Protect America can lock your door the moment it's armed.
You'd surmise that shrewd entryway bolts and home security frameworks would consistently work in agreement, however that is not by any stretch of the imagination the case. Almost certainly, you'll need to make sure to check the bolt sometime later. Not all that on the off chance that you have August's Smart Lock Pro - the organization has produced an association that incorporates Protect America's home security equipment. You would now be able to utilize Protect America's Alexa ability to consequently bolt the entryway when you arm the security framework, so you ideally won't need to test the flexibility of your framework by giving criminals a simple passage.
You can likewise utilize Protect America's application to flip the bolt rather than August's, which could help in case you're twisting things down from the night (or simply don't need two separate symbols). The tie-ins won't generally be required in case you're utilizing nearness based bolting, yet they could be exceptionally useful on the off chance that others in your family unit need to arm the framework, or you're now inside and need to secure things for the night.