Exam Stress and Nerves

in homeopathy •  7 years ago 

Junior Cert! Leaving Cert! Orals! Mocks!
Student life, for some, can become a jumble of emotions at this time of year
Cramming, Studying, Anxious, CAO Applications, Regret not studying more!
Distractions! Time managing! Choose a college! Choose a course! Anxiety! Stress! Overwhelmed!
The stress of it all can cause symptoms such as Diarrhoea, Sleeplessness, Eating more, Eating Less, Worry, Stomach Pains and lots of emotions etc etc

Homeopathy can help with a lot of these symptoms and here are just a few examples .

"Tom says his confidence just goes at exam time…Lycopodium helped him a lot.
Rose told me it’s the thoughts of it all but when she starts it’s not too bad…Argentum nit for anticipatory anxiety.
Anne said she goes to wobbly jelly leg feeling, trembling sensation.. Gelsemium fitted her symptoms."Correctly chosen Schuessler tissue salts are wonderful when brain work is intense, for concentration and recall, and brain fag. I can personally vouch for this as I found them very beneficial at exam and study time.

Homeopathy is a gentle holistic system of medicine that uses specially prepared diluted natural substances in tablet or liquid form. Each prescription is tailored to the individual according to their specific symptoms. It is suitable for everyone - babies, children, pregnant and breast feeding mothers, teenagers, adults and the elderly. It is non toxic and non addictive. As a homeopath I look at the whole person, considering all symptoms – mental, emotional and physical. Most of my students say after having a homeopathic remedy for exam stress that there head is much clearer and they are better able to focus. Yes the work still has to be done but with less stress!

Phone or Text me for appointment for these and any other issues.

Mary Kelly Lic. I.S.H.

Moon Shine Organic Farm, Ladestown, Mullingar, Co Westmeath N91N6PK.
Contact Details; Mary Kelly 087 9934108 [email protected]


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@marykelly great article