4 Decorating Myths to Stop Believing Right Now

in home •  5 years ago 

Decorating your own home sounds like the easiest thing in the world, even if you’ve never done it before – it’s all about arranging your furniture, picking the right colour for the wall, and deciding on your décor, right? Well, not exactly, and when it comes to decorating your bedroom, you need to really put your mind to it and know what you’re doing. If you’re a layperson with no previous experience, you’ll probably be lost and start making tons of mistakes. Believing other people is one of them, so here are some of the most common decorating myths you need to stop believing right now.

Your Bed Has to Be Huge

If you’re a person who enjoys sleeping in and spending hours and hours in the bed, purchasing a proper one should be high on your list of priorities. However, not all beds are the same, and not all of them will suit you, so you need to be careful when making the decision.

Defining the perfect size for your bed is never easy, but you could still manage to do that if you employ science and listen to the experts . They usually agree that the bed should take about a third of the entire space in your bedroom, which means bigger bedrooms could accommodate bigger beds as well. In the end, it’s all about you, though, so don’t be afraid to purchase a bed you like the most, regardless of its size.

You Should Stick to Just One Colour

This is another outdated concept that used to be quite popular back in the day, and people from the 1960s and 1970s took it quite literally. This means all their bedrooms looked the same since they used just one colour for their walls, their rugs, their bedding, and their furniture. Sounds quite boring, doesn’t it?

Well, just because this idea was so popular back then doesn’t mean you need to look into it as well. On the contrary, you should forget all about it and use as many colours, styles, and variations as you want. Be sure to pick an accent colour first, and then try to make all the other shades work together with it. Don’t worry if you fail – your bedroom will still look amazing and cosy, and that’s something we all need.

You Don’t Need Cladding

Speaking of cosy, this is what your bedroom needs to be if you want to feel relaxed and comfortable while you’re staying there, trying to fall asleep or recuperating after an exhausting day at the office. And one of the ways to boost that level of cosiness is to install amazing timber cladding on the walls – these will make the room more elegant and chic, help you regulate the temperature in there more easily, as well as give your walls a wonderful new accent.

Although it seems like an easy project, installing these on your own might not be such a good idea. Unless you have proper equipment, knowledge, and experience, you won’t be able to get the job done without putting your health, your budget, or your entire home in jeopardy. So, leave it to the experts, because these are the only people who can install your cladding in a professional and efficient way, making your bedroom nicer than ever.

You Need to Insist on Darkness

Yes, our bedroom is where we sleep and relax, and while it’s quite all right to keep the blinds closed, this might not be the best idea you’ve ever had. Closing your blinds during the day could actually harm your health , preventing tons of fresh air and natural sunlight from coming into your bedroom. And since these keep giving you doses of oxygen and vitamin D on a daily basis, that’s exactly what you need to do.

Keeping our bedrooms in the dark used to quite popular in the 20 th century and even before, and people would rather their lights on in the middle of the day than open their blinds and remove their drapes. In this day and age, however, this concept is quite outdated, and living in the dark could seriously affect your well-being, so just stop doing that. This is particularly important if you have a baby because they need to learn the concepts of night and day, and keeping them in the dark all the time is not the way to do that.

Some of the other bedroom decorating myths you need to be aware of include not giving your ceiling a new paint job from time to time, using only bright colours for your walls – brown, dark grey and even black are quite all right – as well as insisting on a matching set of sheets – just bring in some fun into your life and match your new pillowcase with your old sheets!

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