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Do Cross check and make the links duration to be to infinity.
It has expired @innerhive

Ya me uní a su Discordia.

¡Mucha suerte!

Your designs look great! 👍

it is really nice, following you


Nice work guys, and congratulations!!!



thanks a lot for your support !!!
Torture the data and it will confess to anything .
*Ben Goldacre*

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unless stated otherwise, you receive these because you voted on a @goldmanmorgan post


Ini sangat Bagus tuan.. Saya juga baru saja siap memposting tentang hive, lihat di blog saya,, saya suka itu... Salam dari saya, steemian di Aceh.. Semoga ini sukses dan berjalan dengan lancar

Your post is good and useful for me

  ·  4 years ago 

Thanks for your information. But I've no idea why I am included in the blacklist of hive. I'm a blogger on steem for 3 years. Though I have 5000+ steempower, I do not get any airdrop. Could you please give more details about how to change my current situation? Many thanks!!

This is my first time hearing about hive and you have my full support! How do I switch over? I tried loginning in on hive but it wouldn't let me with my steem name and password

This is my first time hearing about hive and you have my full support! How do I switch over? I tried loginning in on hive but it wouldn't let me with my steem name and password

su link de discord está expirado, pueden mandarlo de nuevo??

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment