in hive-196037 •  2 years ago 

“The next morning a group of Jews got together and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul.”
Acts 23:12 (NKJV)

• If some people who opposed you could not prevail over you through spiritual weapons, they might want to harm you physically.

  • Some are determined and engrossed to do evil (Proverbs 4:14-17).
  • The secret of what some Jews plotted to do against Paul was revealed by a young man, Paul’s nephew, thus their plan was foiled, thwarted.
  1. “So when Paul’s sister’s son heard of their ambush, he went and entered the barracks and told Paul.
  2. Then Paul called one of the centurions to him and said, “Take this young man to the commander, for he has something to tell him.”
  3. And he said, “The Jews have agreed to ask that you bring Paul down to the council tomorrow, as though they were going to inquire more fully about him.
  4. “But do not yield to them…
  5. So the commander let the young man depart, and commanded him, “Tell no one that you have revealed these things to me.”
    Acts 23:16,17,20-22 (NKJV)

• God defeated the plan of the wicked Jews; He revealed their secret plot.

  • If you are on the Lord’s side, you are secured and saved.
  • If you are faithful in your walk with God, He will use everything to favour and protect you.
  2. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.
  3. For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity."
    Psalm 125:1-3 (NKJV)
  • God would not allow you to get drown in the sea of life if you are on the Lord’s side. Thus, be sincere in your walk with God!
  • Some people who claim to be serving God, do it with deception in their hearts.
  • Some serve God with reserve and reticence, they do not have a complete trust in Him and His Word.
  • A number of believers always have alternative plans or agendas known as plan B or C, even when they are praying to God about what they claim they are believing Him for.

• The truth is: you can only get the best of God when you follow Him with all your heart, unreservedly; for the Lord honours a childlike faith.

  • While presenting a plan to God, if you have an alternative plan in your heart, He may not grant your request; He would want you to go back to your alternative.
  • If you try your alternative, plan B, and it fails, you are left with nothing to do, no hope in anything else; then if you come to Him at such a time, He will help you, rescue you.
  • If you secretly have hope in someone or something apart from God, all the while you are praying to Him, He will allow such to let you down, disappoint you.
  • God would allow everyone to give up on you, let all hope lost on your matter, and allow you to exhaust your strength before He surfaces to help you—that all glory might be given to Him (1 Corinthians 1:29).
  • God always surfaces, comes at last minutes, when all hopes seem lost.
  • If you actually want to walk with God, you have to be raw, honest, and direct, and childlike in your faith.
  • You have to take the Word of God as it is, without doubt.
  • A number of believers claim to have faith in God, but they are not absolute in their faith—absolute faith is total faith, total trust in God and His Word.

• If you are not thorough in your relationship with God, He knows.
YOU can deceive man, but you cannot deceive God.

  • If you are playing religion, you have no relationship with God yet, you have not accepted Jesus as the Lord of your life and your Saviour, God knows (Romans 10:9,10).
  • If you have reserves in your trust in Him, He knows: He will relate with you according to your level of faith and trust in Him.

• If you do allow sentiments, what people say or will say, move you or stop you to do the right thing—you will be the one to suffer for it.

• You will not fail in Jesus name.

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If you are on God's side you still might die for your faith. Like Stephen and James did.