your flesh is subdued, and your spirit ascends.

• Sow seeds to the anointing you desire.
THE anointing YOU sow to, respect, and serve, will rub off on you.

• You will not fail in Jesus’ name.

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