How to secure your device from viruses | club5050 | 10% of this post to @steem.skillshare

in hive-197809 •  2 years ago 

Hi friends
Hope that you all are well and have a great time.
So let's start this post.

What is virus?

Whether it is a virus, a worm, a trojan, malware, ransomware, or anything else, one thing is clear: It 's not something you want on your PC or Mac.


When browsing the Internet, it is a good idea to consider antivirus protection. Viruses can invade your devices through malware that may steal your personal information, delete your files, and slow down your computer or cause it to stop working completely.

If you follow these six tips, you will have a better idea of ​​how to detect the virus online.

1. Install anti-virus software

If you want to avoid getting infected on your devices from the internet, installing and using antivirus software is essential. Cyberthreats has changed, and daily activities such as online banking, shopping, and browsing can put you at risk of cyberbullying.

Bacteria are a major threat to cyberthreat, which is why it is wise to keep your devices safe. Decent security software can help prevent you from becoming a victim of identity theft and other online threats as you bank, buy, and browse the Internet.

2. Be careful with email attachments

Email services like Gmail and Outlook ask for your permission before downloading attachments. There is a reason for that. Downloading attachments can be dangerous. Although email services often have virus protection built into their software, viral emails as attachments can still reach your inbox.

Cybercriminals often try to spread the virus through spam emails. Once opened and installed, the virus can infiltrate and begin its work.

3. Pack your app and apps

Technology companies often release software updates to make their devices or software safer to use. Without these updates, cybercriminals can abuse security errors and force the device to download the virus.

This cyberthreat is called software vulnerability. You may be careful to avoid viruses on the Internet, but software vulnerabilities may be hidden behind your computer. The only way to verify that you have caused this accident? Regularly update your software whenever a clip is available. Or you can adjust your computer settings to receive updates automatically.

4. Avoid questionable sites

It is believed that there are over 1.7 billion websites in the world, and not all of them have very good intentions. Malicious cyberthreat agents will use a variety of tools to download viruses to your computer, such as drive downloads, malicious adware, and causing you to click misleading links.

Avoid clicking links to websites with suspicious names, such as a combination of characters and numbers that do not match the names. Also beware of websites that share the names of trusted products, but have variations within the URL. If there are additional tags in the URL, it may be a fake website.

5. Avoid compromised software

It might be tempting to get a free copy of a game, movie, or app that everyone should pay for. But if you download a broken or illegal software version, your computer or mobile device may be compromised.

Stolen software often appears on websites that are hard to find or share with peers, both containing users who may be watching their favorite movie, or those who want to spread the virus.

With no virus protection built on downloads, it is easy for an internet criminal to install a virus in a free program. Sometimes there won't even be free software - just a virus.

Be careful when downloading anything for free. When downloading infected files - not recommended - be sure to use anti-virus software.

6. Save your computer

This tip may not help you to avoid getting infected on your devices online, but it will help you avoid further damage and the associated stress if you do.

By using a backup copy of the cloud regularly, you can keep copies of all your important files and records in a safe place.

After that, if you become a victim of a computer virus that is difficult to remove without damaging your files, you can simply wipe your device and restore it to the most recent location before it becomes infected.

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