in hive-198626 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello lovely people, greetings to you all. Today I'll be making a post about the Sea Otter. Do have a good time reading.

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The sea otter (Enhydra lutris) is an adorable marine mammal which comes from the Eastern and northern region of the Pacific ocean. They're part of the smallest sized marine mammals, an adult one can weigh about 14kg to 45kg, thus making them the heaviest mammal in the weasel family. They have the ability to work on land but prefer to live completely in the ocean. The feed on some marine invertibrates such as; Crustaceans, Mullusks, Sea urchins and some fish species.

images (9).jpegThe Sea utter feeding
But unfortunately for these mammals whose numbers were once estimated at 150,000 and 300,00, they have extensively been hunted between the year 1741 and 1911 for their furs and their population dropped to between 1,000 and 2,000. They're now considered endangered species. In other to avoid extinction of the sea otters, hunting bans and restrictions have been placed against hunting them.

images (8).jpegThe sea otter and it's adorable child

The Sea Otter's Fur

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Most aquatic mammals who live in cold waters do have thick blubber layers under their skin which helps in keeping them warm. But the sea otter's case is quite different, it's insulation method depends on it's thick fur coat.
The Sea otter has a denser fur more than anyother mammal, It has about one million hairs per square meter inch(155,00 per sq cm). Each time the otter swims, it's hair traps air layers close to it's body. The air acts as an insulator, stopping the cold water from making direct contact with the otter's skin.
Scientists have taken time to make researches and conducted experiments with artificial fur coats, considering factors such as; The hair length and the hair spacing.
The scientists therefore came to a conclusion after their research that, the denser and longer hairs/furs there is, the more water repellent the hairy surface will be.

Thank you for reading.

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Hola amigo muy buena información de la nutria marina, me alegra informarte que has pasado la verficacion, eres Kid Verificado, pero igual seguirás siendo investigado para confirmar tu identidad.

Saludos Cordiales

Soy @jesusbar23 Moderador De La Comunidad Cryptokids


#affable #venezuela

Amigo excelente información sobre la nutria su piel es gruesa para soportar el frio