[ENG/DEU/ESP] Competition series | Your greatest idol | Dein größtes Idol | Su mayor ídolo

in hive-199722 •  3 years ago 

Please read the rules and comment on other entries

Announcement of the winner Short and Painless | Worst Music Video & description of the new competition.

New rule - the winner will now always be decided by @greece-lover. Unfortunately, the last winners were always given to members from the same country and I also think there are some people with many accounts here.

Announcement of the winner from this competition is on 13 Febuar 14 h time zone CEST | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

The winner from the worst music video contest | is | @khaled.adnan with his comment PIKOTARO - PPAP (Pen Pineapple Apple Pen)

Here you will find a small series of competitions that only run for 3 days. Here you don't have to write extra posts, but you can participate in the comment field below the post

At the request of @greece-lover the theme of this competition is

Your biggest idol

Who is an idol for you? Whether it's a musician, an actor or even a politician. Say with a few words why exactly this person is and post a link to a video or Wikipedia entry

And again, you can do this easily without getting up :)

For this contest (as for all others) @steemchiller will sponsor the contest and the winner will get a 100% vote (about 1,5 STU $ !) from him. Thanks a lot for that !

From now on, there will be several small competitions here every week, where you can simply participate in the comment field. I will find some sponsors who will then always reward the winner in the form of a vote. Surely one or the other will get a higher vote

I hope you will enjoy this little competition series and that some of you will take part in it. You are also welcome to suggest a competition, which I will then post here for you.

Es wäre schön, wenn auch unsere schnell wachsende Community von Steemit inc. und den @steemcurator01 gelegentlich unterstützt werden würde. So könnten wir unsere Mitglieder auch etwas angemessener belohnen.


Bitte die Regeln durchlesen und kommentiert auch andere Beiträge.

Bekanntgabe des Gewinners Kurz und Schmerzlos | schlechteste Musikvideo & Beschreibung des neuen Wettbewerbs

Neue Regel - der Gewinner wird jetzt immer von @greece-lover bestimmt. Leider wurden die letzten Gewinner immer an Mitglieder aus demselben Land vergeben und ich denke auch, dass hier einige Personen mit vielen Accounts mitmachen.

Bekanntgabe des Gewinners aus diesem Wettbewerb ist am 13. Febuar 14 Uhr Zeitzone MESZ | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

Der Gewinner aus dem Wettbewerb schlechteste Musikvideo | ist | @khaled.adnan mit seinem Kommentar PIKOTARO - PPAP (Pen Pineapple Apple Pen)

Hier findet ihr eine kleine Reihe von Wettbewerben die immer nur 3 Tage laufen. Hier müssen auch keine extra Beiträge geschrieben werden, sondern, man kann im Kommentarfeld unter dem Beitrag teilnehmen.

Auf Wunsch von @greece-lover ist das Thema von diesem Wettbewerb

Dein größtes Idol

Wer ist für dich ein Idol? Egal, ob es ein Musiker ist, ein Schauspieler oder gar ein Politiker. Sage mit ein paar Wörtern warum genau diese Person das ist und veröffentliche einen Link zu einem Video oder Wikipedia Eintrag.

Und auch diesmal geht das locker vom Hocker, ohne aufzustehen :)

Bei diesem Wettbewerb (so wie bei allen weiteren übernimmt @steemchiller die Patenschaft und der Gewinner bekommt ein 100 % Vote ( ca. 1,5 STU $ !)von ihm. Vielen Dank dafür !

Es wird ab jetzt hier jede Woche mehrere kleine Wettbewerbe geben, wo ihr im Kommentarfeld einfach mitmachen könnt. Ich werde einige Sponsoren auftreiben die dann immer in Form von Vote den Gewinner belohnen. Sicherlich wird der ein oder andere dann auch einmal ein höheres Vote bekommen.

Ich hoffe, euch macht diese kleine Wettbewerbsreihe viel Freude und es nehmen auch einige von euch daran Teil. Gerne könnt auch ihr einen Wettbewerb vorschlagen, den ich dann hier für euch einstelle.


Por favor, lee las reglas y comenta las otras entradas

Anuncio del ganador Corto e indoloro | Peor vídeo musical y descripción del nuevo concurso.

Nueva regla - El ganador será ahora siempre decidido por @greece-lover. Desgraciadamente, los últimos ganadores siempre fueron dados a miembros del mismo país y también creo que hay algunas personas con muchas cuentas aquí.

El anuncio del ganador de este concurso es el 13 de febrero a las 14 h zona horaria CEST | https://www.timeanddate.de/uhrzeit/ |

El ganador del peor video musical del concurso | es |@khaled.adnan** con su comentario PIKOTARO - PPAP (Pen Pineapple Apple Pen)

Aquí encontrarás una pequeña serie de concursos que sólo duran 3 días. Aquí no tienes que escribir posts adicionales, pero puedes participar en el campo de comentarios debajo del post

A petición de @greece-lover el tema de este concurso es

Tu mayor ídolo

¿Quién es un ídolo para ti? Ya sea un músico, un actor o incluso un político. Di con unas palabras por qué es exactamente esa persona y pon un enlace a un vídeo o a una entrada de Wikipedia

Y de nuevo, puedes hacerlo fácilmente sin levantarte :)

Para este concurso (como para todos los demás) @steemchiller patrocinará el concurso y el ganador obtendrá un voto del 100% (¡aproximadamente 1,5 STU $!) de su parte. Muchas gracias por ello

A partir de ahora, habrá varios concursos pequeños aquí cada semana, donde simplemente se puede participar en el campo de comentarios. Encontraré algunos patrocinadores que luego premiarán siempre al ganador en forma de voto. Seguramente uno u otro tendrá más votos

Espero que os guste esta pequeña serie de concursos y que algunos de vosotros participéis en ella. También sois bienvenidos a sugerir un concurso, que luego publicaré aquí para vosotros.

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Hola amigos me gustan estos diria yo mini concursos, en esta oportunidad es sobre nuestros Idolos.
Mi idolo en un gran cantante Jon Bon Jovi, cantante estadounidense, de varios generos musicales: rock, heavy metal, tambien toca el piano y la guitarra.
No siempre fue cantante, su primer tarbajo fue portero, esmpezo a cantar a los 15 años. Su mejor decada fueron los '80, creo su propio grupo BON JOVI.
Me gusta que puede cantar sus canciones en un español, tambien es actor, tambien ha sido benefactor de muchas obras de caridad. Es lo que mas me gusta de el.
Hello friends, I like these mini contests, this time it's about our Idols.
My idol in a great singer Jon Bon Jovi, American singer, of various musical genres: rock, heavy metal, also plays piano and guitar.
He was not always a singer, his first job was a janitor, he started singing at the age of 15. His best decade was the '80s, he created his own band BON JOVI.
I like that he can sing his songs in Spanish, he is also an actor, he has also been a benefactor of many charities. That's what I like the most about him.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Thanks to you for your support, I will see the other publications.

Da fällt mir spontan Desmond Doss ein, der wohl bekannteste Siebentagsadventist nach Ellen G. White.


Doss diente auf seine Weise im zweiten Weltkrieg, verband Glauben und Patriotismus auf beeindruckende Weise und klagte gegen alle Schikanen, Anfeindungen und jeden Widerstand sein Recht ein "ohne Waffe" an die Front zu gehen.

Als Sanitäter blieb der damals noch junge Christ seinem Vorsatz treu, niemals das 6. Gebot (Du sollst nicht töten) zu brechen, überlebte wie durch ein Wunder trotz fehlender Waffe den gesamten Weltkrieg und rettete in der Schlacht von Okinawa 75 bereits abgeschriebenen Kameraden das Leben, dazu noch ein paar Japanern, die er neben Verwundeten allein hinter den feindlichen Linien vorfand (Stichwort: Feindesliebe).

Mir fallen nur wenige Glaubenshelden der modernen Zeit ein, die "gegen" den Zeitgeist und dem daraus resultierenden Gegenwind ihren Überzeugungen stets treu blieben und damit für Millionen von Menschen zum Vorbild wurden, darum schien mir dieser Mann und sein positives Beispiel für "Christlichen Fundamentalismus" die perfekte Wahl für diesen Beitrag zu sein, wenn ich mich schon auf eines meiner Idole festlegen muss.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

I have always admired Siwon Choi not just because he is a korean Idol but he's also the Unicef Regional East Asia Ambassador 💙 I first saw him wayback 2009 and I immediately like him, I don't know just a gut feeling but when I saw how he treats his production staff i idolize him eversince. Also he's so talented God fearing and A very good actor 💙💙https://www.unicef.org/eap/siwon-choi-appointed-unicef-regional-ambassador



Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

mein größes dol ist,war und bleibt meine mama-

sie zeigte mir alles was ich brauche zum leben

respekt vor mensch und tier
mit geld umzugegen
liebevoller umgang

und vieles mehr

die mama ist die erste person im leben und begleitet dich-

und meine mama ist für mich heute immernoch mein idol
ich schaue gerne zu ihr um was zu erfahren

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Ismail ibn Musa Menk, also known as Mufti Menk. A Zimbabwean Islamic Scholar and teaches internationally.


Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Mi ídolo es el futbolista Isco Alarcón.


Entrada en Wikipedia

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Mamba for life ☝️

Muy triste su partida, pero sera recordado por siempre.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

My father was a big fan of Tim Duncan when I was a child and it also grew on me. When it comes to basketball he is my idol. A humble and one of the greatest player of all time.For me he is the real Goat.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Spurs will never be the same 🏆

Kwame Nkrumah. He was a Ghanaian politician, political theorist, and revolutionary.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

The Prophet Muhammad

At the age of forty, Muhammad received his first revelation from God through the Angel Gabriel. The revelations continued for twenty-three years, and they are collectively known as the Quran

The Prophet Muhammad was a perfect example of an honest, just, merciful, compassionate, truthful, and brave human being. Though he was a man, he was far removed from all evil characteristics and strove solely for the sake of God and His reward in the Hereafter. Moreover, in all his actions and dealings, he was ever mindful and fearful of God


Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

My hero


Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Zayn malik;

The person whom i got all inspiration from!

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !


My greatest idol is Elon Musk. He is a man I respect and look up to because of his contribution to human development. He started SpaceX in 2002, and that revolutionised space exploration. He is also the CEO of Tesla, Inc. A company that changes the way we see electric car. In 2016 he also co-founded Neuralink, a neurotechnology company. Elon musk is the front runner when it comes to human development. And that is exactly what we need right now as a race. We need to keep on developing to have a chance against the next big plague.

An article about Elon Musk on Wikipedia

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

John Kofi Agyekum Kufuor, who is a Ghanaian politician who served as the President of Ghana from 7 January 2001 to 7 January 2009.


Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Mahatma Gandhi my ideal

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !


He is my idol
Addul Sattar Edhi
Abdul Sattar Edhi, Known As 'Pakistan's Mother Teresa.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Lady Diana


De pequeña pense que solo las princesas eran las de los cuentos, pero no en la realidad hay muchas una de ellas Lady Diana, aunque fallecio hace muchos años, antes de yo nacer, pero mi mama la admira mucho, de ahi senti la curiosidad de conocer sobre ella.

La llaman la princesa del pueblo, la pincesa triste, fue feliz porque tuvo sus hijos aun que no era feliz e esa vida de realeza, ya que no tenia como vida propia.

Rompio el protocolo a divorciarse, pero decidio ser feliz aunque le duro poco.

Participo en muchas obras de caridad en favor de los niños con hambre, con sida, mucho mas.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

My greatest idol is @ngoenyi. She doesn't only inspire me but motivate me. Steemit is not an easy to be at first especially when you are just coming into the picture as a newbie. I was once in that shoe last year but my idol was always there to attend to my questions and give me listening ear. Few days ago, i was a year old on this platform and this platform has not only blessed me but I found companion through steemit.


Check her blog and you will that she doings. Love you ma.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Okay...nice contest all the same, i will drop my entry soonest.

Cristiano Ronaldo.......

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

I know he died so early and had a breakdown from all the suffering he encountered in his life but he found the best of life midst the suffering and overcame it.Existentialism was one of the best philosophy as a human.What will a human choose if he-she doesnt have a religion that dictates his morals?

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Mi ídolo es uno de los mejores boxeadores de a historia y tan bien un gran cantante de rap, boxeador numero 1 libra por libra en su tiempo, para mi un guerrero completo veloz, fuerte, preciso con un excelente juego de pie demostró ser de los veloces de la historia del boxeo.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Dr.Fe Delmundo, she is the inventor of incubator but she didn't patented it, first woman Harvard medical student because they thought that she was a guy😅.Dedicated her life to helping children in the field Pediatrics and a lot more. She died serving people up until the very end.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Mother Teresa

She devoted her life to the human kind.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

Paul Walker


Desde que lo vi en su primera pelicula de Rapidos y Furiosos, las he visto todas, y me entristecio mucho, cuando supe de su muerte en un accidente automovilistico, algo que en las peliculas nunca le paso, que cosas no.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

images (1).jpeg


indeed, he is a person to be inspired with

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

A musician✅Mujahid Ahmed Bello known by his stage name Fancy Gadam, is a Ghanaian afropop, dancehall and reggae melodic craftsman. In 2017 he won Ghana Music Awards for Best New Artist and in 2020 was named Best Afrobeat Entertainer at the International Reggae and World Music Awards.

Thank you for your participation - here are the new competitions from 14 February. There is always a higher vote to win + a small vote for your participation.

Competition series |best western before 1980

Word search Game

greece-lover's picture puzzle

New daily - Picture of the day

New daily - Joke or funny story of the day

New daily - Music Box | It's Time for Music !

And what about those who haven't any idol 🤔

they are waiting for the next competition :)

Ok then 🙂

Wendy shay. A musician