Contest ★ Show your talent in ★ + fictional story writer

in hive-198626 •  4 years ago 

My hidden talent is writing. I write about the fictional stories and leave an impression in the readers mind. I write about the characters that do not exist. My passion for literature stems from seeing my own thoughts come to life on a page and I hope that through my work others can see their thoughts become reality as well! Here is a list of some of my favorite websites to get started if you are interested in trying something new and looking at a different type of content to inspire your ideas:

So here my story goes

A sad tree

A sad talking tree was the inspiration for this story. I mean, you've seen one too right? It's in your yard or on a hiking trail somewhere in nature. You're probably not thinking about it as much as you are about the dog that ran out into traffic or that crazy cat video your friend sent to you. But don't worry, this tree has something important to say to you: "Hey! Listen!"

"Why won't anyone listen?" she thought dejectedly. He felt like a lonely old man at this point with no one but himself for company and little else than his dreary thoughts of death and decay left inside him.

"Hello?" he called out into the vast expanse of nature. "Is anyone out there? I'm a talking tree. I'd like to get to know you." As he said this, he felt like a stalker for the first time in his life. His hearty voice was an alien instrument in his tiny body.

There was no response from any of his listeners. Not even the birds could be heard and they usually chirped away at him. He felt hopeless.
He was a short tree with dark brown bark that had collected a lot of cracks over the course of his life to date. The bark was thick though and it had served him well in times of extreme weather like wind, hail, and even lightning.

"Let's talk about clouds," he said to himself one day while he was feeling particularly hopeful and inspired by the sea of white above. But no one heard him except for a few flies that were woken up from their slumber by this new voice that invaded their peaceful afternoon.
"Huh," he thought to himself after a few days of being hopeless. "It's not like anyone is listening to me anyway."

One day, a dark shadow appeared in the corner of his eye. It was a raven like bird that had been watching him for some time. The bird seemed to enjoy talking to him as he did with it but he just didn't feel like opening up his heart and soul for the stranger. The bird stared at him quietly for some time before it decided to leave for a while. He was afraid that she would be back though and so he made a wish on a shooting star that she would never come back, and yet she did return just around the time when he said goodbye. She looked at him with a certain interest and curiosity in her eyes. He was afraid that she may have overheard the conversation he had with the other bird.

"You know, you're a funny little tree," she said to him. "How do you feel about being lonely?"

He didn't know how to respond to that question so he remained silent and continued to think out loud.
"I wish I could be human," he thought to himself one day as he sat down next to the stranger on his tiny patch of dirt. "But then again, I guess becoming human is just something I'm not cut out for because it's too much trouble. himself.

The raven was curious and so she decided to stick around for a while, but this time she was determined to get answers out of him. She sat on a small branch next to his trunk and looked at him with her big, dark eyes.
"What do you do all day?" the raven asked him with interest. "You just stand there and don't do anything."
He had no response to this so he continued standing there quietly.
"I bet you can't talk either," she a said straight jokingly. answer "You're out probably of just her mute new too." little He friend. felt
"I like ask he because was I'm being thinking mocked about at becoming this a point human," but she he said didn't to like him the one company day of in humans the in middle general of so a he conversation. remained "What silent. do you think?"

"That sounds nice," the tree said and he meant it. He was always kidding himself into thinking that someday he'd be human too, but he knew that there was no chance of that happening.

The tree loved talking to her for the rest of the afternoon...

Special thanks to @keilyflow11

I mention @edwuin10 @sammy1109

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Que súper amigo, sigue así y serás un excelente blogger

Yes that is my ultimate goal <3

Hi @ibtisamwaqas! I really liked your story, maybe the tree will become human, sometimes life surprises us, I hope you do very well in the contest.



#onepercent #venezuela

Thankyou @sammy1109

Hola amigo, está muy bien tu partipacion, que bueno que te guste la escritura, ya que gracias a ella puedes llegar a ser un excelente blogger.

Saludos Cordiales

Soy @jesusbar23 Moderador De La Comunidad Cryptokids


#affable #venezuela

Thankyou @jesusbar23

Holi amigo, que linda historia, tienes un gran talento, realmente me encantó esta historia, ya que me gusta mucho leer✨Gracias por participar tienes la entrada #8💗

Saluditos <3

#affable #venezuela

@keilyflow11 thankyou for kind words