The Skill That I Want to Have But I Don’t’’. Written by @graceonyi. 15% Payout to @steem.skillshare

in hive-197809 •  3 years ago 


Good day steemit fam, it's with excitement to participate in this wonderful contest organized by @alena-vladi, to share the skill I want to have but don't. I'm graceonyi and I welcome you to my blog.
There are many skills people wish to venture into but due to some reasons or the other could not and I am one of these people. I will be writing on the skill I wish to have but don't have yet.


These are pictures of me cutting and trying to sew a dress with the supervision and assistance of my friend.

The professional skill I don't have but love to have.
The professional skill I don't have but would love to have is tailoring and fashion designing. Tailoring has been the professional skill I admire a lot and would love to have, everyday i see new dresses with beautiful and new designs and it do catch my attention and interest. I will need a professional to guide me in this skill I would love to have.

Why do I need this skill

Having this skill will be great. First, for my personal use if I have this skill I will be able to sew beautiful dresses with great designs for myself, family and friends without thinking of disappointments from tailors. Will also venture into it as a side business.

Why I have not gotten the skill.

Well, I have some reasons hindering me from getting this skill which I wish and love to get. One of which is time, I have limited spare time for myself because I'm a student and most of my time are spent in school due to the system of education here in my dear country Nigeria, where is a bit difficult to handle but studies and skill at a time because it might lead to distractions.
Also, another reason is finance because of the designing which cost a lot to learn or acquire. I have to start from the basis to advance because I don't have any ideas on it. I need to enroll in a professional design school or classes which requires about 200steam if not more than.

How will my life change with this skill.

My life will change in a better and positive way because I will have this fulfilment and joy of a dream come true. I will be able to make money from it to solve my problems and to others dear to me.

It's a good thing to have a skill, having a skill helps one to be focus and prevent unnecessary laziness because you will be so engaged to have spare time for unnecessary and unhealthy things.
Special thanks to @steem.skillshare for this wonderful community and steemblog.

Best regards

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Being a seamstress is a good skill that really helps women at home....keep giving your best you will soon have it