Hello Everone ,
Welcome to Best Of India Community!..
I hope everyone is doing great in the pink of your health .I am @afjalkhan back with my daily diary activity and i am enjoying this forum by sharing my daily activities so without any further delay let's start today's diary writing.....
Starting with the name of Allah who is most merciful and who created the world, stars, moon 🌙, sun ☀ and all other Makhlukat..
I get up at sharp 5.30 am and finish freshanup activities. After that enjoy with tea and roti as our daily breakfast menu.
Then I take bike and run to pickup stand for go to Job and take GSRTC bus 🚌 and going to Vadodara.
Currently I reached at Vadodara, Somatalav stand from my Village name Vajeriya.. I should introduce to you about my village brief but will do in next setion. Thakor of my village was ruled on 27 villages around our village. I am just putting some of back side of my village.. You will absolutely enjoyed..
Thank you All.
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