What are the 10 cities with the best night life in the world, according to statistical criteria? You would never guess them.
This summer what kind of holidays do you want to do? Someone will be thinking about relaxation, someone else to exotic landscapes, others to culture or adventure and finally someone - why not? - to nightlife. After all we know that in summer the heat and long days invite you to stay away from home for a long time, and after an aperitif that lasted until 10 o'clock in the evening the temptation to continue to the bitter end and not go home until dawn is inevitable.
But what are the most festive cities in the world, for a holiday or just for a weekend? You are probably thinking of some coastal tourist destination, or the capital of some Iberian island, but according to the study just published by the site MoveHub, specialized in international removals, you are very far from the truth.
To establish the world's most party-friendly cities in the most accurate way possible, MoveHub took into consideration three criteria: the number of clubs and discos present, the annual consumption of alcohol and that of drugs. So, the city where you should at all costs spend a weekend to unleash you in the most intense nightlife in the world is, drum roll ... Manchester!
Surprised? Did you also think that the only conceivable reason in the world for a weekend in Manchester was to attend a United or City match? Well, the rest of the ranking is no less surprising. Here is the complete top 10: 1. Manchester. 2. Washington 3. Miami 4. Seattle 5. San Francisco 6. Leeds 7. Denver 8. Boston 9. Paris 10. Lyon. Apart from Paris and perhaps Miami, probably the other 8 would never have occurred to any of us. Still, the statistics speak clearly.
Returning to the winner Manchester, it is worth pointing out that the city, which as MoveHub explains in its motivations "basically invented the rave culture of the 90s", is first in 2 of the 3 classifications: for the number of night clubs and for the cannabis consumption. Every 100.00 inhabitants the English city has almost 1,000 nightclubs, and an annual consumption of 2.3 tons of marijuana. Numbers really unapproachable even for the second in the standings, Washington, which in addition to the White House and the Pentagon offers 250 nightclubs for every 100,000 inhabitants, consuming on average a ton of marijuana a year.
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