in hive-196037 •  2 years ago 

"And you shall remember the LORD Your GOD, FOR IT IS HE WHO GIVES YOU POWER TO GET WEALTH, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day."
Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV)

• Power to get wealth is given by God

  • God works through His servants whom He ordained to pioneer different ministries.
  • He wants every child of His to know the spiritual family they belong. In other words, they need to know the ministers and ministries God has ordained to bless them.
  • You must know the source of your blessing, where the flow comes from; otherwise, you may truncate it—cut off from the flow without knowing.
  • God has lifted some people under a particular ministry; but due to the fact that they were not discerning enough to know where their blessings came from; they forsook the ministry and move to another one, or they are no longer consistent in their walk with God (Hosea 2:8,9).
  1. "For she did not know that I gave her grain, new wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold—which they prepare for Baal.
  2. "Therefore I will return and take away My grain in its time and My new wine in its season, and will take back My wool and My linen, given to cover her nakedness.
    Hosea 2:8,9 (NKJV)

• Truths:
~ You must know where the flow of God's blessings on your life comes from.
~ You must know your spiritual family.
~ You must also know your prophet, know the anointing [ministers] ordained to bless you.

  • If you fail to understand and know the above highlighted points, you may truncate the flow of God's blessings in your life.
  • Even people in the world know where they got what they have.

• A number of Christians have truncated and stopped the flow of God's blessings in their lives, because they failed to recognize where they received the grace, power, or anointing, for wealth.

  • God blesses with a purpose and by covenant.
  • God would, because of the covenant He cut with a servant of His, bless the people under him—the minister; and those who identified with his ministry.
  • Some under that grace, the minister's grace, may take it for granted and fail to know that God has blessed them because of the covenant that He, God, established with His minister. Unfortunately, such people might cut off from the minister and the grace that blesses them or lifted them (Isaiah 1:2,3).

• Take note: When you cut off from the grace, the source, or the anointing, that blesses you; you may not notice it immediately.

  • It may take months or years, depending on the greatness or magnitude of that flow of blessings before it shows.

• Admonition

  • If you noticed that God has blessed you through a particular anointing, minister, or ministry, know that the person is your prophet.
  • Relate properly with such a minister, treat him with honour and respect.
  • And in order to perpetuate the flow of the blessings:
    ~ Sow seed of money and material things to his life.
    ~ Sow seed to his vision, that is, his ministry regularly.
    ~ Give your tithe and other related offerings.
    ~ Do not join rumor mongers to speak evil about him: do not badmouth him, blackmail him, denigrate him, scoff him, or speak derisively about him.
    ~ Do not look down on Him because of his age, economic status, and the size of his ministry.
    ~ If you discovered any weakness in him [not a blatant sin], do not use it against him by undermining him.
    ~ Also, now that you are in money, do not try to weaken his authority with your money—some want to use their money to emasculate, oppress or silence, the prophet God has used to raise them.

• If you pay attention to these precautionary measures in relating with the anointing that blesses you, your prophet or the minister of God who speaks to your life; you will perpetuate the blessings of God in your life.

  • Remember, the blessing of God in your hand is a trust, and if you betray the trust reposes in you by God; the flow will stop, and it would be given to another person.

• It is my prayer that your place will not be lost to another man in Jesus' name.

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