Decluttering Your Clothes: Asking Yourself Questions + Tips

in homeorganization •  7 years ago 

Decluttering Your Clothes:

Have you always wondered how to properly clean your closet, and you are on an stump to just go through it and what to get rid of? I can truly help you with that!

Here Are Many Tips To Help You Out!

~Ask yourself, “Does this piece fit me well?” If you are not sure about that, try it on. If it does not fit get rid of it.

~Does it make you happy and satisfied? Does it look good as you think it does? Ask someone if you feel you need to and not sure. This way, you can get an second opinion. Remember! Make sure you ask someone who can be completely honest with you.

~How does it make you feel when you wear the piece of clothing? If the answer is very good keep it, if it is bad get rid of it.

~When did you wear it last? If it has been more then a year you have to get rid of it! You will be happier most likely with less clutter.

~Does the piece of clothing represent your true self and identity? If not give it away.

~Do you have 2 or more of the same pieces of clothing? If so give a bye bye!

~Do you have Jewelry you are never going to wear again? If it is worth a lot of money, take it to a local pawn shop to seize a deal.

~Are you keeping it just because you paid a lot of money for it? Okay, well do you wear it at all? If not donate it to someone that would love it more then you do.

~Would you rather have the same piece of clothing in a different colour? If so get the same one in a different colour. Or if you do not remember where you got it, get a similar piece in the colour you want. Get rid of the colour you do not want.

~Does the piece of clothing remind you of an awful memory? Does it? If so, get rid of it.

~Are you keeping it because you think you will eventually lose weight and can fit into it? Get rid of it… If you lose weight you can buy new clothing again. Then, you will have less clutter. Less Clutter over More Money Spending!


~If you are selling clothing make sure it is washed, smells good, and is in excellent condition.

~Think hard of how much you should price a piece of clothing if you want to try and sell it before you go ahead and sell it. Honest truth is, if you think hard about the price you will most likely not make a mistake and get more offers. Rather then just thinking about a price for one second and posting the item for sale.

~If the clothes are damaged or have holes in it, upcycle it or just throw it away. Do not donate something that is damaged and have to make the other people throw it away themselves.

~Get newer clothes that fit you now! If you lost weight or even gained weight. Once of course you have gotten rid of some clothes.

Remember, get rid of much as much clothing as you can! You will also feel great! 🙂 Trust me… By doing this you will have so much room for more clothes. Never, forget to reward yourself! You can do it!

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