Kathy Hochul is no improvement on Cuomo.

in hochul •  3 years ago 


I don't know if I can definitively say that Kathy Hochul is as bad or worse than Cuomo was; but, I see no indication that she's an improvement.

After the act of abject evil in Buffalo, her response was to attack core values through bad logic, nonsensical political rhetoric, lies, and an awful understanding of law unbecoming of someone with a law degree.

It should never be forgotten that the "falsy shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater" line that she echoed was said by Oliver Wendell Holmes in justifying the Sedition Act and sending two Yiddish-speaking socialists for voicing the opinion that the military draft during WWII was a violation of the 13th Amendment. That decision has since been overturned. There's nothing in current constitutional law that would allow the government to hold individuals, nor social media companies legally liable for hateful, racist, or otherwise vile speech.

Of course, it's a useful lie for charlatans like her on the left to pretend that racism is exclusively a right-wing phenomenon. The shooter's statements mirror those of the Christchurch shooter. He's a radical environmentalist. His anti-immigration views are built around bad environmentalist ideas. It's bad enough to support unconstitutional laws without attempting to justify those laws through lies.

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