in hive-197809 •  3 years ago 


Death is the earthly boundary line of a man’s life. Suffice it to say that, man is not the body rather the indwelling spirit seeking expression through a form, which is the body.
At an appointed time, a boundary line is reached, which no man (that is the indwelling spirit in the body) could go beyond, according to its designated given number of days on earth. And this always result in the severance of the silver cord (that which connects and binds the body and spirit together), facilitating the separation of the spirit from its mansion, the body; dust to dust, the earth regains its token, whereas the spirit navigate on towards its source, and every debt is fully paid.

The Concept of Death.
The diversities and complexities of death cannot be quantified.
Death means different things to different persons, scholars and schools of thought. It could connotes the absence of life, which is the separation of the body and spirit.
It could also imply the termination of marital relationships through divorce cases, the termination of contracts/ deeds, as a result of conflicting information or irreconcilable issues. Moreover, death could also imply the ending of destructive habits, seasons, patterns, or cycles in a life, to usher in the birth and delivery of new refined behaviors or seasons in ones life and the society at large.

Death is an essential component of life, therefore it is inevitable.
It could occur at any given time, with or without the early warning signals and, could also take any form, nature and scope.
This piece of writing is restricted to the narratives of my personal struggle, with the addiction to cigarette smoking, and the process of its death.

How I Started Smoking:
The projections, evangelism and promotional adverts via the media platforms instilled into my sub-consciousness, the hunger and inner cravings to indulge in the self-destructive habit of smoking cigarettes.

I was brought up in a Christian home, my father was an ordained elder of the Christ Ascension Church; my mother till date, a singer with the choir of the aforementioned church.
Therefore growing up as kids at home, we were raised with stringent Christian principles and morality, as enshrined in the Holy book, the Bible.
At a point in my life, the temptations and impulse of youthful exuberance, borne out of the curiosity to experiment with life, overwhelmed me, because I was exposed to an environment and society that was grossly dominated by celebrities and perceived successful persons, who puffed cigar, Indian hemp and cigarettes, in a manner which portrayed and suggested that they were stimulated and obtained their inspirations and driving power for success, from smoking pipe, cigar, marijuana and tobacco.
The media continually fanned the flames of this desire by their unrelenting adverts of celebrities especially best selling authors, smoking pipes on screens as they signed their autographs or gave public speech.

As an aspiring writer, I coveted this destructive habit, with the intent that I will get inspired, and imprint good quality contents, striving for excellence in becoming a bestseller author, and join the league of great authors such as: William Shakespeare, Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Edgar Allan Poe, Cyprian Ekwensi, to mention a few.
This was how I got trapped in the illusion, and was submerged helplessly in the dungeon of lungs depleting idiosyncrasy.

How hopeless and helpless I was in the act of cigarettes addiction, to a point I experienced severe pains on my chest on awakening from every sleep, and this tragedy began the quest and adventure on how to quit, and permanently slaughter the demon of smoking.

The Death of Cigarette Smoking:

I gave myself to a systematic, conscientious long hour study of the holy Bible, by meditating specifically on these verses, thus: Romans 12:1-2, Romans 6:11-14, Psalms 119: 9-11 and 2 Corinthians 3: 17 -18.
I also applied two spiritual keys which are; midnight prayers and fasting, to facilitate the crucifixion and death of cigarettes smoking.
I was resolute and undeterred in this spiritual enterprise, seeking for a total freedom from nicotine addiction.

And on a certain day, I cannot vividly recall, the cravings, desires and hunger for smoking, divorced, separated and withdrew itself, from my holy temple, because the axe of the word of God, which is the sword of the spirit, was laid to its root, through meditations, fasting and prayers, and this self-destructive habits was uprooted and cast away to an undisclosed destination, where it was crucified, and it died!
It was indeed a triumphant feat.

To offer help and give hope of deliverance to those addicted to substances, drugs, cigarettes or alcohol, please meditate on the above mentioned scriptural verses, and the poem versified below, to be delivered from the shackles of destructive habits, and be cleansed:

(Hope for the addicts).

Rejected and forsaken
Body ravaged by substance
Nicotine infested heart
Heart being depleted to ashes
Body lacking real substance
Burdened with guilt and pains

Ghostly smile which attempts
To communicate helplessness
Inner craving seeking for
Rescue and rehabilitation

Submerged in derision
Utters a cry of help
Which seems unheard

Is the end near?
Any hope for the future?
The present is a gift,
Why dig the grave?
Shall Philip be sent to help?

I hear your silent cry
I know your pains
I am your ever present help!
Only believe and you shall be saved

Lets go to the synagogue
The tabernacle of the Lord
To behold His beauty
To be transformed into His perfection

Then comes your deliverance
Then manifests your salvation;

Your spirit being sanctified
Your soul purified
Your body healed and cleansed!

I am the Lord:
Your helper
Your deliverer
Your healer
And your Saviour!

Image source:

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