The diary game | Better Life with Steem | 01 November 2021 | Monday

in hive-196725 •  3 years ago 

Today I started my day at 9:30 am. Today is Monday and in Karnataka, we have a holiday. Actually, on the 1st of November in Karnataka celebrate Karnataka Divas. Today I have to clean the kitchen again so first I prepared lunch and breakfast altogether. It's 11:30 when completed cooking. Just after cooking, I did my breakfast.

Breakfast: Tea & Kachori

Just after breakfast started cleaning. Washed everything that was in the kitchen and I used it every time when cooking.

Just after 2 hrs, I started feeling hungry again. Today I had prepared Gulab Jamun also so I eat that and resume cleaning.

Gulab Jamun

Now it's 3 pm afternoon. I have cleaned everything but now I have to arrange them. First I thought to have lunch before it get late. I did lunch and started arranging all things.

After arranging all things took the shower and went to one of my friend's home for some work. While returning from there it was already 9:30 pm so I planned to have dinner outside. I ordered one chicken biryani.

Chicken Biryani | Cost: 150 INR(2.01 USD)

After dinner head to the room. It seems about to rain. So give the full race of my scooty and reached room. After reaching the room washed my face., drank milk watched some Bollywood songs, and after that headed to bed to sleep.

That's all for today.

Good Night.

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Is Gulab jamun really made by you ?
It lOOks delicious.
Happy Diwali in advance!

Yes, i made it. Thank You

Happy Diwali too you. In advance.

Be careful when drive vehicle. Don't be hurry anytime, you should stay for some time.

Thanks for sharing your day with us keep posting.

Thank you.
Happy Diwali.

Yes, brother i care about it. I give the accelatot that much only vehicle should be in my control.

Thanks for your time to reading my post.

Gulab jamun and chicken biryani. Looks to me your diwali month is going on good. haha.

#affable #india

Hahaha you can say..... But biryani i regularly eat whenever go out. Thank you to reading my post.

In the festival time, we do not eat non-veg, @sumitkr, but I saw your juicy Gulab Jamoon my mouth is watering. Thanks for sharing with us.

In the festival time, we do not eat non-veg

Agreed. But outside i can eat. Right? Thank you to reading my post.

Kachori & gulaab jamoon looking
Tasty & good:) I hope you enjoyed it
Keep enjoy this moment

Yes, all items were very tasty. I have left 2 more gulab jamun. Tomorrow i will make again.

I also ate gulab jamun today.... nice diary from your side @sumitkr27

Ohh same pinch😄, Now i have only two... Tomorrow will prepare more again.

You eat a tasty things like chiken Biryani and Gulab jamun.You enjoy a lot.

You have written nice post and Biryani looking very tasty hope you enjoyed it,

happy Diwali