UKRAINE and RUSSIA, Main Stream Media, and Political Double SpeaksteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Wait, #Russia is known to have Government News #Monopoly, with a rule against printing misinformation and thats Bad,

Ukraine nationalized all news and essentially completely propagandizes the #MEDIA all around the country and places it into the hands of his x TV producer and thats GOOD? but #Zelensky Merges All Ukrainian TV Outlets Into one Singular Platform to ‘Tell the Truth About the War,’ Suspends Privately-Owned Media Companies

The #RUSSIANS take over businesses that closed up shop and threw all their employees in the #unemployment starvation line and we are told that because the Russians might continue these companies businesses but through Russian ownership rather than foreign ownership, even revoking their copyright rights within Russia, and we are told that this is BAD. P> BUT

#Ukraine intends to nationalize Russian-owned companies, not companies that have abandoned their assets or closed their doors necessarily, but rather because they are RUSSIAN owned. To this end they put up A bill to #nationalize the property of Russian companies and banks in Ukraine for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada. The author of the document is People's Deputy Roman Zvarych from the Petro #Poroshenko Bloc faction. And for some reason American media says that this is GOOD.


#Switzerland, a Country that was neutral during WW1 and WW2, and every other conflict since 1815 has chosen sides and placed sanctions on Russia that they refused to place on #NAZIS , and thats GOOD?

In fact, the oldest living land animal, Johnathan the 182 year old born in 1832, Aldabra giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) living On the island of St. Helena in the southern Atlantic Ocean, would be 17 years younger than the neutrality status of Switzerland, which was established by the Treaty of Paris in 1815)

When Russian secret service agents seized millions of dollars of Swiss luxury watches from #Audemars Piguet in apparent retaliation against sanctions it is declared a BAD thing.

Could it be that the Russians were turning a blind eye to under the table dealings or customs violations by the Swiss, but because of the Swiss violation of the Second Treaty of Paris that Russia is simply not going to put up with Swiss Corruption anymore?

The UKRAINE under Zelensky suspended 11 opposition political parties, including one which has 44 seats in the 450-seat Ukrainian parliament. and we are Told by the monopolized state media in Ukraine that this is GOOD and American political figures who would ordinarily be outraged Applaud on the congressional floors surrounded by our tax payor funded tapestries.

BUT when RUSSIA does essentially the same thing, from imprisoning political foes to accusing opposition leaders of fraud and corruption they are used as examples of oppression.
Let us not even look into the ignoring of the political unrest that swept through American streets and was ignored by Governors and those on the Democratic side of our own corrupt political (and might I add unconstitutional) system.

It is ALL BAD. That is the point! ALL of it, it is without any attempt at Christian Charity of Biblical Lawful resolution.
Zelensky is NOT NOT NOT a good-guy, and as far as I can tell neither is Putin. The Biggest difference between them for media purposes only ,seems to be that the PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL and MORALLY Standard-less WEST has a hard time with Russia and their positions on more conservative moral issues.

Could i be that there are natural minerals in the UKRAINE such as Lithium, Tin, Copper, uranium, that the west wants and Russia wants?
Could there actually be some communists in Russia and some Fascists in the Ukraine?
Could it be that multinational big pharma are doing things that the WEST does not want anyone to know about and that Russia has a problem with?
Is it possible that Hunter Bidden's laptop and dealings in the Ukraine have anything to do with Biden's decision?
What does the Pope think?
Why are atrocities around the world ignored while this issue in the UKRAINE are on every front page


If Another nation wants the USA Support, we should send them a Copy of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, give them time to fill in their own names where ever it mentions the United States of America, let them ponder it over or a little while with a copy of the Federalist and anti federalist papers and a copy of "the law". Have them sign and date said document and rearrange their messed up systems accordingly, and apply for loan again.

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