Contest 👉 Show your skills || Entry by @rizkiblangpadang

in hive-197809 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Dear, steemian I hope you are staying great in this pandemic.

Thanks @daytona475 for this great idea for the contest.

I've always wanted to be a poet so I enjoy reading other people's poetry, but because I didn't focus on that field before and preferred to study law in college, my skills in that area didn't develop well.

Rasa Dalam Frasa - Jubah Raja

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A year ago I started sharpening my poetry writing skills, as the Indonesian saying "Alah bisa karena biasa" means "Practice Makes Perfect". Something we do consistently will pay off, gradually develop and we get used to it.



In my experience developing my poetry writing skills, I have taken many steps and strategies to produce good poetry, including:

Learn what poetry is and the types of poetry that develop in Indonesia such as Mantra, Pantun, Gurindam, Syair, Talibun, Romantic Poetry, Ballads and Epics.

Adding references to poems written by poets who have long been active in the world of Indonesian literature such as Chairil Anwar, Taufik Ismail, W.S Rendra, Wiji Tukul, Sapardi Joko Darmono and several other great poets.

Determine the type of poetry that we will write in beautiful and interesting language. I prefer to use anarchic figurative language, such as some of the ballads I wrote myself entitled Persetan Rindu - Fuck Longing, Anjing Dan Bajingan - Dogs and Bastards, Kau Permata - You are the Jewel and Ziarah - Visit the Cemetery.

Before writing you should determine the theme of your poem and do some research, for example when you want to criticize the behavior of sycophants and rulers, study their bad habits. Because I prefer to use figurative words that are anarchic, I ended up writing the poem “Dogs and Bastards” with the aim of criticizing them.

Practice writing poetry every day, it doesn't matter if the results are good or not, the important thing is that writing poetry becomes my habit, so that later beautiful phrases will appear in my mind.


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All pictures was taken and screenshot by me with my smartphone, except one pictures who I put the source.

DeviceRedmi Note 9 Pro
Edit By UsingCanva
Picture ForPersonal Collection

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Writing poetry is indeed interesting and fun, because many things that are on my mind spill into beautiful phrases. Starting from a hobby of reading poetry by the poet, eventually became the skill of writing poetry by my self.

Indeed, in terms of quality, it is very far from my colleagues at TSS such as @hendrasusoh @jun.imaginer @pieasant @omarkhayyam who have been writing poetry for a long time, but I use it as motivation to continue to improve my own poetry.

That's a glimpse of my strategy to develop my poetry writing skills, see you in the next post.

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I invite all my fellas who join Team Support Steemit :
@only.home @mc-jack @jun.imaginer @lord-geraldi @arieffadly88 @pieasant @omarkhayyam @hendrasusoh @bonbons @pujiaman @qhamal @daengmarwan to participate in this AWESOME contest.

Best regard @rizkiblangpadang

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Excelente participación amigo. Opino que no todos nacen para escribir poesías, así que si te gusta es porque naciste para eso. Desarrollaste un amor por una habilidad muy hermosa.

Te felicito y éxito en el concurso amigo!


Thankyou @daytona475...
I'm glad to hear that.. 😁😁