Facing the Inquisition

in holocaust-inquisition •  6 years ago 

This document is about proving that 'Holocaust denial' laws represent a RELIGIOUS INQUISITION and have NO basis in conventional LAW. The ONLY precedent for the proceedings taken against 'Holocaust Deniers' are those of the INQUSITION. In other words RELIGIOUS courts. And Courts Martial. Military courts, such as that convened at Nuremberg. UNDER MILITARY OCCUPATION. So the 'Holocaust Denial' trials PROVE BEYOND DOUBT that we are living in OCCUPIED nations. Living under MILITARY OCCUPATION and living under RELIGIOUS RULE, exposed to ARBITRARY laws based on RELIGIOUS DOGMAS and 'articles of faith', rather than reason, science, and the conventions of LEGAL JUSTICE with precedents going back to the Magna Carta, and concepts of 'Habeus Corpus' and LEGAL justice in the interests of the COMMUNITY.

Currently it is a crime to attempt to argue AGAINST that RELIGIOUS DOGMA known as 'The Holocaust'.

THIS is the flag that MUST attract your attention, and interrogation. WHY do we have an INQUISITION in operation? Why is a government supposedly 'for the people, by the people' IMPOSING RELIGIOUS DOGMA upon us? And carrying out an INQUISITION and punishing 'HERETICS', using the term 'Historical Revisionist' and 'Holocaust Denier' in place of the traditional epithet 'Heretic' and 'Apostate'?

Religious dogma is all 'hearsay'. Usually NOT admissible in a court of law. Religious 'articles of faith' are merely statements made by some persons, or published in some mechanical form. Someone wrote 'X' and others said 'X' and YOU 'believed' 'X'. THAT is hearsay. Not based upon the evidence of your own senses. Not empirical. Not scientific. Not reasonable. You merely HEARD or READ something somewhere, usually repeatedly, from 'significant others' and 'authorities' with high social status and prestige, and adopted that idea yourself. As a BELIEF. And you ARE free to believe in ANYTHING you like. However in a court of law the mere fact that you BELIEVE something to be true, is NOT considered EVIDENCE that it IS true.

I will state here a FACT that few people are aware of. All the 'credible' 'eyewitnesses' to 'The Holocaust' NEVER stated they had SEEN with their own eyes a single 'gas chamber' or 'oven'. They merely stated they BELIEVED and thus 'KNEW' their loved ones had been killed in this way, because they had been separated from them, never seen them again, and had been WARNED that this would happen, and TOLD that this HAD happened, by their OWN 'Jewish' authorities. They ADMIT this openly, in the Shoah interviews. But few people ever get to THAT point in the interview where this admission is made. And those 'eyewitnesses' who DID claim to have 'seen with their own eyes' gas chambers and ovens, and people being gassed and cremated, totally discredit their own testimony by making wildy contradictory, physically impossible, claims about WHAT they were 'eyewitnesses' to. So ALL the supposed 'eyewitness testimony' finally reduces to hearsay, with is NOT usually admissible in a court of law as evidence.

Now you should be free to 'know in your heart' that 'the trinity' is real and factual. That any 'god' of your choice is real. That any 'prophet' of your choice is 'the one prophet of this god'. That a particular miracle WAS performed by your choice of prophet or god. THAT is called 'freedom of religion'. But you are NOT allowed, under law, to FORCE ANOTHER PERSON TO BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE. And this is EXACTLY what 'Holocaust Denial' laws DO.

Firstly, no-one can claim that 'The Holocaust' is NOT deeply connected with a particular RELIGION. The people supposedly victimised by 'The Holocaust' were ALL defined by their RELIGION. It was a case of RELIGIOUS persecution. There is NO 'biological' basis for the epithet 'Jew' that can be defined, that 'covers' the 'Jewish' community that became the victim of Nazi policies of internment and forced labor of 'Jews'. It was NEVER a question of 'race', except in the propaganda, which Hitler freely admitted was fiction, and NEVER himself BELIEVED.

The group that prosecuted the Nazi's were all defined by their 'Jewishness'. 'Jews' 'enlisted' and put on U.S military uniforms to prosecute Germans at Nurember. They had NOT served in the U.S military. They were NOT U.S military personel. The 'judges' flown in were 'Jewish'. The men who tortured Germans to gain 'confessions' were 'Jewish'. The Soviet Commisars who 'liberated' the work camps were 'Jewish'. The Soviets who MODIFIED a temporary morgue and bomb shelter to APPEAR AS IF IT HAD BEEN USED AS A GAS CHAMBER were 'Jewish'. Most of the Soviet leaders in Russia, and Soviet occupied Eastern-Bloc, were 'Jewish'. From Marx, to Lenin, to all the leading power brokers, heads of the secret police, heads of the KGB, heads of the Communist Party, were 'Jewish'. FACTS. If someone 'denies' these, then do your OWN research. This is the REAL 'denial' and 'Historical revisionism' in the perjorative sense, that has been going on. 'The Holocaust' IS the ultimate in 'Historical revisionism', using that term in the perjorative, to refer to a FAKING and FALSIFICATION of history.

What I am doing is ESTABLISHING THE RELIGIOUS NATURE of 'Holocaust denial' laws and 'The Holocaust' narrative. Written by a closed group with a close RELIGIOUS affiliation, who define THEMSELVES according to their shared RELIGIOUS affiliations, shared RELIGIOUS beliefs, shared RELIGION, and shared RELIGION-BASED cultural heritage and background and social conditioning. We are dealing with a set of factors with ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR. The RELIGION known as 'Judaism'. And so 'The Holocaust' narrative is a RELIGIOUS myth, similar to any other 'story' in 'The Torah' or 'Talmud'. RELIGIOUS documents. RELIGIOUS myths. RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. RELIGIOUS DOGMAS.

'The Holocaust' is one of the latest STORIES to be added to the rest of the RELIGIOUS CANON of the 'Jews'. A more recent addition to the TORAH. Which the official '911' myth is another example of. We are dealing with RELIGIOUS DOGMAS. Pure hearsay. MOTIVATED BY RELIGIOUS motives.

Just as 'historical' as any OTHER RELIGIOUS MYTH, from that describing Odin hanging on the world-tree, to Jesus coming back to life after HIS crucifixion, ACCORDING TO HEARSAY, the 'hearsay' of 'The Gospels' or the Nordic religious traditions / sagas.

ALL of these narratives are the product of RELGIOUS DOGMA and promoted by RELIGIOUS authorities.They deal with matters of FAITH and RELIGIOUS BELIEF and DOGMA.

Thus we are dealing with an INQUISITION. Thus we have evidence of the OCCUPATION of our nations BY the RELIGIOUS CULT that is carrying out this INQUISITION. Just as the Catholic Church carried out ITS 'Spanish INQUISITION'. Refusing to admit ANY scientific evidence into the trials. Simply ASSERTING something as 'LEGAL FACT'. Such as the LEGAL FACT that Jesus was the son of god, born to a virgin, who was crucified, killed, but came back to life, and then ascended to heaven, where he rejoined his father, God, who was also HIM. That 'the trinity' was FACT. That the 'resurrection' was FACT. That anyone who DENIED THESE FACTS was a criminal. And must be punished. The 'TRIAL' having a mere forgone conclusion. You either ADMITTED you were LYING about the FACT that Jesus rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven, or were tortured UNTIL you ADMITTED this FACT.

Just as today I would be tortured, by the 'modern' methods, until I 'confessed' that 'The Holocaust' happened. Just like the Germans tortured before the Nuremberg trial, threatened with the torture, the starvation to death, of their loved ones, if they would not 'confess' to whatever the 'Jews' torturing them demanded they 'admit'.

I promise you that I am among the most conscientious people who have ever lived. I would NOT lightly 'deny' 'The Holocaust', not just because of the personal costs involved, but as a matter of principle. For MY religion is philosophy. Which I define as the honest QUEST for truth and justice for all sentient beings.

Which brings me to my legal position. I consider 'Holcaust denial' laws to be UNLAWFUL in denying ME freedom to practise MY religion. As a form of 'vilification' and 'incitement' of me, and against me, and MY RELIGION.

If the worst possible cult, the Cult of Judah, has legal protection for its openly expressed ambitions to rule this world, and enslave us all, then surely MY religion must have at least as much legal protection? A religion of peace, justice, truth, honesty, compassion, meritocracy, and creativity?


Remember that most 'Jews' are as much a victim, and potential victim, as the rest of us. King Herod the Great tried to destroy this terrorist organisation, and emancipate his 'Jewish' people from their despicable ideology, and 'Hellenise' them, which is what the Cult Priests call 'persecution', and which reasonable people call 'assimilation'. For 'assimilation' is the WORST possible outcome in the eyes of the Cult leaders. It deprives THEM of Cult slaves. 6 million of whom, in Israel, the Cult plans to offer as the REAL 'Holocaust', a 'burned offering' to their REAL god, their OWN ambitions.

YOU have to help me and yourselves, whether 'Jew' or otherwise, by disseminating this document as far and wide as possible, BEFORE I am called before the INQUISITION. Otherwise it will NOT submit to the rule of law, and will continue AS an INQUISITION, assuming the arbitrary right to make LEGALLY BINDING rulings enforceable by the violence of the the state. I would NOT, under usual 'Holocaust denial' process / procedure / trial, be allowed to make the points I am making here, and to insist upon a LAWFUL process in which I AM allowed to justify my claims as to the ABSENCE of PROOF, and thus to disprove, legally, the veracity of 'The Holocaust' official narrative. For we ARE dealing with an Inquisition, and my only hope for us is that I have this point LEGALLY acknowledged, so that we can END the inquisition, and deal with 'hate speech' and 'vilification' and 'incitement' laws as we would any OTHER matter of law. Namely by giving the accused the right to attempt to PROVE the veracity of THEIR statements. By giving the accused the chance to DEFEND THEMSELVES against the FACTUAL basis of the State's charges.

You have to get your head around what I'm trying to express here, and formulate your OWN legal arguments, as if the Cult of Judah believe I might actually GET a 'fair trial', they would simply bypass the entire LEGAL attack on myself, to silence me, by inventing some DIFFERENT charges, or simply 'accidenting' me, even 'suciding' me. I will state here that I decided against suicide aged 19. I did have a vasectomy. But I decided I would endure this life, seeking truth and justice for all sentient beings, for as long as I was naturally 'Markus', and not 'escape' this world of cruelty and horror to simply 'avoid suffering'. So I state that I have NO intention of killing myself. If I am found dead, it will NOT have been the result of my own volition. But most likely the result of my attempts to 'free us, and 'the jews' from the Cult of Judah, and to bring truth and justice to all sentient beings.

Currently the INQUISITION simply ASSUMES 'The Holocaust' is historical fact. And thus anyone who would REVISE / Update / Correct 'The Holocaust' narrative, to bring it more in line with what CAN be demonstrated, proven, documented, compellingly argued / justified based on real 'evidence' [other than mere hearsay which is NOT usually admissible in court i.e 'I heard someone say that, and I believed them, and still believe them, therefore it MUST be true/factual', which DOES describe the bulk of what passes for 'Holocaust evidence' under the current Inquisition, which began publically with 'The Nuremberg trials'. You should inform yourself about what was 'taken as legally PROVEN' at those trials, to get a real 'taste' for how absurd the accusations, and CONVICTIONS, in fact were.

I forced myself out of bed at 5am on sunday, an 'unholy' hour, to pursue MY religion, that of the quest for truth, justice, and freedom for all sentient beings, after going to bed way past midnight...for fear that these compelling arguments/ideas might not be available to me when I woke at a 'reasonable' hour...nothing related to 'holocaust denial laws' IS reasonable...so at least this is consistent.

I write this as a legal submission, as if currently in court. At any moment I could be kidnapped, legally, and held hostage by the Cult of Judah occupation government legal institutions, at the mercy of 'state violence', simply for having expressed arguments that are based in fact, logical, coherent, well intended, expressions of my natural goodwill towards all sentient beings and desire to seek truth and justice for all sentient beings, compelling arguments in the true philosophical sense, and even compelling 'legal' arguments in the legal sense, though I have no legal training, and may be being very naive when I assume that any FACTUAL or SCIENTIFIC argument might be found 'compelling' in the LEGAL context. For we ARE dealing with an institution set up BY the Cult of Judah, and operated BY the Cult of Judah, to serve IT's own narrowly defined ends, ambitions, and interests.

I need to have people volunteer to translate this document into other foreign languages, stating in their 'translation' that they should refer to the original in english, to clarify anything, and that I personally do NOT accept liability for any incorrect translations, or their content, and only take responsibility for where I have response-ability, namely for the contents of this english version which I am writing, barely able to focus my eyes after waking up with these ideas from a disturbed sleep, and a potential migraine.

I had zero intention of continuing to think about, let alone publish, anything related to 'The Holocaust', but the following ideas compelled me to get out of bed with a very foggy head, to write this. Actually just to note a few ideas, while they were available to my conscious mind.

I definitely welcome friendships and associations and co-operation with people who define THEMSELVES as 'Jewish', and the 'Jewish' community in general. I don't personally make any distinctions between 'Jew' and 'Gentile'. Like Jesus, I see the term as arbitrary. As legally imposed and enforced. By force. Such as was the case in Nazi Germany. And such as is the case in the areas of Palestine [Israel does not legally exist as a state until it grants 'right of return' and compensation to the Palestinians, check your U.N and international rulings] currently occupied by institutions calling themselves 'The state of Israel'. And then by cultural conditioning, again the case of Nazi Germany and present day occupied Palestine are the obvious examples. I don't 'see' or 'smell' or 'hear' 'Jewishness' in anyone, nor 'Gentileness'. I believe in meritocracy based on equal opportunity. I have wanted to join an Israeli 'Kibbutz' for decades now. I would welcome any of the usual relationships HUMANS have with each other, with people who define THEMSELVES as 'Jewish'. I recently helped a 'Jewish' woman (she defined herself as such, within minutes of us meeting, and attempting to find an address where she was meeting a friend, a Nun to be precise) find a building. I asked her to remember me, and the situation, for future reference when she might see me described as 'anti-semitic' in the mass media. I am NOT in any way 'anti-semitic', in the popular language meaning of that term, and I am genuine when I state my quest as 'Freeing us, and the 'Jews', from the Cult of Judah'. I'm not playing with words in the hope of avoiding legal problems and personal suffering. I am attempting to be as precise as possible with language, to avoid misunderstanding. To avoid 'fueling' genuinely 'irrational hatred of Jews'. And especially to attempt to avoid being used, like all the current 'controlled opposition' to the Cult of Judah, often referred to as 'national socialism' or 'nazi' or 'anti-semitic', but which are in fact entirely controlled or manipulated agents of, or benefactors of, the Cult of Judah, and its ambitions for a one world government, existing solely for the benefit of this Cult, and in order to maintain a power base, its affiliates / supporters, like any other pyramidical hierarchical form of arbitrary (as not representing the informed consensual will of the people) government.

It was always the Cult of Judah that demanded the 'Ghettoisation' of the 'Jews'. It was the Cult of Judah that provoked and then financed the 'Nazi' phenomena. It was the Cult of Judah that has been behind EVERY pogrom in every nation in every time. It was The Cult of Judah which insisted that the Spanish Inquisition 'punish' 'Jews', and NOT the Vatican. Hitler was himself NOT anti-semitic in the popular language culture meaning of that term. He had many close personal friends who were 'Jewish' and promoted many 'Jews' to positions of power in his government. His favorite driver was 'Jewish'. Thousands of openly 'Jewish' people lived openly in Nazi Germany as valued members of German society, right up to the Soviet occupation. Just to clarify and open your mind to the facts of what we are dealing with. Most 'Jews' have ZERO biological connection with the supposed 'Jews' of the Bible. Their ancestors 'converted' to Judaism long after the Gospels' 'Jesus' was crucified, for the political and economic reasons of their rulers, rather than any deep personal, emotional, spiritual connection, let alone cultural connection, with 'The chosen people of the Bible'. So anti-semitism could hardly be defined as RACISM in any case.

Which is problematic for myself, and us. For 'religious persecution' and 'religious based discrimination' and 'religious based vilification and incitement' is also a criminal act.

And I am clearly opposed to ALL organised religions related to, affiliated with, or acting similarly as, The Cult of Judah. As expressed in my many publications, and my book 'Religion'. I see 'religion' as the worst possible expression of human nature, amplified and institutionalised to be the most destructive and enslaving force for evil in this world. And so I could never claim I was NOT against 'religion' and did NOT 'vilify' RELIGION itself.

Even as I do NOT vilify the individual VICTIM of religion for the accident of their mere affiliation by birth, or social conditioning. And any attack on the religious LEADERs concerns their ACTIONS, as individuals, and NOT 'just' because they happen to be affiliated with a particular religion.

It is the ideology and actions I judge, and NOT the person.

I am extremely conscientious. I didn't publish 'Religion' until I had something to REPLACE the POSITIVE functions that 'religion' currently serves, so that I might, without DAMAGE to anyone, debunk the 'religious dogmas' most of us grew up with, and have been enslaved by, as spiritual beings, and slaves to particular vested interest groups originally connected DIRECTLY with the Pharisaic priesthood of what I will call 'The Cult of Judah' for compelling, logical, descriptive, reasons, and NOT simply because the geographical location is most closely associated in most person's minds with members of that broad and general, religious-cultural group which define themselves by the term 'Jew'.

I didn't start out from any ideological, let alone 'emotional' position requiring that 'the holocaust' COULD not be historical fact, or could not be ALLOWED to continue, in the public's mind, in the 'social reality', as 'historical fact'...or even 'legal fact/fiction' [I'm not a lawyer, I don't know if the term 'legal fiction' for 'The holocaust is LEGALLY correct as a LEGAL term, or if legal fictions like treating corporations as 'legal persons' is not called, in legal JARGON / terminology, a 'legal fiction' or not. But for everyday people, treating a corporation as a 'person' and entitling it to HUMAN rights, to the human rights a PERSON has, is a legal FICTION. So I intend no 'CONTEMPT of court' in using this term, and will use whichever term is legally required in this court, in the context of this trial.

I stand to gain NO benefit whatsoever if I win this case, other than my natural born right, which NO 'government' can take away, to freedom to express disagreement with authority, in matters of historical fact.

Now you might say I am 'resisting the violence of the state', the violence, namely, of censorship. That the state has decided to censor certain ideas and expressions in public. Such as saying 'the name of god' a.k.a 'Jehovah'. Which was once punishable by death in Judea. And that the state has the right to enforce this arbitrary limitation on my natural rights, in some 'national interest' or 'for the greater good', as it does exercise its monopoly on violence in other areas of social life, which also often infringe upon our natural rights. As such you might argue that this case is NOT about whether or not 'The holocaust' is a historical event (rather than a legal precedent / ruling from legal case history, and a 'law' that was 'passed' by supposedly 'democratically elected' officials that the community 'voted' to HAVE install such laws, though judges are NOT elected, and thus case-law precedents, and even 'international law' can NOT be claimed to be 'the will of the people', but rather the will of the judges, legal profession, and whoever convened those supposed 'international courts' and constitute them. ... My point here is that if you DO argue that this trial is NOT about 'whether or not there is any factual / historical basis for the actual LAW in question' but about the legal FACT that this law exists, and about whether or not I have 'broken' it, and thus 'offended the state / community / society / world community / Judges / lawyers / 'Jewish' community' or even some 'natural law' that this 'holocaust denial law supposedly rests upon / is related to/ is intimately bound with / is based upon / naturally springs from / is the source of etc' [I'm being possessed by the same legal genius that possessed the Gospels Jesus it appears] ... if you DO make this argument ... implicity / tacitly / in secret / 'In Camera'...or explicity and publically and openly and honestly for all to comprehend...THEN you are openly admitting / describing / tacitly expressing / stating / declaring, that this IS the 'religious persecution' and 'religious INQUISITION' that I hold it to be, and which it is, by my own best reckoning, and which I would by compelling arguments, and LEGAL arguments more to the point of THIS context, compel you to ENTERTAIN and JUDGE / rule upon, BEFORE allowing you to proceed with this 'putative' INQUISITION...in other words I am here to stop the Cult of Judah Inquisition known as 'Holocaust denial laws' and 'Hate Speech' and 'Racial vilification' and 'Incitement'.

I do NOT claim that any 'race' of 'Jews' or 'Cult of Judah' exists. The geographical epithet is merely convenient and descriptive and logical, and neutral, and no racial assumptions are implicit in it. Nor have I ever LIMITED the scope of operations of this cult to that geographical location, Judeah. Historical records exist which show that this Cult of Judah was defined by the LEGAL rulers of Judea, originally, as a terrorist organisation, and its leaders were treated as terrorists, as enemies of the state, as enemies of the legally constituted institutions and cultural organisations of the STATE of Judea. That the locals WEPT upon the return of this Cult, IN FORCE, by violence, employing the violent force of a FOREIGN power, namely Babylon / Persia, to OCCUPY Judea as the UNLAWFUL occupation government of Judea. I can prove that today OUR nations have equally been OCCUPIED by this same Cult of Judah, which has NEVER hidden its ambitions of world domination, nor its intentions of enslaving the entire world to itself, acting as JUDGE of the entire world, and having already PRE-judged most of that world as deserving of slavery, or death, and as having NO human rights, other than any priveleges the Cult of Judah decides to temporarily, and arbitrarily, grant them. The Cult of Judah is NOT defined by any biological / racial markers / qualifications. I have entertained the very IDEA of 'race' and found it is NOT compelling, in any significant way. Thus I could NEVER be defined as a racist, let alone a 'racial supremacist', by anyone. So to charge ME with 'racial vilification' would be nonsensical. And to argue that 'the community' would define 'The Cult of Judah' as a 'racial' epithet' / 'descriptor' and thus that I TACITLY am expressing 'racist' opinions and views, would really EXPOSE the TRUE agenda of this 'trial' as an INQUISITION, for WANTING to push the limits of reasonable legal process / the boundaries of 'compelling argument' and 'reasonable discussion'.

So I can demonstrate that I have NEVER had any 'racist' intentions positive or negative. And that I have nothing to gain from 'winning' this case, other than the return to me of my natural born rights, as a human, to challenge 'authority' on matters of historical fact, or 'knowlgedge' in general, via peaceful, reasonable, intellectual, means.

I have no 'hidden agenda'.

I am pursuing my OWN 'religious tenets'. The quest for truth and justice.

I hold that that dogmatic religion I refer to as 'The Cult of Judah', like its offspring, 'The Catholic Church', is carrying out an INQUISITION, rather than any legal trial motivated by 'public good' and 'authentic/organic public will' or 'public interest'.

I put to you that I am being denied freedom of religion myself, by 'holocaust denial' laws, and that as such these laws contradict more basic, legal, rights, and legal precedents, and thus must be overturned as incompatible WITH these earlier, prior, more important, more basic, more fundamental, LEGAL PRECEDENTS and CASE LAW.

I put to you that this IS an inquisition, the moment you do NOT allow me to argue for the FACTUAL BASIS of my claims that 'The Holocaust' is propaganda, and did NOT happen. That there WAS no official policiy of extermination of 'Jews' carried out in Nazi occupied area, nor were there any 'DEATH' camps explicity set up to exterminate 'Jews', and that the supposed 'evidence' for such 'war crimes' and 'crimes against humanity' would NOT be accepted, in the normal course of legal affairs, as 'compelling', or 'admissible', having been gained via torture, or forgery, or by fraudulent representation, misleading representation, deception, and as mere 'hearsay' with no value as evidence, or as 'physically impossible' and thus not to be given credence / credulity, even by homo fideo (believing man).

I put it to you that you must approach 'The Holocaust' as a RELIGIOUS dogma, before it would have any chance of impressing you as any sort of potential candidate for 'truth' or 'historical fact'. That if you approach 'The Holocaust' from the neutral, unbiased, unprejudiced, SCIENTIFIC and archaelogical position REQUIRED of scientists and historical investigators, and one would HOPE, Judges and legal professionals, and Juries, you would be unlikely to entertain the proposed narrative for any longer than you would entertain any other 'miracle' [something science / phsyics cannot account for, such as the supposed rate of cremations of bodies given the documented means of disposal available to the Nazi's, for example, or that some 'guru' can levitate, as another example, of things that would appear to 'defy' or 'deny' what we hold to be 'laws of nature' or 'heuristic laws of physics/chemistry/ cremation]

I am here as a PROTESTANT in a Cult of Judah inquisition, in the same way the 'Protestants' in Europe of old, faced the Catholic Inquisition
Saying 'the holocaust' is propaganda, and not truth, is NOT the same as saying A 'holocaust' SHOULD happen...so holocaust denial, using language the equivalent of 'denying the trinity', is NOT a form of 'volksverhetzung' or 'hate speech' or 'racism' or form of negative discrimination against a 'racial' 'cultural' or 'religious' group, no matter how defined. It is a statement discriminating on in the sense of discriminating between fact and fiction, war propaganda and what the historical documents, archaelogical evidence, and FREE compelling argument JUSTIFY as 'reasonable' and 'empirical' and 'compelling' and 'possible'.

We are NOT EXPLICITLY and directly or even indirectly required by law to subscribe to Buddhist, Jain, Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, Christian, Zen, Zarathustrian, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Marxist, Nazi, .... dogma

surely there is ZERO question that all the 'religions of the book' emerged from, and are thus emergent from, and related to, and ORIGINATE IN, that Cult which originally sprang up in JUDAH, and by geographical connection, might reasonably / descriptively / logically called 'the cult of judah'

Surely stating 'The holocaust NEVER happened' is GOOD news? something positive for people who define themselves as 'jewish' to hear, at least as positive as for people who do NOT define themselves as 'Jewish'? Surely 'jews' would WELCOME the 'good news' that 'The Holocaust never happened'? Wouldn't YOU prefer to think of your ancestors as NOT having been gassed and cremated en masse? IF the evidence supported this belief? Which I promise you it DOES. By every conceivable measure. By every rational, reasonable, scientific, archaeological, measure.

I could prove beyond reasonable doubt that 'the holocaust' is RELIGIOUS dogma, IF I was allowed to...but the fact that I am NOT allowed to PROVES beyond doubt that it MUST BE religious dogma that we are dealing with...i.e in normal secular law you are ALWAYS granted to right to prove / defend your position that 'X DID NOT HAPPEN'...it is only in RELIGOUS INQUISITIONS where you are NOT allowed to seek to prove e.g 'the religous dogma X is NOT correct / true / didn't happen / is a misrepresentation of facts benefitting a narrow vested interest group e.g the priesthood that has grown up around the religion e.g Vatican inqusition of 'protestants'

The fact that I am not allowed to mount a defence to prove 'the holocaust' IS religous dogma, rather than historical fact, even dogma, proves THIS is an inquisition

That you will take mere hearsay evidence into account at all, and allow an ENTIRE case to stand on it alone, entirely, proves this is a religious dogma assertion / inquisition NOT a trial.

I'm not going to rewrite this. I didn't want to start writing it. I don't want to be devoting my limited time as 'Markus' to this. But if YOU will help me, I'm willing to pursue this strategy.

Left alone, I will probably just 'go along to get along' when they finally arrest me. I have better things to do than THIS. For THIS is probably OUR collective Karma. The suffering that is coming may teach us all the lessons we need to learn. The ones that will lead to a VEGAN world. A world where no sentient being is defined by any other sentient being as a mere means to their OWN ends. A world where 'opportunistic' behavior is regulated at every level. As an automatic pain avoidance INSTINCT. Conditioned by memory of the pain and suffering produced when we FAIL to moderate our own opportunistic impulses. When we FAIL to treat justice as indivisible. When we FAIL to respect the rights of other sentient beings to THEIR happiness and freedom. When we FAIL to observe the 'golden rule'. When we FORGET that 'For as we do unto others, so shall be done unto us'. Even though, perhaps, at the time, it APPEARS that we can 'get away with' whatever opportunistic exploitation of power we were engaged in. All our actions are permanently attached to us by invisible 'elastic bands'. Collectively. Over the longer term. All our actions are seeds we sow. Which we shall reap. By routes that may not be obvious. But decisive nonetheless.

This world we live in IS the product of our OWN actions and will. It is NOT about 'imagining' something and making it real. It is about WILLING it and ACTING consistent with that WILL. For most of our HUMAN problems are outcomes of HUMAN actions and willing and beliefs. WE are the problem. So WE can be the solution. To MOST of our problems. Not all. This world was NOT 'created' as some luxury resort for humans. We face MANY challenges from the 'natural' world. But most of our HUMAN problems could EASILY be resolved and remedied, by the application of honest reason.

Which requires us to become FREE from religious dogmas. Not JUST those expressed AS 'Holocaust Denial' laws. But ALL the religious dogma which 'Holocaust Denial' laws are merely just one expression OF. The one we are dealing with here.

But I must be clear. There is no room for the 'hearsay' called 'religious dogma' in a free, constructive, productive, creative, rewarding, meritocratic, peaceful, generative world. It MUST be relegated to HISTORY. Rather than be allowed to WRITE history for us. A history which anyone familar with it, MUST send shivvers of horror down our spine just to contemplate. For if RELIGION has its way, we shall continue REPEATING that horrific history. I offer a means of ESCAPE to all sentient beings SEEKING emancipation / freedom / escape from history. It requires us to ESCAPE our unjustified beliefs. And to begin entertaining positive, constructive, generative, and creative beliefs.

THAT has been my life's work. Now I want to get back to learning guitar. Back to Hendrix, and SRV, and Sweet Home Alabama, and my own music.

I've done all I can do. This publication itself proves to you that while I am not ACTIVELY seeking to continue my past project of emancipating YOU, and myself, from the Cult of Judah, I cannot stop being the conscientious being I am by nature. So if I find any new inspirations, even at 5a.m in the morning, I will attempt to harvest the fruits of it, for YOU, and myself, and every sentient being currently suffering under the Cult of Judah occupation of this world.

And remember, this Cult is just the expression of the WORST in human nature. And as is always the case, this manifestation and cystallisation and institutionalisation of the very WORST in human nature has brought out the very BEST in human nature. It has been the adversary that has pushed me to my limits. To my 'personal bests'. As it has been for the millions of emancipated 'Jews' who I seek to enlist in my struggle. As equals. As colleagues. I see the greatest chances for victory from the collaboration of these 'emancipated 'Jews' AGAINST their age old foe, the Cult of Judah. They must realise they have reason to 'weep in the streets' as their cultural ancestors, the original 'Jews' did, on the return of the Cult of Judah from Babylon, with that 'occupied nation's military violence to enforce their return to power. Just as Cult of Judah, operating out of Washington D.C, and Israel, has used the U.S.A to enforce its RETURN to power, OVER the 'Jews', in Palestine, today.

I cannot free anyone. I can only try to free my OWN mind. And maybe THAT is the whole purpose of this 'exercise' called 'being Markus'. Of 'being human'. Of being in this world. This 'school-room'. This 'experience engine' / 'learning module' called 'life as we know it'.

Go Vegan. For as you do unto other sentient beings, so shall be done unto you. Call it the law of karma. I call it logic. You cannot expect OTHERS to model THEIR behavior DIFFERENTLY to how they see YOU behave. And no 'goodwill' is ever generated by malicious, destructive, harming of other sentient beings, FROM them. You may think you can set up a cliche of shared vested interest 'chosen people', and generate goodwill among this closed community through harming, stealing from, and enslaving 'OTHERS', and allowing this closed community to 'benefit' from that harm. But keep in mind random new-incarnation. Tomorrow you will BE that 'other' you are harming. And YOU will have, through institutionalising opportunistic exploitation of 'others', actually determined your OWN FUTURE TREATMENT when YOU ARE that OTHER, in countless next lives.

Please consider my 'Optimal Ethics Generator'.

Shalom. But not 'peace' at ANY cost. ONLY peace with justice for ALL sentient beings is TRUE and sustainable peace. Anything else is just history repeating. And repeating ON you.

Happy Next Lives.

And now for me, over 3 hours later, to get back to sleep, and hopefully NOT have any more 'inspirations' like this one. I'm a craftsman / engineer given the worst tools and most incompetent workers to work with. Just not fair. And fairly hopeless. Now to try to avoid a migraine.

Thanks again to Adam / Anton, for taking me seriously. Even if you turn out to be MOSSAD, you will have done me a world of good simply by appearing to take me seriously. No-one else ever did. And I maintain that truth is on my side. That YOUR self-interest in on my side. Even someone completely committed to the Cult of Judah could be freed by this truth. I have nothing to fear from honest interrogation. From the FULL truth. But in court, people like me are NEVER allowed to establish that COMPLETE truth. For we face a religious inquisition. Not a genuine court of law. We've had our natural born rights stripped from us. HAbeus corpus. Freedom of speech. Freedom of investigation. Freedom to speak truth to power. We live under a Cult of Judah INQUISITION. Just like during the dark ages in Europe. All that has changes are the methods and modus operandi. NOT the modus vivendi. NOT the motive. NOT the ultimate ambition of a small group of deluded, compulsive obsessive individuals to take advantage of the WORST in human nature, to satisfy their own selfish desires, and obsessive compulsions.

I can barely keep my eyes focussed. But one word of hope. The Cult of Judah dogma that it is necessary to increase the evil in this world, to DO as much evil as possible (such as destroying Germany and later murdering 6 million 'Jews' in Israel) in order to speed up the coming of their 'Messiah', and the 'REVENGE' they seek upon all their 'adversaries' who 'stood in their way' and 'prevented them attaining their rightful positions as lords of this earth', may 'backfire' on them. For it may have already generated and filtered out the very best of the 'Jews' and 'Gentiles' alike, and honed them, and burned away their impurities, and become their best teacher. At the very last moment, what may appear as a Cult of Judah victory, both to them AND us, may turn out to be their final and definitive DEFEAT.

Or this school-room called 'earth' may exist to serve a purpose, and continue repeating 'history' until all its 'students' HAVE learned that lesson, and taken it to heart. Maybe this 'school room' will exist forever, as new 'souls' are 'born' and must pass through this fire, before moving onto 'better' worlds where they can be trusted to 'behave'?

Better get back to sleep if I can, and try to avoid a migraine. And then get back to my music. My last hope of gaining a platform for my much more important work, which you can download at not cost to you from my TROONATNOOR Patreon page, as long as it is operational.

It's actually quite daunting, and a lot of hard work, overcoming fear of failure, and the frustration of learning new things, at a time when most people have stopped learning ANYthing at all. : ) I'm trying to start a musical career at a time most musicians are retiring : ) If they've survived their 'careers', that is : )

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