The diary game | Better Life with Steem | 16 November 2021 | Tuesday

in hive-196725 •  3 years ago 

Today I start my day at 8 am, stretch my body, and then get fresh. After that went out for a walk. Back to the room after half an hour. Rain still not stopped from the last 1 week.

After back to the room lay down on the bed and then make a call at home to talk with my mother but she was in the market. Then make a call to my sister-in-law and talked for the next 10min.

Now the time is 11 am and I have to do breakfast so ate Jam and bread in breakfast.

After breakfast opened my laptop to start my work but don't know why I was not able to concentrate. At 12:30 pm I had a call with the team but due to any reason, it got canceled. So planned to start cooking. I started cooking vegetables and rice. After preparing lunch I finished my lunch.

Rice & Vegetable

After lunch walked for some time and then sat to work. Now I can do my work with more interest.
Worked continuously till 5 pm. Meanwhile, I took shower and then prepared lemon tea and drank.

In the evening at 8 pm attended a client call which end up at 9 pm. After the call, I ate samosa and jalebi that I bought before the call when the rain was slowed down.

Evening; Samosa | Jalebi | Chutney

After having it rested for 20 min. After that started to prepare the dinner. After preparing dinner, I finish my dinner.

Roti & Paneer Mashala>

Then I did my regular walk meantime boiled milk. It was 11:30 pm now. Today I had started my work late so sat to finish some pending work. So i have planned to work till 2 am then i will head to bed.

That's all for today. Hope you all like my post.

Thank you!!

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Hope you enjoy your day.You ate so tasty things.

Yes, really i enjoyed my day. Thank You

Hope you have completed your work now because stalled work means more burden on us. You ate great food throughout your day.
#club5050 #india

Hope you have completed your work now

Not now, but I have to finish it by the end of this week. Thank You for your time to reading my post.

Jalebi samose with Chatni aahaha tasty 😋 and your paneer masala is looking spicy and delicious. Nice diary....

Paneer was not spicy. I also like to eat but not everyone so It was without spicy. Thank You.

Samosa is best snacks for evening and jalebi is putting stars with it.

Thank you. For sharing.

Yes, Samosa is the first thing that strikes in mind. And another one is Momos.

It happens sometime when we can't concentrate on our work.
You had great meal throughout the day.
Have a blessed day ahead !

It happens sometimes when we can't concentrate on our work.

Yes, Agreed. Thank you to reading post.

It's a good habbit walking after every meal. Your food items are really mouthwatering.
Nice way of writing.
#affable #club5050 #india

Nice dairy