Milk is a Complete Food:
Milk is such an invaluable blessing of Allah Almighty which is also mentioned in the Holy Quran and on the journey of Ascension, the Holy Prophet (sws) liked milk (milk benefits).
Medicine and Wisdom:
Milk is such an invaluable blessing of Allah Almighty which is also mentioned in the Holy Quran and on the journey of Ascension, the Holy Prophet (sws) preferred milk (milk benefits).When the Holy Prophet (sws) became thirsty on the journey of Ascension, Gabriel presented him two cups of milk in one bowl and wine in the other. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) chose a cup of milk (physical strength) and drank it. Gabriel said: All praise is due to Allah who guided you in nature. That is, with the guidance of Allah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) liked nature. Had he adopted alcohol, his ummah would have gone astray.
Milk is called milk in Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi, Laban in Arabic, Milk in Persian, Milk in English and Lactus in Latin. Most of our cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats, etc., use dry or liquid milk (physical strength) in tons. Naturally, it is in liquid form, but advances in technology have transformed it into powdered milk to preserve it for longer. But the nutrition and milk benefits that come from natural milk cannot be obtained from machine-made milk. Milk is water which quenches thirst and there is food which also quenches hunger. The first food after birth is this milk of man. Because milk for a baby is a combination of nutrients that meets all of its nutritional needs. And it is the best food for its development and upbringing. And milk is a useful, excellent and complete food not only for children but also for adults and especially the elderly. Milk has been considered a complete food since ancient times and now medical science also considers milk as a complete food and considers it very useful for health because milk (milk benefits) produces blood and also strengthens the immune system. It is a delicate and easily digestible food and provides the human body with especially large amounts of Calcium, Vitamin D, Protein, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin, B12 and Zinc which are essential for physical strength. ۔
In fact, our body is made up of many things or components such as cells, flesh, blood, nerves, cracks, membranes, bones, glands, fat ie fat, nerves, nails, hair, organs, etc. and all of them grow, repair, function. And they need different or separate nutrients and food items to keep them healthy and fit. Such as proteins or vitamins, vitamins, salts, water, fats and carbohydrates, etc. And all this we get from different foods (physical strength). We use different foods in our diet to get all these nutrients because each food contains different vitamins, vitamins, fats, iron, calcium, zinc and carbohydrates etc. and for this we include in our diet. Use fruits, vegetables, meats, fruits, herbs, etc. For example, carbohydrates and fats are needed for body heat and energy, so the carbohydrates that we get from various foods such as sweet and starchy foods, sugar, jaggery, sweet fruits, etc. We can't get it from meat and fat, which is the main source of fat in animal meat, milk, butter, oats and plant products, olives, soybeans, corn and various edible oils and fruits, so we don't get fat from fruits. Can Calcium is needed for bone growth and health. For this we need calcium rich foods. Similarly, meat, eggs, pulses and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins. So we meet the need for nutrients from different foods. But milk is the only complete food that contains all these nutrients. Milk is a complete food because it provides us with carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, vitamins, calcium, vitamin D, protein, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and water. Medical science also considers milk to be a complete food because research has shown that it contains all the nutrients that make the human body active and healthy by meeting the needs and deficiencies of all the nutrients. Milk is not only a complete food (milk benefits) but also a cure for many diseases.
There is a slight difference in the taste and aroma of the milk of different animals and in general the benefits of most animal milk are similar with the extraordinary difference in nutrition and effects.Like camel's milk contains a lot of insulin. Therefore, it is extremely useful for diabetics. Goat's milk is also a treatment for asthma and tuberculosis. Cow's milk benefits are rich in calcium, which is good for bones and physical strength, and strengthens the heart. Cow's milk is low in salt and high in fat and high in vitamins A and D. Sheep's milk contains twice as much fat as cow's milk, but this fat is good for human health. Buffalo milk makes the body fat, contains high amount of vitamin D and is beneficial for hemorrhoids.
Milk is essential for the development of the human body. It not only boosts the immune system but also the endurance. As well as providing energy (physical strength) to the human body, it also makes the body fat, so milk is also a nutritious body and it removes the weakness of nerves and it also strengthens the brain. It also relieves constipation and relieves physical fatigue and insomnia and prevents or reduces the aging process. Abundant amount of calcium in milk is good for bone strength, joint and muscle pain. It is also beneficial for the strength of teeth and health of eyes, skin and hair and is also useful for the digestive system. Milk is also a cure for many ailments and a complete food.