"The populist deception" the Latin American reality.

in hive-197929 •  4 years ago 

"The populist deception" the Latin American reality.


Hello everyone, today I bring you a very controversial book, due to what is happening in most Latin American countries, and as a result of the disaster that has been occurring in those countries and the detriment of the quality of life of its inhabitants; as once happened in some countries of the world that suffered from communism - socialism - populism.

On the cover of the book “the populist deception” appear left-wing Latin American rulers who govern or have governed the Latin American countries; in addition, the book inside mentions the thesis that "states that the anatomy of the populist mentality is made up of a hatred of freedom and an idolatry of the state."

In a first point, one could ask if all populists are from the left, because at this moment the most urgent cases of populism that exist in Latin America are from the left, probably in another era there could have been from the right.


The book proposes that the first step of the left to enter populism is in the Latin American electoral political campaigns, with its approach to socialism of the 21st century created by Chávez, and this advised by the Castros, unfortunately the Latin American right wing or other political projects. who perhaps do not have a well-defined ideology under the socialist segment also began to use populism, because they realized how effective it was to manipulate masses in the short term and reach power.


A controversial issue is the incorporation on the cover of the former president Michelle Bachelet today with the post of High Commissioner for Human Rights, criticizing countries like Venezuela; But she deserves to be on the cover because, as president, she promoted reform programs in a country in which things were going better than ever in its history and better than in the rest of Latin America, there was not a deep crisis to say there is that re-found the institutional and economic order and that is clearly populist, in addition to the rhetoric of the powerful versus the rest, the few rich oligarchs are exploiting and abusing the rest, this is typically populist.


The book states that all this that is happening in Latin American countries is part of a strategy, a strategy of steps to follow, obviously the most consolidated steps have been taken in Cuba, in Venezuela, but that does not mean that they are not taking first alarms in other countries and unfortunately the Cubans in their time did not hear the alarms, likewise the Venezuelans said we "are not Cubans", "we are not an island", "that is not going to happen here" the Brazilians said the same, the Ecuadorians also.

The book warns us that the clearest signal to start populism is its intention to change the constitution, the re-founding of the entire economic and institutional order from a new constitution, of which the majority have no idea what is going to happen, only With the excuse of the neoliberal model they do not like among other typically populist "arguments".


In a very well founded book, with truths that Venezuelans have lived, it costs me; “It is very entertaining to be a socialist with someone else's money as long as you don't take it out of your pocket and it goes to someone else”; this is what is happening today in many countries.

The book also warns us that when you get to a point where you say OK, I'm going to vote because they are going to worry about me, but when you start to lose jobs, when you see that your people begin to suffer the effect, and that the reforms that you supported at the beginning are taking away your right to choose the education of your children, they are already really harming you so it is too late as in the case of cuba and venezuela.

This is a warning to all those people who live in developed countries and who believe that they have not had the best opportunities, do not be fooled, no one is going to see for you, they only use you to get to power.

Tell me in the comments if your country is populist, lives populist processes or there are populist politicians.

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