Scheduling Your Time

in homeorganization •  8 years ago 

Hello, I know I have not posted any blog posts for a while my fellow readers. Although, I have thought of something wonderful to write about. My Schedule has been very busy, but speaking of Schedule’s. This is what this Blog Post is going to be about is Scheduling your life so you can start getting your life Organized.
This Blog Posts will Include: Advantages of Scheduling, the Organization Aspect of Scheduling, and lots of other tips on Scheduling your life. Making a Schedule &
Advantages of Scheduling:
~ Reduces Stress: Because you are organized, this can make your life feel more achievable and easier.
~ Helps you to Stay on Track and Accomplish What you Need to: This can include your Schedule identifying free time, (When you are Available or Busy) so you can then, fit things in your Schedule for knowing when you are available or busy.
~ Eliminates Guess Work (You Know What You Need To Do & When): This can make sure you are not sidetracked or forgetful of things.
~ Ensure You Have Time for all Activities, Including Socialization: A Good Schedule will have things you like to do, not just the things you absolutely have to do such as your Job and School. Make sure you have free time to do the things you love or enjoy. If you end up not doing this, your life can become easily stressed and so can you.
A Good Schedule Includes:
~ All Fixed or Regular Activities (Classes, Appointments, Doing School Projects/Assignments or even Your Job)
~ Recreational or Social Time (Hanging out with your Friends, Sports, Group Activities)
~ Flexibility for Last Minute or Unexpected Things (Space for things, this could include having 15 Minutes or even 30 Minutes, a chunk out of your schedule for free time, or even meeting with someone. If you have a job being Flexible is a must. If there is an Emergency and you need to meet with a Client right away.)
~ Marking Off Successes with a Coloured Pen (I know personally myself, I have a Bullet Journal, and others I know or have spoken to do too. You could even just have a Plain Journal too write out your Schedule with that is Specific to Scheduling.
~ Rewarding Yourself (Once you accomplish Important Things in Your Schedule, you should always Reward Yourself. Such as a Coffee from Starbucks, Journal/ Journal Supplies, a New Piece of Clothing, Makeup or, even anything you have been planning to buy that you still haven’t.
More Tips!
Use Calendars: This could include Pocket Book Calendar, Bullet Journal, a Plain Journal where you make your own similar to a Bullet Journal. Wall Calendar, Day Planner and anything else you could think of.
~Use The Principle Of Divide & Conquer: Do small chunks of work and to do’s, then reward yourself after.
~ Use Fractions Of Time: Be Flexible which I mentioned earlier. Have things with you such as a planner while in the waiting room for an appointment. Or even doing things while you are on the Bus.
~ Make The Most Of Your Time: Using time efficiently, putting away distractions such as your phone, tablet or computer. Plus, stay off of Social Media. Use Free time if you have to let’s say when things get to stressful take breaks.
~ Be Aware of Your Alertness Cycle: Are you a morning person or night, when do you start getting tired, what is the busiest time of the year for school or work, when you are most likely to get work done efficiently.
~ Evaluate Your Process: Use a Planner see what you have accomplished, make to do lists for the week then, see what you have accomplished, even do a Gratitude Log for each day and write down what you are Grateful for.
I know for me having a Schedule is Important for my Mental Well-being. I think everybody should at least have a day planner where you keep track of things and always have a Schedule. Anyways, this is the end of the Blog Post, I hope you all enjoyed.

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