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Some, time ago I was asked if I could help with an alternative home pharmacy for first aid in case of emergencies. There was also the question what should be inside the pharmacy and how to use it! I thought this was a very nice idea and soon my brain started to turn tight. It seems to me, with children and even with pets in the house, it would be always very easy to have this set at hand. During our travels throughout Europe we not only have a classic first aid kit, but also a small bag with a few essential alternatives! These substances can be used in children and pets, even in babies! (see always the advice behind each resource)
What is in our alternative home pharmacy?
This home pharmacy is quite extensive! Which means are important or not, you have to decide yourself according to your family situation and whether or not you own pets. Many of the resources that I have in my medicine kabinet can be used for accidents around me and are not necessarily for my family!
Homeopathy is widely applicable and always effective and fast! It can postpone a dangerous or emergency situation until medical assistance is possible. Homeopathy is available in every pharmacy but you always have to order it. Use GRANULES, homeopathy can be kept very long!
Chamomille granules 30K: can be used especially for small children, babies with abdominal pain, toothache, red jaw on one side of the face, excitement, need for rest and calm. With pets it can help during the car ride to remain calm and to catch car sickness.
Arnica montana granules 30K and 200K: this drug is a miracle in bruises, fractures, sprains, back pain, pain of old wounds and complaints, toothache in adults. Also, as a tool for shocks after an accident or bad news (death), this means can provide a lot of comfort. In babies, this medicine can resolve birth trauma after a traumatic delivery or Caesarean section.
Arsenicum album granules 30K and 200K: this little wonder is blissful! At every suspicion of poisoning by eating bad food = food poisoning, by the incidence of a bacterial infection or in pets or even small children suspected of having eaten something from the ground ... this is the first remedy that should be used.
Belladonna granules 12K and 200K: if you experience fever or illness in babies or children, this is the fever medicine par excellence. One of the key symptoms is glassy eyes, feverish gaze and apathetic behavior. Pets also benefit from this drug in case of fever as long as this is an ordinary increase. If it is a high fever in both cases one must think of aconitum. Belladonna is usually not sufficient in adults when it comes to fever. If there is a suspicion of a childhood disease in children, this is the way to get through the childhood illness safely.
Aconitum granules 30K: this is the antipyretic agent in adults. If your children and / or pets have a high fever (between 38 and higher) then this should be the reflex before you start something else. Aconitum protects the body and causes the fever to drop rapidly ... When the fever start raising, to take another dose again!
Nux vormica granulen30K: in case of nausea and vomiting this can give the push to get the body out of the reflex. If there is a suspicion of parasites, than use this remedy first! In the case of parasitic contamination of pets that have diarrhea and regular vomiting where clear roundworms are present, giving this remedy is a smart move for a few days and then every week.
Apis Mellifica granules 30K and 200K: this homeopathic remedy is ideal for insect bites. If you react allergically or wrongly to an insect bite mainly bees and wasps but also dragonflies and / or mosquitoes, this is the ultimate means. Large red spots of mosquito bites, abnormal swelling after a bee sting? But also really allergic reactions that normally require an epi-pen? Then this is the means to quickly address the symptoms.
Hypericum granules K30: this homeopathic remedy is ideal to stop bleeding. I recommended to people who have to take blood thinners to always have this medicine in their pocket, to use quickly, in case of injury.
Calendula officinalis granules 30K: this remedy is for the recovery of wounds and everything that plays around there. Wounds that are inflammatory, difficult to heal, cause wound tissue ... bedsores, abrasions .
Syphilinum nosode 30K: this drug can be used for cardiac arrest or suspected heart failure.
How to use these remedies? The low potentials (that is the figure behind each middle) indicate that these resources always work on a physical level. So they really start working in the body. While the higher potencies from 200 always work on the nervous system, in some problems a double approach is needed, hence, with some means, both potencies are mentioned. If you recognize a problem or symptom, you can start giving 3 globules of the appropriate substance, also in children, pets, elders, pregnant women, in babies should be more careful, NEVER give the globules to a baby that lies on his back. Put the baby up and put the globules in the mouth 1 by 1 and than let the baby nibble and suck it at its own pace. Normally it is advised to put the globules under the tongue and suck up.
Furthermore, the use of coffee and mint is not recommended because they would break down homeopathy ... In my 20 years experience as a homeopath I have never seen that homeopathy can be broken down. The globules should be administered every half hour ... every hour with 1 globule at a time until the symptoms decrease. After a globules or 5 to 7, the improvement should be at its peak. More than this amount of globules are not needed per 24 hours, when improvement occurs the drug has to be used for several days in succession to complete healing. Mind you, symptoms can shift so that another remedy has to be used. If symptoms persist, a doctor should always be consulted.
Tinctures are the mother form, of which homeopathy was later made by diluting it. In some cases a mother tincture is the best application to quickly intervene in shock or suspect a bacterial infection that can easily occur abroad. Bach flowers can be purchased in a pharmacist, chemist, essential shop or online. Argentine 23 dropper can be purchased from the pharmacist.
Rescue remedy of Bach drops / spray: this remedy is not a real tincture but very effective in a wide spectrum of emotional complaints, they are very well tolerated by small children and babies but also animals are doing very well. Rescue remedy or also called first aid, can be used with; insomnia, nightmares, stress, unprocessed emotions, traumas, aggravation, after accident, after surgery, first day of school, fidelity, separation, fear of dentist, in scars, in pregnancy, in the scar of cesarean section, in case of headache, in pain, at dogs that are scared of fireworks, at the birth of a litter of pups or kittens, in animals that mourn over their deceased owner, .... the list is infinite.
Sclerantus remedy bach nr ° 28: the ideal remedy for cars sickness while traveling! Can also be used by people who do night shifts and have a confusing work schedule that makes the body have trouble with the day or night rhythm.
Argentine 23 / ionized silver: this drug is a natural antibiotic and helps with a range of problems! Inflammation, intestinal problems both constipation and diarrhea, muscle problems, rheumatism, bacterial infections, viruses but also toothache, tooth inflammations, fungal infections, strengthening immunity ... Silver can also be used externally! It is used for vaginal flushing, disinfecting wounds, washing eyes, fighting external inflammations, dissolving tinnitus, curing inflammation of the bladder, ....
How to use these remedies? These remedies and / or tinctures should be built up per 10 drops per day, one can take 10 new drops every hour to a dose of 60 drops per day in the worst case! Continue the treatment until every symptom is disappeared.
For alternative medicine, painkillers are not evident. In homeopathy, it is assumed that the right remedy will remove the pain (so do not take pain medication first, but compare your symptoms with the available drugs). Rescue remedy should be an instant reflex with every incident: rescue immediately use to prevent bruises, trauma and / or worsening! But sometimes it is difficult to make a deep analysis of the situation and then you need a painkiller at a broader level. Here are some painkillers that work quickly and temporarily relieve the pain until one can solve the cause of the problem. Traumeel can only be obtained in a pharmacist!
Traumeel: can be used for any kind of pain! Available in tablets in the pharmacist and can also be given to children.
Rescue remedy of Bach drops / spray: this remedy is not a real tincture but very effective in a wide spectrum of pains, each time in pain use as the first means, from the pain occurs!
Disinfectants, stomach salt and parasitic support
There are always different situations during traveling than at home and these can be so stressful; that you can get sick of it. These resources are generally usable but can mean the difference between a nice holiday and a serious belly run for weeks. These resources are easily available online.
Bicarbonate (intake version): bicarbonate is the ideal means for stomach problems (whatever the cause), have you overeating and caused this discomfort? Do you have the acid? Do you have nocturnal acid attacks? Do you have a feeling of abdominal pain? Bicarbonate (buy a quality type without aluminum pollution) should be added moderately to a glass of water with lemon juice and a spoon of raw honey, drink this lemonade-like drink, quietly. See that the bicarbonate is well dissolved and does not remain on the bottom. Stomach complaints will quickly clear up, one can repeat this drink many times a day. The most effect is caused on an empty stomach.
Diatomic earth powder (food version): parasites are not visible in most cases! But they can bring a lot of inconveniences. This product is very extensive. It not only cleans the parasites in humans, but also in your pet. As a dewormer it is ideal, as a flea killer it works powerfully. Any small or tricky insect can be controlled with this product in a natural way. It can be used internally and externally. It also has an antiviral function and can combat bacteria. Mind you, DE is a fine substance, if you use it externally please protect your lungs and eyes. DE with you on vacation is the means for ants in the house or other walking insects in your holiday resort. You could use DE as a purifier for cleaning op water to drink!
Raw honey: the qualities of raw honey are incalculable. This strengthens immunity, arouses, can combat fatigue, is functional in sunburn, ...
Essential oils
Essential oils can soften, lighten the lungs, disinfect, are antibacterial ... They can tackle a wide range of problems and especially prevent them! Qualitative essential oils that can be used internally can be found in a pharmacist and or online.
Mint essential oil: can be used for stomach problems, is a cold application and cools the body.
Eucalyptus essential oil: can be used for lung complaints is antibacterial, a few drops on your pillow are extremely relieving in colds and lung problems.
Lavender essential oil: the ideal relaxation agent, massage with this essential oil of the neck and temples, forehead during headaches, brings relief. Disinfect a bath in a hotel with this? Wash out and disinfecting a wound ...
Extras that can be important
Some tools are day-to-day matters that can provide a lot of help in the craziest situations.
Multivitamins: multivitamins are always functional. With a physical dip, fatigue or on days when a lot of you is asked. Even with minor complaints and discomforts, a qualitative multivitamin tablet can quickly help you over your complaints. It also has a good function in children. We even use multi-vitamins in the water of our cattle on the farm.
Calcium tablets / magnesium: calcium and magnesium are small miracles when it comes to an unexpected allergic attack. If you do not have your standard allergic remedy with you to use. A large dose of magnesium can divert the symptoms to less serious or as first aid they are a good tool to strengthen the body.
I hope you experience this contact with alternative medicine in a fun way and can experience how important small household remedies can be in your everyday life. If it does not resolve your symptoms, your powerlessness may linger enormously in situations where your pet or your child is ill. If you want to start working with this alternative pharmacy, start quiet and build up. Some of these resources are expensive but definitely worth knowing. The use of alternative medicine requires time and a completely different way of perception. Have patience with yourself. Questions are always welcome. This shared knowledge is based on 20 years of experience as an alternative medical therapist in broad spectrum therapy. Good luck!!
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