
in homeschool •  5 years ago 

It's easy to understand that there are alot of benefits to homeschooling your kids. But many people might think that it is a task that is best suited for 'the professionals'. I am not trying to demean the skill level of educators, but the truth is that the goverment are a lousy group of educators.

Did you know that a person is able to purchace a years worth of school lessons for about $200. The following link will allow a person to find a 'homeschooling group' that exists in there area.

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That's a useful link, thank you. Do you homeschool yourself?

Not yet, but I like to try to anticipate what the future might be like and try to make plans that can help me avoid thoes problems. I was searching for materials that should help me become more comfortable when I start homeschooling. I am glad that you also found the link useful!!

Always a good approach.