Between Rigidity and Fickleness: Schüssler Salt No. 1, Calcium Fluoratum

in homeopathy •  7 years ago 

Picture in book from: Antlitzanalyse in der Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler: Der Bildatlas, by Thomas Feichtinger & Susana Niedan-Feichtinger

How are you? I took my pills today, so I am doing just fine.

  • Are you flexy and bendy and are you wide-eyed and bushy tailed?
  • Or are you whizzing past the bella vistas down the motor way towards your end goal, reaching your destination frazzled and still too late for dinner?
  • Are you going on another self-help course?
  • Is your pile of unfinished books growing?
  • Are you scared of a new challenge, imminent changes or The (big) Change?
  • Or are you, perhaps, still in your bathrobe, undecided about what to do first, have a grapefruit, or finish the last of the Christmas cake, hoover up the kids' cornflakes patterning the kitchen floor, feed the fish, walk the dog, water the pot plants, open the curtains at least? Not to mention procrastinating that trip to the dry cleaners and that editing you were meaning to do as a favour to your friend.

Whoa, stop. Have a couple of No. 1s.

Aloha On The Ganges Resort Hotel, Uttarakhand

Calcium Fluoratum, Schüssler Salt No. 1, is called the "elasticity salt".
Think snap-crackle-and pop: if that's what you sound like in a yoga class, you'll be needing some of it!

There may be physiognomical (facial) features indicating a shortage of this mineral (a deficient absorption of it rather, on an interstitial-cellular level; the tablets contain a potentised mineral, not comparable to supplements) - such as the hatchings in the corner of the eye (see photo above), or other signs of dryness and brittleness in the ligaments, teeth or tissues, but there is also a psyche-side to the CF story. Psyche as in the Greek for "soul", but we can access this also psychologically, or psycho-sophically, here.

Is your soul still as ready and willing, bendy and open as this Psyche in the arms of Cupid? [Benjamin West, Benjamin West (1738 - 1820) Cupid and Psyche, 1808 Oil on canvas Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas]

Calcium Fluoratum is about inner progress, which may start to slow down specifically around mid-life or after one knock on the head too many or if you have been weighed down by too much luggage. Otherwise you may suddenly feel the urge to take another sprint, leap in again, take the plunge, dive off the highest board.... Calcium Fluoratum enables you to take stock and get in touch with your real purpose. Only then will you know which are the necessary steps to take, at the right pace, in the right direction. It helps you to keep an open mind, unload, and stay optimistic with concrete (baby) steps to take down a daily chartered route. No need to look too far ahead.

So especially if you've been under great stress or feel overwhelmed you may experience a CF deficiency. Top up on 2-3 tablets, 2 x a day, for a week or two. I'm not a practitioner, but this works for me. Overdosing, as well as mis-diagnosing even after studying all the face-maps, is not impossible (if you believe in complementary medicine/homeopathy, at all, to begin with) but not likely on a short cure of a few tablets daily.

Morris Traveller, Cyprus, by Andy Sotiriou 1990

Rushing or stagnating are basically two sides of the same Calcium Fluoratum coin. If you keep putting things off, or keep piling new things to do onto your list, you don't effectively grow stronger, better, surer in yourself, you are fleeing into things ahead of yourself, or sinking back into your inertia. Both are not true to your potential and rather the consequence of a kind of brainwashing you've been subjected to (or bought into).

When your steps are not firm and decisive you lose an inner integrity, wobbling and disconnecting. You move too fast or too slow and not from your core strength. This is something very common to menopausal women - it is indeed the time when all the calcium minerals are much called upon (and when you run out too drastically of them you run into osteoporosis. But again the whole story for this bone-depletion is not just bio-chemical: that's only the final snap shot. It begins with knowing where you stand and trusting in your continued path. You can't stop now! That would be death).

A fundamental lack of groundedness may be innate to your life-story, typical of your character, an inevitable consequence of the tasks you have been burdened with, but also sure to accompany the change of life, when you are actually supposed to pull out any feet that are too firmly stuck in the material world for your reorientation towards the spiritual. Around menopause one begins the journey of excarnation. We don't like the sound of that much in our days of youth-culture which demands you to be physically fit, hip and on the ball of the latest trends, but it is how your soul will feel happiest, a little farther removed from the nonsense and delusions of life, if still quite aware of them running the lives of your children or grandchildren.

Flexible like reeds, agile like a bird, supple like fish►(

If you don't agree to age gracefully and instead deny your age, you will notice only all the more how unstable your physical-supporting walls are becoming. The trick is to feel solid as a rock in your soul. That is to say, certain but mild, sure but tolerant. But it is usually here were have lost our stretch and tension, with a sagging will and a dessicated zest for life. It is this despondency that eventually will bring the whole building down. No amount of plaster on the facade can stop that!

Crumbling Cuba

Change is never easy, and reopening your abilities in the middle of your life may be a tall order. Often it leads to a crisis (and foolhardy escapes). Perhaps, some Calcium Fluoratum, Schüssler Salt No. 1 can help.

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