Hello everyone! Today I would like to share my shopping experience and some of the things my family and I got from AEON Big recently. This is my entry to one of the most interesting weekly tag, initiated by @dswigle which is the #marketfriday tag.
We just wanted to get some vegetables and fruits because the following day was Ganesh Chathurti which is an auspicious festival for Hindus. We wanted to celebrate it with some offerings to Lord Ganesha. From the left, the first vegetable here is the drumstick vegetable which we usually add in lentil curries, then there is bottle gourd and I think the last one is a round gourd.
These are more greens like long beans and different types of cucumber such as the regular cucumber and the Japanese cucumber as well.
Over here, this is the frozen section. There are some cherry tomatoes and regular tomatoes. There were also some lettuce. Then, my favourite bell peppers in yellow and red. We got the lettuce because my pet fish loves to eat it.
These are pumpkins which taste great if they are cooked with some spices and chilli powder. We make it every time there is a festival.
Now, we are moving on to the fruits section.
Here are some dragon fruits! I love this fruit especially the ones with pink flesh because they taste sweet. Though I admit that these don't look as fresh as the ones I get from the local farmers.
These are some pineapples and my father got one.
I will be honest. I took this picture because I thought that it will make a colourful thumbnail :D
Here are some red apples. There were also some packages with combination apples where red and green apples were packed together.
These are some green apples and oranges.
These are some oranges and lemons. As you can see, the price of lemon is RM 1.25 per piece so obviously we did not get them because I have seen the price go down to even RM 0.90 each. Such discounts happen every now and then.
These are some dried chillies and garlic. That is my mom's hand selecting some dried chillies.
She wanted me to take a picture of her selecting some groceries with mask on so I took more pictures.
There were more garlic this time compared to others. At the edge are some yellow onions which I think I have only used about twice in my entire life!
Here are some tauhu and taugeh, and that is my mom queued up to weigh the chillies. I have already weighed all the other items earlier as the chilli was never in the plan.
This is how the management has taped lines to make social distancing easier. Customers were required to stand at the red lines. The same applies at the entrance where they check the temperature of each customer before entering.
This is another picture of my mom still in the queue, waiting for her turn.
By the way, this is the spices section that I found. It was not bad for a supermarket. Most of the regularly used spices were available.
These are some snacks in general terms. They comprise of nuts, beans, crisps and dried fruits.
This is the poultry section. Back then when the Covid 19 cases were high, only one person per family was allowed into this section. I am glad it is no longer the same as the number of cases have decreased. That is my parents selecting chicken to be cooked on another day.
So we were done with our shopping and these are the items. We usually use cloth bags for everything except for the chicken to avoid the cloth bags from stinking later on.

I hope that everyone stay safe and maintain a safe distance from the people around you if you need go out. Thank you for dropping by.