in hive-197809 •  4 years ago 


Today I will be choosing the ever famous Bitcoin for this contest. I remember when I first heard the word Bitcoin i thought it was literally a coin that could be bitten, very funny right.
The acronym BTC has become widely known and I don't think there's anyone who knows about crypto currency and isn't aware of the Bitcoin.


The first time I heard about the Bitcoin, I was in the university. I was visiting a classmate for some tutorials when I heard him discussing with his neighbor. From the discussion I was able to understand and this was my introduction into the cryptoworld.

The reason why the Bitcoin is my favorite is it's success over overwhelming odds to become the biggest crypto currency in the world right now. This was a project that had not been undertaken and as such there was next to no guarantee of success.
I feel a lot of other crypto currency all unique in their own way, have all enjoyed some level of success due to the acceptance of the Bitcoin.

Recently i used the Bitcoin in a friends wallet to help him pay for a used phone, all I had to do was transfer to the other person selling (who was also a friend). It's availability on various platforms, wallets and acceptance as a means of payment in most places makes it my favorite crypto currency.
I am inviting @stepsbyelven, @goodybest, @osomosemuaz, @dayographix and @offia66 to jump on this contest and give it their best.

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It was hard for me to comprehend how a virtual currency can change a life but now I believe.
Thanks for the invite

BTC is always the first, and most used and everything started from it.