Entry: Best of India Contest | Spring 2 Summer

in hive-196725 •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone,


This is my Entry for the Spring 2 Summer contest organised by the BOI Community. Here's a big shout out to everyone @bestofindia.

India experiences a tropical monsoon type climate. Thanks to our geographic location, we get to enjoy the best of every season. Naturally, we are gifted with four seasons as per the solar cycle -- Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

In Autumn fall, most living organisms begin to prepare themselves for a period of hibernation to pass through the harsh Winters. On the other side, Spring is like a breath of fresh air, that creatures embrace with open arms. Life begins to blossom once again. The first kisses of pre-monsoon showers are a ray of hope; to enjoy the long summers of life.

Spring is a kinda reincarnation of nature. It brings an air of freshness, positivity and hope. The little leafy buds spring up from the

A plant bud springs up in our backyard plot
soil, new words hit poet's imagination. In Assam, we consider the Cuckoo's melodious tone as the arrival of Spring. This season is all about festivities, fun, fertility and merry making. Just like winters squeeze the life out of nature, Spring restores it all.


You won't feel the loss of colours. While you'll chase the colourful butterflies all day, the evenings won't be too boring either as you might be entertained by the croaking of the frogs trying to please the rain gods, they say. The deciduous trees get a new lease of life as new leaves paint them green. Fruits, vegetables and many other flowering plants

Flowers of Queen Crepe Myrtle tree (also called Pride of India) seen blooming in my backyard

Little papaya buds emerge in our kitchen garden

Lady's finger plant in our kitchen garden

Ripe and juicy lemons in our kitchen garden

can be found in full bloom during this season which is a gardener's delight.

The hand operated looms of the female weavers in the village households get busy with new clothes in the pipeline among which the 'gamocha' (a scarf/cloth used as a symbol

A gamocha being woven

of welcome) is the most popular item in demand for the Spring celebrations -- Bihu.

Coming to Summer, the transition between the seasons is quite fast forward. As the diurnal temperatures keep spiking up since the end of winters, you can't really predict the start of summer. With the little geographical knowledge I possess, I can tell you that the

Glimpse of first monsoon shower

pre-monsoon showers in India in the form of different local storms -- bordoichila in Assam, kal baisakhi in North India, mango showers/coffee showers in Kerala, Karnataka marks the beginning of Summer season and advent of monsoon.

As I am from the Brahmaputra valley, I can tell you that summers paint a somewhat painful picture for my people. As the rivers swell up during this season due to heavy

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rains, heavy floods wreck havoc in my state. This causes unrepairable damages to life and property. But life moves on.

Flood waters inundate the banks with alluvial soil which supports paddy cultivation, the

Paddy cultivation ready to be harvested

staple food crop of the region. Summers are also peak time for the giant tea industry of the state. The monsoon rains are conducive for growth of tea plants.

The authentic Assam tea is one of the finest beverages

The summer season sees abundant vegetation cover due to high moisture content. Wildlife including freshwater aquatic species flourish in this season. Just like every season, Summers operate in its own way. You just need to beat the heat with a cold drink/ice cream or avoid the rains using an umbrella. Rest will take care of itself.

That's all I could think about for this Contest Entry. Thanks for reading.

Unless otherwise stated, the images are original content of the author.


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I'm glad you liked it bro.

#affable #india

Lovely post my friend. Nicely selected pictures.

Appreciate your kind words, mate.

#affable #india

I appreciate doing something productive like this

Thank You