High Yield Farm search !! + BEST Defi Dashboard - APE BOARD

in hive-196037 •  4 years ago 

Ape Board is great!!

It's Cross-chain DeFi Dashboard. Built by apes, for apes. I think it's the best Defi dashboard at the moment. All your asset, rewards and everything in one place. It supports 5 chains currently: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Terra, and Polygon.

If you always have a question: Where is all my asset at? How much I have been earning from farming? How much are the yields? Where have the best APR/APY/ROI , Where to ape? then, Ape board got you covered!

Go ape: http://apeboard.finance
Telegram: http://t.me/apeboard
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ape_board/

New feature is APE SEARCH Fire on http://apeboard.finance/ape-search. View and search all the farm APR and current TVL in one place. Single stake or LP stake, you got it!

**Not every protocols listed in APE SEARCH and @ape_board are audited so please DYOR before you ape-in!

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