Diary Game posts aren't curated/visited yet? Let us review and suggest what's missing or next steps.steemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-196725 •  4 years ago 

As an initiative from Country Representative(s) - India, we would like to help all Indian newcomers who have joined recently/ from August 2020 and participating in the diary game and who's diary posts are not visited/curated yet. We would try our level best to help you all with our guidance and support.

Steemit Team is putting a lot of effort to curate all The Diary Game posts on daily basis. If you are following all diary game rules and there is no plagiarism in your post, we are sure that your diary posts will be visited soon by steemcurator01.

Please check your posts are following all the rules of The Diary Game before leaving your Steem Username in comment.


The recent announcement diary doctor also will help in improving the quality of The Diary Game posts.

Important notes

  • Please enter only Steem username in the comment section.
  • Please do not add any links, gif, graphics or other text. Use standard size text only, without bold. Do not upvote your comment.

On this post, we would like you to ONLY leave a comment if you have posted Diary Game entries (regular or with interval both) till today 13 September 2020 and you have not received ANY visit, comment or vote from steemcurator01 on ANY of your posts.

We will review your posts, guide/suggest if something is wrong/missing or rules aren't followed. If we find you are already following all rules, we will support you and we will curate your diary posts with maximum capability and resources available with us.

Note: This initiative is from Country Representative(s) - India.

@neerajkr03 @rishabh99946 and @sapwood
I am hoping that we could help Indian steemians together.

I have added you guys as a beneficiary in this post, also this post is set to 100% power up.

Thank you,
Country Representative(s) - India

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  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Note: This initiative is from Country Representative(s) - India.
@neerajkr03 @rishabh99946 and @sapwood
I am hoping that we could help Indian steemians together.


The best way is to first consolidate the list who are actively participating in #thediarygame

And then it will be checked with the existing rules, but other than that there is another important aspect we are missing, that is Engagement. Even if someone follows all the rules, just make it dry, like publishing a diary post and not at all commenting on others' posts, will not gain the attention of Steemcurator01 or very fewer votes. So we need to groom them up into the engagement as well alongside writing a good diary, following all the rules in the diary post. The diarists especially the newcomers who are clueless about not being curated, need to understand the importance of social intersection which comes through engagement. Maybe this is the best time we can create awareness on engagement, and how important it is in their journey in #the1000daysofsteem.

So let's consolidate the list in an excel sheet, then find out the issues, and then fix the responsibility with a definite timeline. Only 12 days left for this season, I think we need to fix this in the next two days.

Thank you.

And I believe after this we all can do much better in the season 3 of diary game because all be settled and fixed till then everyone will be ready to face challenges.

Precisely my point. And not just diary game rather all the future program/campaigns under the hood of #the1000daysofsteem

I have always believed that for better scaling there is a bigger role of CRs than Steemit Team. In fact, Steemit Team is also aware of this, that is why they are trying to expand the CRs base so that at a local level good talents can be identified, groomed up and then at a global scale they can participate with healthy competition. The reward will automatically follow, and if we take this route there will be fewer complaints like my posts are not being visited.

Yes, I think we all 3 are on the same page.

Diary game is the training ground and let's start with this.

I completely agree.

if someone follows all the rules, just make it dry, like publishing a diary post and not at all commenting on others' posts,

True. This is really an important point and I will request everyone to follow this.

And then it will be checked with the existing rules, but other than that there is another important aspect we are missing, that is Engagement. Even if someone follows all the rules, just make it dry, like publishing a diary post and not at all commenting on others' posts, will not gain the attention of Steemcurator01 or very fewer votes. So we need to groom them up into the engagement as well alongside writing a good diary, following all the rules in the diary post. The diarists especially the newcomers who are clueless about not being curated, need to understand the importance of social intersection which comes through engagement. Maybe this is the best time we can create awareness on engagement, and how important it is in their journey in

I very much agree with you on these points.

Thank you, we are working on a framework to improve it.

that great idea . its helps to review all the post which it not visited . and also you can find problem and give them suggestion for there post ..

nice way to support everyone ..

Love from Bangladesh

That's a great initiative for the newcomers especially. Also this idea with help to the @steemcurator01 team.

On the other side, we will get to know about those newcomers and we can comment on their Diary post under #DiaryDoctor to help them.

Besides, people can get awarded by commenting on their posts just by making a simple Compilation post under My Contest for some niche extra reward.

Yes, @sahilgupta.

I encourage everyone to participate in your contest and submit the compilation post in that.

Even, I will also submit mine :)

Hi @sachin08 thank you for participating in the diary game.

I have visited your profile, your posts are good but I would like to highlight some points that will help you getting your posts curated by @steemcurator01

  • you are not making comments/upvotes on others diary posts.

  • Don't put more of Online game pictures in your post.

  • if you put photos of streets/places make sure you put location details in the captions of your photos.

  • Try to include details as much as you can, write what did you learnt from today's studies if you are food write who made it and how it actually tastes, similar details will add more intrest in your diary entries.

  • Higher engagement = Higher chances of being curated.

  • check out my post on how to use plus Code as location for your photos Here

Hey @neerajkr03 The Diary Game(Season 2)- Day 31 (6th September 2020)- Sun-Day on my this post I get a comment from @steemcurator01 but they not upvote my this post.
Any idea why this happens? is there something wrong with my post or they forgot to upvote the post?

Thanks for starting this initiative.

Your mentioned diary post is looking fine. I also noticed that your 5th and 07th September diary post is already visited by sc01 so I would say, please don't worry. Your points will be counted and if this one is missed, you may get extra upvotes in your latest valid diary post.

Small suggestion - You could avoid adding word count screenshots in all diary posts and also avoid H1, H2, H3 tags in the last lines(highlighted in yellow). I would suggest to keep all the diary post ending 3-4 lines in normal or bold or H5 tags. I think by doing that, your posts will look more clean and professional.

Below is the screenshot from your one of the diary posts. I hope this would be helpful.



ok, Thanks for the suggestion I will take care of it on my future diary game posts.

Nothing is wrong with your post, probably the team forgot to upvote this post. Give us sometime and it will be fixed.

ok, thank you


Thank you 😁

Please have a look at my diary game posts

We will check and get back to you with our findings or suggestions.

Please allow us some time.

Yes thank you

Please review the suggestions added in the comment section of your below diary post and try to follow them. I am sure, your diary posts will be curated if you follow them properly in the latest diary game posts.



Ok thanx

Very useful, thank you

you're welcome and always thankful to you for your support.

I have written my diary continuous till 11 September without any interval but stillll none of my post have been checked.....just have look on my post...
#onepercent #india

We will check and get back to you with our findings or suggestions.

Please allow us some time.

Please review the suggestions added in the comment section of your below diary post and try to follow. I am sure, your diary posts will be curated if you follow them properly in the latest diary game posts.



Ya sure @neerajkr03

If this includes last month diary posts too, then my username is @stream4u

We will check and get back to you with our findings or suggestions.

Please allow us some time.

Hi @stream4u, thank you for participating in the diary game on Steem.

I have checked your profile and noticed that your very first diary post was checked by steemit team @steemcurator01 that means you are already on their curaiton list, please have patience and keep posting regularly i ensure your diary posts will be curated.

  • Additionally try to engage more with others and make yourself visible.

  • Higher engagement = Higher curation chances.

Thank you.

@rishabh99946, thanks.

Yes, I have a lot of patience but posts don't :) as you know they valid for 7 days., if you can see after the first diary post, 22 posts expired, it can be understood that they have to visit more than 1000 posts, so it is okay, just wanted to notice, you can see the level of my patience :)

I will surely engage more with others and make myself visible.

I appreciate that you visit my profile and share your opinion, suggestions.

Thank You.

Thank you for understanding, much appreciated.

We will check and get back to you with our findings or suggestions.

Please allow us some time.

We will check and get back to you with our findings or suggestions.

Please allow us some time.

Hi @ritz4, thank you for participating in the diary game.

I have visited your profile, your posts are good but I would like to highlight some points that will help you getting your posts curated by the steemit team.

  1. Please include white space/ a line gap between the paragraphs.
  2. Add image caption and add details related to the image e.g. which food it is etc. , try to add more details about any activity. It will make your photos more meaningful.
  3. You can add your introduction post link at the end of the diary post.
  4. Read other's diary post, show your engagement by commenting/upvoting on them.
  5. Higher engagement = Higher chances of being curated.

I hope this would be helpful. Thank you!


Hello @neerajkr03
Sure I will follow the points which you said.
Thankyou 😅

We will check and get back to you with our findings or suggestions.

Please allow us some time.

Hello @neerajkr03 I saw your post This post is very useful for new people.
Thanks for writing such a great post.

#onepercent #india #affable

Please @neerajkr03 have a look @isha.ish

Hi @isha.ish Thank you for participating in the diary game on Steem.

I have checked your profile and I noticed that your previous diary entries were visited by @steemcurator01, you are already added on the curation list of Steemit team, this post is only for users whose posts aren't visited since beginning of diary game i.e 1st August, make sure you keep posting diaries so your missed post upvotes will be added to your recent diary :)

Thank you.

#onepercent #India #affable #diarydoctor

Hi @satyam996 Thank you for participating in the diary game on Steem.

I have checked your profile, and found following issues.

  • You are not posting regularly.

  • You are not making comments on others posts.

  • You have not dropped any upvote to others users in the last 7 days.

  • Diary game is not just about excepting votes by @steemcurator01, it's also about getting interacted with others.

  • less Engagement = less chances of getting upvotes.

Thank you.

Hi @sanjeev.kumar

I have visited your profile, the content of your post is good but I think your engagement with other diarists is low. I will suggest you to keep posting your diary entries regularly (now only 6 days left) till 25th September, the steemit team may give an extra upvote on your latest valid diary post.

Also, I would request you to follow the below points. I am sure it will help you to become visible on steemit.

1.Read/upvote other's diary post, show your engagement by commenting/upvoting on them.
2.Higher engagement = Higher chances of your diary post being curated.

I have started since August. I hope I can do well. Thanks for the guidance.

Hi @ahlawat thanks for sharing.

hey @neerajkr03, I'm new on steem and join the diary game from 1st September. have a look to @premjyadav02

Hi dear @premkumar02, thank you for participating in the diary game on Steem.

I went through your profile and I noticed that most of your post contain less than 300 words, additionally you don't put pictures related to your daily life, diary game is all about your daily activities try to put more pictures of your city, food or any activity you perform, if you put picture of some places remember to put the location details in the caption of your photos.

Also don't put Actifit Report Card screenshot everyday, try to include more details in your post.
And try to get engaged more with others, the more you engage the more higher chances of getting curated by @steemcurator01 so start making valuable comments on others post, good luck.

ok, thanks for your guidance.

It's great I think I know some names illl gather the list of known names then we can checkout together :) thanks for this @neerajkr03 great idea actually.
This will help the curation team @steemcurator01 to manage the list of all the Indian steemians participating in diary game,and once everyone is on their list curaiton will be done asap :)

Dear @steemcurator01 i making this post on behalf of one of my friend and referral @kavya001 as she lost all her keys and unable to perform any wallet functions on her account. I request you not to upvote her diary posts on @kavya001account and give those upvotes on her latest diary post in her new id which @shiningst. She needs money urgently for her medical treatment therefore i request you to look into the matter, she will be grateful
Thank you.

Hi @arjunparihar thank you for participating in the diary game.

I have checked your profile and noticed that some of your diary posts were already visited by steemit team @steemcurator01 which means you are already added on the curation list, please have patience your furthers posts will be visited anytime, make sure you keep posting diaries so your missed post upvotes will be added to your recent entries.

Thank you.

#diarydoctor #india #affable

Thanks for telling.

@steemcurator01 isnt visited on my this (Date-08/09/2020) post.

As I can see you have started fresh from September 08th, Please keep posting your original content by following all diary game rules, content etiquette and apply markdown.

Now today is 15th September, please don't post diary entries older than 2-3 days max. Always try to post your diary on the same date or next date if possible.

I also checked your achievement-1 post which you have submitted today. Please add that as "My Introduction" link in your future diary posts from now onwards.

Also, please edit or delete your previous plagiarised posts immediately if you haven't deleted those yet.

I am sure your posts will be visited soon.

#affable #diarydoctor

I isnt posted past day because i have my exam in Bilashpur, Chattisgarh, India thatswhy i isnt posted on time. Sorry for that.

Hi @roshni1,

I have visited your profile, you posted your last diary entry I think 10 days late i.e. 01 September. Please try to post your diaries the next day or max 2 days late.

I will suggest you to keep posting your diary entries regularly (now only 6 days left), the steemit team may give an extra upvote on your latest valid diary post.

Also, I would request you to follow below points that will help you write better diary posts.

  1. Please include white space/ a line gap between the paragraphs.
  2. Add image caption and add details related to the image e.g. which food it is etc. , try to add more details about any activity. It will make your photos more meaningful.
  3. You can add your introduction post link at the end of the diary post.
  4. Read/upvote other's diary post, show your engagement by commenting/upvoting on them.


Thank you neerajkr03 for guiding me in my diary writing and thankyou for your suggestion but now i am demotivated after seeing the steemexculsive work . We are try our best to do get something and almost 2 month also going to end . If atleast diary should checked by weekend may be we should try to improve our self in our work .

I understand that, but all I am trying to say is that if you continue writing post, it will get rewarded.

Now, your old posts are already expired and voting window is passed which is 7 days so if you write a new diary posts then only there will be a chance to get the upvote.

We will also support you from our accounts based on our capacity if you write valid diary posts.

Thank you.

@neeraj is their any surety that my next post will post will be check if i start writing because there are many other people on steemit whose post has been expired and they are still writing but sadly till now their post has not been checked...i hope you understand what i am saying

When will my diary going to be check @roshni1 . This month is also going to end .

Hello sir tomorrow is the last day for payout in 8/09/2020. So, i requesting you to please tell @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02 to visit my post.
Thank you...

Please be patience your posts will be visited anytime soon by @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02 steem it team

Thank you.

Ok sir i am waiting for @steemcurator01 or @steemcurator02 for visiting my post
Thank you...

Hello @rishabh99946 still not visited on my 8/09/2020 post and the last hour is going on for payout..

Hello @sapwood, @neerajkr03 and @rishabh99946 in my diary post still not visited by @steemcurator01