The dairy game 27/12/21: A metaphysical discussion with friend.

in hive-196725 •  3 years ago 

Hello steemians! Good evening

Today I started my day at 6:30am and i was done with jogging and all my medical things at 2pm. I had a meeting with my friend with whome i had decided to discuss a topic that i was very curious about and had many doubts.

So decided to discuss our first favourite philosophical topic i.e; IMMORTALITY OF SOUL

So we started our discussion at 3pm and ut ended up on 7pm. I had a grat time with him.
Here im gona share the gist what i learnt from him.

NEED for soul to be immortal? Why cant be it mortal??

Answer he gave is very interesting:

*Psychological relevance: An assurance that one can survive even after death to get rid of the fear of death and for one to live his/her practical life.

  • For betterment and human development,we need immortality of soul

Then i asked what are types of immortality?
He said:

Types of immortality

  • Biological immortality
  • social immortality
  • corporeal immortality
  • Incorporeal immortality
  • Impersonal: accepted my Sankara: soul will dissolve like water
  • Personal : Ramanuja; soul has independent existence
    *** Limited: If this is accepted even bad souls are exceptef as immortal
    Immortality is summon bonum of human life
    *Extended: immortality is for all that is all souls are immortal
    Accepted by bagvat geeta, Plato

Rebirth and transformation
As the clothes get older, you change them to new ones
Similarly soulf leaves one body and occupied the other.

As the body lasses from childhood to young to old stages similarly the soul leaves one body and occupies the other in free form of stages. So those who have knowledge do not get worried/ cry when the sould does so.
Overall this was a fun discussion. As i cant write everything here as its too philosophical so ill be writing it in gist in my future posts.

Thank u

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