in holy •  last year  (edited)

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Jesus got enlightened to the fact that he is God and shared the Good News with the world telling mankind that we all are God, not just him.

It was easy for Issa to find out about his divine origins being born already as a living god, seen as such, being son of Cleopatra VII, who was considered the incarnation of the virgin Mother Goddess Auset (Isis), and his father Julius Caesar who was proclaimed to be a god by the Roman Senate, god Ausar (Osiris) no less since his wife was believed to be Auset, making him god Heru (Horus) who is rejuvenated and resurrected Ausar, hence a younger version of himself.

The Egyptian Holy Trinity of Auset with Ausar and Heru. Being a solar deities, Ausar represents sun below the horizon at night, while Heru is identified with the rising newborn sun heralding new day. Thus, the actual being of the sun, while coming and going from view, remains the same, with the names of solar deities as different aspects of unified whole.

The Kristos oil of cerebrospinal fluid goes through similar metamorphosis inside the human body, as an esoteric part to the exoteric solar version of the same dichotomy and phenomenon.

Thus the many titles of Caesarion, his Roman name, were son of god, king of kings, son of virgin, etc. same titles with Issa of the bible, his Egyptian name, Is (Isis) sa (son), that became Iesous in Greek and Latin, which in turn became Jesus in English.

Infamous Yeshua is simply an epithet that means savior, deliverer, rescuer, as in messiah, yasha as the root with variations of Yah or Yahw added as prefix to indicate connection with Lord God Jehovah, which is English for Hebrew Yahweh, which is paraphrasing of biblical tetragrammaton, the four letters spelling the name of Lord God, first mentioned in Genesis 2:4, as YHVH, and is forbidden to utter by the Rabbinical weirdos, which in turn is actually an Egyptian word for light pronounced as yahw (yahoo), the light of Atum, Ra, Heru, Ausar, and later combined as Aten, the solar disk worshipped by king Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) of 18th dynasty who is widely recognized as inspiration behind the character of biblical Moses.

So, no. Contrary to the popular belief Jesus was white, his mom being of Macedonian Greek Ptolemaic dynasty and his father being Roman emperor, he was snow white, and Yehoshua / Yeshua whatever is not his name, nither ben Pandera, which was all written by his enemies, the Pharisees and Seduches of Rabbinical Babylonian Talmudic Satanic persuasion. I think if Jesus was alive he would murder them for not accepting him, as is commanded in Luke 27:19, "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." So it's not all love one another and sing kumbaya.

Anyway, I was ranting for a while and frankly have forgotten what I wanted to say, am sure not for too long as words will find their way into my brain soon enough.

Oh, right, then, after all that effort of Jesus telling people that we all are gods and children of Most High, not just him.

Reason being is because before him God(s) and Goddess(es) resided somewhere external, out there, as forces of nature in popular humans psyche, then they were equated with animals and idols, then the kingship became seen as first human form diety, and finally Jesus, being a king of Egypt in his own right, co-ruler with his mom, and hair to Roman empire, offers the wisdom of ages about our divine status and origins to the masses.

It is strange to witness people arguing over if Jesus is god or not, or how is he different from his Father and what do they share in common. They are one and the same only representing different states of the same being.

Same when you asleep you are Ausar, when you arise you are Heru, at noon you are Ra, in the evening Atum, your light is Aten, your truth is Amen. You are still the same being, the names simply describe different aspects of you.

This is the Unity of Holy Trinity. It is inseparable conceptual arrangement describing reality of truth, which has many forms and perspectives but untimely united as the Absolute Truth present in all existence and thus can recognize itself in others.

All of mankind, be well, happy, and prosperous in beautiful unity of love, truth, and peace of the Creator Mother and Father, forever and ever. Amen




At the end of this video Bobby Hemmitt didn't make a connection between Osiris and Set story, where, in parallel to the gnostic cosmology based on Khemetic mysteries, Sutekh / Set represents the Demiurge Yaltabaoth aka Jehovah and Ausar / Osiris represents the Holy Trinity; the Father (Most High Creator deity AmunRa as God of the living and himself as Ausar God of the dead), his consort sister the Virgin Mother Goddess (Auset / Isis, Mut, Amunet, Sophia aka Catholic Holy Ghost), and the son (Heru / Horus / Christ), who is himself resurected back into life and the physical world, which Set has claimed / created for himself, as the rising sun.

Obviously there are many parallels between the two stories. Set makes an ornate box and tricked his brother to lay in it, followed by being dismembered into 14 pieces (seven lights and seven shadows of Egyptian tree of life), with Isis as Sophia restoring him back to life as Heru.

Similar to how Most High tricked the Demiurge to breathe the life into Adam so that the Holy Spirit of Most High has entered him effectively making Adam superior to the Demiurge, who was begotten by Sophia alone and thus has the father issues, a virgin birth same as is Heru (Father & Son) who was brought to life by Isis.

So there are definitely many similarities in the archetypes present in both narratives, coptic gnostic and ancient Khemetic Osirian mysteries, not surprisingly since both versions have same ancient Egyptian roots.


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