Hazrat Abdul Qadir jailani رضہ اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ

in hkniazi •  7 years ago 

Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jailani says that
Allah is All-Knower of all things, and He is All-Wise, All-Knowing, All-Knowing, All-Knowing, All-Knowing, All-Knowing, All-Wise. Tilt neck in front of the destiny, not to interfere with the power, why did it happen? Happened ? When happened To keep silent from such objections and to remain silent in your fears and tricks, it is worthy of a slave, and the proof of all these things is Abdullah bin Abbas, the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , I say, I was riding on the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), suddenly you told me: O boy! Protecting Allah, protecting God, God will protect you, then keep your eye on Allah, He will find it in front of you, when you ask questions from God, and ask for help, ask for God, write what is happening. It has become dry, if all the creatures should be gathered and try to convey that which is not in your control, they will not be able to do this, and in the same manner, if all the world will try to harm you, but Allaah If there is no harm for you in the Hereafter, then nothing will harm you. Then, if you can do righteous deeds with the truth, then do it, and know well that patience Fruits are always sweet after sweet and sad ".... It is important for every Muslim to make this hadeeth a mirror of a mirror and a manifestation of all kinds of things. Keep in mind all the hadeeth in this movement, so that the worldly and lasting offenses are true and the deserving of mercy in both worlds. Find out
(Fateh al-Awayd, article 42)

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