In this series of articles, we will learn some interesting information about the various components of our daily, Maharashtrian style meal. In Indian way of life, ‘coconut’ / ‘shrifal’ tree is revered as ‘kalpavriksha’. No good deed starts without coconut. So let's start this article with coconut.
The botanical name of coconut is Cocos Nucifera L. It grows rapidly in tropical, coastal and coastal areas. Not just fruit but every part of the plant is used. That is why the coconut tree is known as the Tree of Life.
People in India and Southeast Asia have been using coconut and its various ingredients in their food culture for more than 4,000 years. Sweet water from coconut (immature coconut) and luscious cream coconut, white coconut from prepared wet coconut and coconut milk extracted from it, coconut butter made using modern machinery, coconut powder, coconut sugar, coconut oil extracted on traditional grinding, Coconut oil) Dried coconut and the oil extracted from it should be listed. Besides, these dishes are used in cooking and various recipes are made which are different!
Despite using coconut for thousands of years, there has been no adverse effect on the health of Asians. इ.स. A report released by the American Heart Association in the 1990's suggested that high levels of saturated fatty acids in coconut can lead to heart attack.
Done! Without any hesitation, the use of coconut oil in India and neighboring Asian countries began to decline, while the use of foreign oils such as canola and soybean began to increase. ‘Doubts remain as to whether the report was designed to sell oil produced in the United States, worth millions of US dollars, in the Asian market.
But a closer look at coconut oil reveals that most of these fatty acids are made up of 10 or 12 carbon molecules. (C10 or C12 fatty acids) e.g. Loric acid is made up of 12 carbon molecules, while capric acid and capryloic acid are made up of 10 carbon molecules. These are called MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides). These are extremely useful for the body. In contrast, elongated fatty acids made up of 12 or more carbon molecules are extremely useful for the body. In contrast, long chain triglycerides, made up of 12 or more carbon molecules, are harmful to the body. Its digestion is complete. In contrast, after only 26 chemical reactions, the digestion of MCT fatty acids is complete and bile is not used. When digestion is complete, MCT-type fatty acids are absorbed directly into the liver, where they are converted into ketones. This does not increase belly fat at all. In addition to this MCT, coconut oil also contains some other chemical compounds, which help in reducing inflammation in the body. These compounds also act as antioxidants. I mean, look at the benefits of coconut oil!
The United States, which began its propaganda about coconut oil, Around 2000, Dr. Bruce Fife, a dietitian, wrote a book, The Coconut Oil Miracle, after studying Filipino diets, and began using coconut oil himself. Gradually the book began to gain popularity. Especially those who follow the keto diet for weight loss have noticed that ketones are formed after the digestion of coconut oil and it is useful for this type of diet. The pendulum of coconut oil went in the opposite direction and began to rise everywhere.
Modern medicine has also turned its attention to coconut oil. It was found that after the digestion of MCT, HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), a cholesterol required by the human body, is produced. Vitamins A, D, E, K are also absorbed in the ketones that are formed. These ketones make you feel full and you don't eat too much. (Stop overeating). This results in a reduction in belly fat.
इ.स. In 2008, Dr. Impressed by Fife's book, Dr. Mary Newport started using coconut oil in the diet of her husband, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Within a month, Newport's symptoms had improved dramatically. They started doing their own things. Improvements such as recurrence of memory were found. Being a doctor himself, Dr. Mary began to study this. They found that in many diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer's, neurons could not use glucose to gain energy, leading to dementia. But when coconut oil is used in moderation (three tablespoons a day), the ketones produced after its digestion can be easily used by the brain cells for their growth and regain a large amount of energy. Many people around the world have experienced this for themselves. But for this to happen, there must be a large number of clinical trials. And for that, I think India should take the lead.
A new study has shown that after the digestion of lauric acid in coconut oil, a molecule called 'monolorin' is formed in our intestines. It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. This molecule in mother's milk protects the infant from infection. So now you decide whether coconut oil with so many properties is good or bad?
Molecules of lauric acid and capric acid also protect humans from recurrent urinary tract infections.
Due to their small size, these molecules are easily absorbed into the skin and hair follicles. That is why our ancestors used coconut oil to apply on the scalp and skin. Warm coconut oil is also an elixir for earaches, headaches and colds. For this, the anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of this molecule will definitely be used.
In our generation, the use of coconut oil for skin and hair has been declining, but now coconut is used in many expensive cosmetics under the name of coconut butter.
Another interesting thing is that we can use coconut oil in both cold and hot temperatures. The smoke point of this oil is 175 degrees Celsius. Is. Therefore, this oil is also safe for frying at high temperatures. So the banana wafers found in Kerala are fried in coconut oil and are very tasty.
Therefore, from today onwards, the reader should apply coconut and coconut oil on the outside of the body (for hair and limbs) and inside the body (free use of coconut ice, chutney, laddu, vegetables and sauces, for cooking and frying). Returning to the previous location.
Do you know this?
September 2 is celebrated as 'World Coconut Day'.