in hive-196037 •  8 months ago 


18 THERE are THREE things which are too wonderful for me, YES, FOUR WHICH I DO NOT UNDERSTAND:
19 THE WAY OF AN EAGLE IN THE AIR, The way of a serpent on a rock, The way of a ship in the midst of the sea, And the way of a man with a virgin."
Proverbs 30:18,19 (NKJV)

• This teaching is the continuation of the first part, where the first two points had been taught.

III. Another peculiarity of an eagle is, it can see farther, for it has Sharp eyes. It could see a prey from a far distance and go for it (Job 9:26).

  • Applications:
  • A leader must see clearly, have a clear vision, and see farther than those whom he or she is leading.
  • And for you to see farther, you must be able to separate yourself and spend time with God. In the earthly Ministry of Jesus Christ, he always went to a solitary place; mountain, wilderness, dessert, to meet with God in prayer: "BUT Jesus OFTEN WITHDREW TO THE WILDERNESS FOR PRAYER" (Luke 5:16 NLT).
  • You must regularly take time out to be on the Mountain. In the ministry of Moses also, he was always called up to the mountain to have a time with God (Exodus 19:3). In his regular summit with God, instructions on whatever to be done were always given to him (Exodus 24:15-18; 25:1-2).
  • You cannot stay with the crowd and hear clearly from God. You must have a place of appointment with Him.
  • An Eagle usually build Its nest on the rock or the tall tree. From there It could see the prey or whatever.
  • You must leave the crowd if you actually wanted to see, hear clearly from God. You must be able to set yourself apart: "AND HAVING DISMISSED THE CROWDS, HE [Jesus] WENT UP INTO THE MOUNTAIN APART TO PRAY. AND when EVEN was COME, HE WAS ALONE THERE" (Matthew 14:23 (DARBY).
  • You should be able to spend quality time with God at the appointed place.
    WHOEVER would secure a vision must be painstaking: "I WILL STAND LIKE A GUARD TO WATCH and PLACE myself AT THE TOWER. I WILL WAIT TO SEE WHAT HE WILL SAY TO ME; I WILL WAIT TO LEARN HOW GOD WILL ANSWER MY COMPLAINT [request]" (Habakkuk 2:1 New Century Version).
  • The step which was taken by the Prophet, Habakkuk, was a deliberate one. He was determined to stay before God until he had received a vision.
  • You mind should be made up, to stand before God, to receive a clear vision and direction; the plans and programmes, on whatever you are instructed or asked to do.
  • A vision is secured through being separated from the crowd: "THE LORD ANSWERED ME: “WRITE DOWN THE VISION; write it clearly on clay tablets so WHOEVER READS IT CAN RUN TO TELL OTHERS" (Habakkuk 2:2 New Century Version).

• Note: A leader must be able to see beyond, farther than the people he or she is leading.

  • And the steps to it is by coming up to the mountain. Separating yourself to seek God, in order to hear from Him.
  • If this could not be done by you, It means you are not qualified to lead. People can only follow someone who knows where he is going. If a blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch (Matthew 15:14).
  • If Jesus needed to do it, Moses and others whom God had used in the Bible, and those being used in the contemporary Time, needed it; you would do well to cultivate the habit of staying away from the crowd to seek God's face in prayer and fellowship.
  • A husband, being the leader of the family, must have a clear direction for the home—the family.
  • A Pastor, or the departmental leader in a church, and a leader of an organisation, or whatever level of leadership you are; you must have a vision for those you are leading!
  • When a vision, or a clear direction, is lacking, there cannot be progress. Where there is no visionary leader, there cannot be progress.
  • If you Saw someone who had a vision, a clear direction; you have seen someone who has a future.
  • If someone won a jackpot of millions of dollars, if such did not have a clear direction, a distinct thing to do with the money; he would soon be bankrupt.
  • A bachelorette desiring a marriage partner should not look for someone in money, but someone who knows the plan and purpose of God, that is, the vision of God, for his life. That is the man who has a future!
  • Do not marry someone because he has a car and some other material things, but marry someone because he has a vision and is pursuing it.
  • Thus, a leader should see farther, and clearly. He must be a visionary, who turns a missionary.

• What a vision does:
a. It gives you directions. You will not be jack of all trades and master of none.
b. It makes you live a selective life. You will be specific, because you know where you are going. You concentrate on what you are doing, and that will produce consecration.
c. It leads to success. It is the pathway to success. No vision, no success!

IV. Another important feature of an eagle is, it does not migrate.

  • An Eagle is a symbol of steadfastness; consistency and steadiness. There are some birds that migrate from Europe during Winter, to Africa, and return after that season. Eagles do not do that.
  • Applications:
    For you to lead in the things of the Kingdom, you have to be consistent and steadfast.
  • Be consistently Consistent in the vision, the assignment, God has given you.
  • To be consistent:
    a. Consistency in the Word of God and prayers.
    b. Consistency in walking with God, fellowshipping with Him.
    c. Consistency in integrity. Being honest and upright in character (Job 1:1).
    d. You must be able to persevere, endure:
    "TAKE WITH ME [Paul] YOUR SHARE OF HARDSHIP [passing through the difficulties which you are called to endure], LIKE A GOOD SOLDIER OF CHRIST JESUS" (2 Timothy 2:3 AMP).
  • If your vision demanded a price to be paid, hesitate not to pay it.
  • Your vision should worth living for, and dying for. In other words, If your vision demanded an ultimate price, a Sacrifice, be ready to pay it.
  • The vision must be real to you, that nothing matters to you in life than it. It must become the reason for your living:
    "I CAN OF MYSELF DO NOTHING. AS I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, BECAUSE I DO NOT SEEK MY OWN WILL BUT THE WILL OF THE FATHER WHO SENT ME" (John 5:30 (NKJV)

• One of the things that helped Jesus Christ in His earthly Ministry was, His intimacy with God the Father. His close relationship and fellowship with God the Father.

  • This could be seen in the Ministry of Moses as well, his crave and desire always were, the presence of God:
  • All the people who had outstanding results in their callings, they all had genuine and strong relationship and fellowship with God.
  • FOR God's PRESENCE to be or go with you, you must endeavour to always be in His presence.
  • Jesus chose the twelve Disciples who later became the Apostles; they were primarily chosen to be with Him:
    13 AND He went up on the mountain AND CALLED to Him those He Himself WANTED. AND they came to HIM. 14 THEN HE APPOINTED TWELVE, THAT THEY MIGHT BE WITH HIM and THAT HE MIGHT SEND THEM OUT TO PREACH, 15 AND to have POWER TO HEAL SICKNESSES and to CAST OUT DEMONS" (Mark 3:13-15 NKJV).
  • For you to experience success in the assignment given you by God, you have to learn and cultivate the habit of staying with Him—tarrying or waiting in His presence.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Whatever is not planted by God in your body, working against your health, such is rooted up completely in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • The Affliction will not rise again in Jesus' name.
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