01. Stomach Diseases.
According to medical experts, from the beginning of summer, stomach related complaints also start to increase as bacteria and related viruses are more active in summer. Stomach ailments in summer include typhoid, cholera and fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and fever.
Some of these diseases are discussed in detail in this article.
02.Skin Diseases.
According to dermatological medicine, fungal diseases start appearing in hot and humid weather. Fungal infections occur on the hidden parts of the skin, ie the areas where there is less air, and this infection is more common in people who wear loose cloSunstroke shoes all day long.
To prevent this infection, experts recommend bathing as much as possible during the day and keeping yourself fresh. After bathing, apply antifungal powder on the skin surface and under the joints and apply antifungal cream on the affected areas before going to bed at night. The first step in preventing skin diseases is to bathe as much as possible and keep yourself very clean.
To stay away from fungus or infection in summer, it is very important to avoid the sun, apply a lotion or sun block on your skin when you go out of the house.
In hot weather, the humidity in the air usually increases and this closes the dead skin cells and fat pores, which leads to the growth of blackheads and acne, which is called fungal acne. ۔ The easiest way to prevent skin diseases is to drink as much water as you can during the day and keep your skin fresh.
According to the dermatologist, if you itch a lot, red rashes appear on the skin as a result of itching, then this is an alarm for you, then the body becomes sore and the allergy starts to grow and that allergy is a terrible one. Turns into a disease.
If the skin itches during the itch, round marks, blisters and white marks appear, then the appearance of scratches on the skin or the duration of the itch being longer than usual is an alarm bell which should be referred to your doctor immediately.
According to medical experts, typhoid fever, which is most prevalent in hot weather, is caused by a bacterium called "salmonella typhi" and is caused by consuming dirty food or dirty water which is harmful to health.Symptoms of typhoid include headache with abdominal pain with motion and fever. The typhoid patient should use complete rest and light clean home-made foods and clean boiled water to drink at home.
Tea, coffee and carbonated beverages should be avoided during typhoid. Health and hygiene should be taken care of to prevent typhoid and hands should be washed thoroughly with soap before eating.
The most common summer disease is cholera, which is spread by a bacterium called Vibro cholera, which is caused mostly by dirty water and the use of stale food.
According to medical experts, people with poor digestion are more likely to get cholera. The simple target of this disease is young children. If this disease is not treated in time, the patient may become exhausted due to lack of salts and water and go into a coma.
05.Hepatitis A.
One of the most common summer illnesses is hepatitis A, which is spread by dirty water and can cause abdominal pain, fever and vomiting and yellowing of the urine four weeks after the virus enters the body. Symptoms of weakness begin to appear.
Medical experts recommend that clean water and food be used to prevent hepatitis A. Wash vegetables and fresh fruits thoroughly before using them, and wash your hands thoroughly before and after meals. Doing so can also prevent diseases such as hepatitis A.
06.Food poisoning.
Food poisoning is other usual in the summer. Food that is not kept in the refrigerator on time can be poisoned by bacteria.
Adding red meat salad to your diet can be especially dangerous. To avoid food poisoning, it is important that you eat refrigerated food but do not keep it for long periods of time because it turns into poison if it is kept for too long and then if you use this food this food In addition to posing, it can cause many other diseases.
07.Migraine and headache.
According to medical experts, exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause recurrent headaches and a common headache in the heat of acne. In addition, excessive stress on the face and muscles from the sun can cause headaches.
Spending too much time in the sun can cause migraines. To avoid these summer ailments, it is important to wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun and go out in the sun with a sun block on your face to make up for the lack of water in your body. Use as much water as possible.
The skin becomes dry and hot at the sign of sunstroke, sweating stops. Body temperature and heart rate suddenly start to rise.In addition, severe headaches can occur with people who spend most of their time outside in the sun or those who do more physical activity or exercise without drinking water in hot weather, and wear appropriate clothing for the summer. People who do not have a higher risk of catching a fever.
During a stroke, the body not only loses water but also loses a large amount of salts and electrolytes. In this case the patient should use more ORS or salted water to overcome the salt deficiency.