Elements of the domestic struggle

in hive-196917 •  5 months ago 

“Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you.” – George Orwell, 1984

The upcoming domestic strife in America is driven by instincts, intuition, and consciousness. The dark triads, envy, and bad habits have to be kept at a minimum.

Individualism is favored over collectivism. The buildup of civilizations institutions is geared towards individualism because the capacity is there for that freedom. There is no indication this is harmful, the individual is still bound by the laws of the land as they decide there way of life for their benefit.

Collectivism is a misnomer. People are not really deciding what is good for the group, but what is good for them based on their position in the group, and hopefully it trickles down or coerced.

When the country survives longer than the people, groups of people find an incentive to find a means to subsidize their existence. These means can also result in the countries extinction.

Your experience with people will be contentious at times. The demographics of race, religion, orientation, and political leaning is the outlet the controlled opposition uses because it is an easy grift.

Society would not work if there wasn't manners and decency in communication. But a lot of people think the rules of engagement are controlled and what they think is an infraction is going to carry over, and that’s the game of being civil, and politically correct, and having everyone on your side.

However, outward appearances don’t always hide your contradictions, and thought crimes, and the ills you wish on people and act upon. If you have something to say, be like Trump.

A lot of this is what is boiling to the surface.

America will not be the country that it is if everybody thinks that's the game. That is social fraud. The group dynamics of the controlled opposition is to be agent provocateurs and bait people just to say I told you so, as if the manipulation is invisible.

America can't pretend in regards to human nature and its intentions, or get lost in the global sphere. Listen here, the opposite of woke is sleep. This has to do with empathy, not sympathy. Everyone is actually a number, but that does not mean they are a monolith, and existence is fixed.

I don’t know if this sort of consensus can be exported to allies. In most countries if you stick out, you get hammered down and the backlash destroys you for good if you don’t bend the knee. This serves the masters of the deep state.

A lot of the organization for the domestic battle will follow demographic lines. However, all the demographics have people that simply have to go. So there will be cooperation amongst the groups. Send them my way, and I’ll send them your way.

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