"STAND FAST THEREFORE IN THE LIBERTY BY WHICH CHRIST HAS MADE US FREE, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."
Galatians 5:1 (NKJV)
II. Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit
- Always acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit on the inside of you.
CONVERSE with Him, initiate discussions and ask questions about what you do not know from Him—build a communion or fellowship with Him (John 14:16,17,26; 16:13-15). - God wants you to grow in your Christian life that the Holy Spirit and His presence would be real to you like any other physical being.
YOU grow to be able to discern His voice when He speaks to you (John 10:3-5,7). - Without the Holy Spirit you can do nothing; He is our Helper, Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby (John 14:16 Amp.)
- You build communion or fellowship with the Holy Spirit by praying in the language of the Spirit, tongues; you also learn to listen to the inner witness given you BY Him; you initiate discussions with Him, asking questions about issues bothering your mind—praying to ask for directions on whatever you want to do, even on little things that seem insignificant (1 Samuel 30:8; Acts 16:6-10; 1 Corinthians 14:2; Jude 17).
- Your relationship with God through the Holy Spirit would always give you an access to hidden things: information and directive instructions from God.
IT is the information and directive instructions you received from God that you build your Life on—they will serve as your goals and targets for prayers (1 Corinthians 2:9-12).
- But as it is written:
“Eye HAS NOT SEEN, NOR EAR HEARD, NOR HAVE ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF MAN The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” - BUT GOD HAS REVEALED THEM TO US THROUGH HIS SPIRIT. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.
- For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? EVEN SO NO ONE KNOWS THE THINGS OF GOD EXCEPT THE SPIRIT OF GOD.
1 Corinthians 2:9-12 (NKJV)
III. Abide in the Word and hold firmly to it (1 Timothy 3:9).
- You have to be a student of the Word of God, the Bible, to be totally free because it is the knowledge of the Word which is the Truth that makes FREE: "Sanctify [set them apart] them by your truth. YOUR WORD IS TRUTH" (John 17:17).
- The truth you know gives you victory over the devil and All his cohorts—makes you free from every oppression of the devil: "And you shall know the truth, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE" (John 8:32).
THE knowledge of the truth you know and practice gives you Dominion, authority to rule, in this world of darkness. - It is not enough to know the Word but you have to practice IT in order to walk in victory and Dominion.
- You read and study the Word to know more about God and how to relate with Him.
- Your knowledge and understanding of the Word determine the depth of your communion or fellowship with God.
KNOWLEDGE of the Word strengthens your fellowship with Him. - If you do not have the understanding of the Word, you may not be able to communicate effectively with God.
- You should know who you are in Christ, your inheritance in Him—what Christ has done for you (Ephesians 1:17-20; 2:4-19).
IV. Prayer
- Your insight or revelation in the knowledge of God through His Word determines the quality of life you live and the effectiveness or the efficacy of your prayers.
- You come to God through His Word in prayer in order to get His attention—for your PRAYER to be a result oriented One.
- The knowledge of God through His Word which you have determines your spiritual strength—how strong you are in the Kingdom: "... BUT THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG, and carry out great exploits" (Daniel 11:32).
• The truth is: in that area of life where you knowledge is shallow, you may not experience total freedom or liberty in such an area.
- It is the will of God that you have complete and total freedom in every area of life (3 John 2).
- You have a responsibility to grow in the knowledge on how to walk with God and live a righteous and holy Life, and that is done through the studying of the Word of God.
BUILD your knowledge through the Word of God on financial prosperity.
BUILD your knowledge on how to live in divine health.
BUILD your knowledge on blissful marriage.
BUILD your knowledge on power and supernatural living—having Dominion over the powers of darkness and every circumstance of life.
BUILD your knowledge on how to succeed in your career and fulfilled—excel in Life.
BUILD your knowledge on how to fulfil your assignment—ministry and calling.
• You should have a complete knowledge of God, all sides of God, because we serve many sided God—that you may have total freedom, perfect liberty in Life (Ephesians 3:9,10).
- This is the reason why a believer should not graduate from the School of the Bible—you keep learning of God and His kingdom till you leave the earth.
GOD is many sided, He has innumerable aspects that you may not know All until you leave the planet earth.
YOU continue learning of God through His Word, attending Church meetings, reading the books of proven authors, and listening to whoever God stirs your heart to follow. - No one grows in knowledge through impartation but BY diligent study and applications of the Word, and prayers.
IF you do not want to be in the bondage of false prophets, soothsayers, the DEVIL and all his agents; you have to work on yourself and develop a solid communion with God.
• I declare your freedom in the mighty name of Jesus.