August 24-27

in homeschool •  4 years ago 

First we fill in all our repeater items like water (gotta get them 8 glasses a day) Daily focus which is were we right in things to be done by the end of the and birthdays are just that scheduled events or people b'day to shout out and thank for showing their love and support.Personal is things I wanna do for myself or my is things to get done that are work related.time line starts at 6 or 630 to prepare for public school starting come Sept and ending at 10 for the night.
We set our main times for morning routine at a consistent time daily to help set the tone for the day,hold ourself accountable,increase positivity,lower stress and anxiety and keep us focused and time orientated.This is where we get up get dressed ,make our bed ,then make ourselves presentable for the day.Have breakfast and brush our teeth which boost our brain and body and provide us with the energy and start to a great day.
We do a ride variety of low energy fun activities which provide us different types of educational benefits while we allow our breakfast to digest,for example this week .Lego aids in problem solving skills,focus, attention span,science,math, balance,shapes and colors,also helps with hand eye coordination,story telling skills,sharing, cooperation and fine motor, teddy bears/ small toys male or female doesn't matter because it's extremely important to both genders,teaches them basis of push,pull,pickup,toss movements,Fine motor skills as well as hand eye coordination and the ability to work with others .Dolls and teddy bears are extremely important to play with also because they help with identification of body parts,social and emotional development,hand eye coordination,caring and nurturing skills and the ability to work with others.superheros and action figures teaches math (addiction and subtraction),cause and affect(right and wrong sineros), develops their vocabulary,speech, story telling skills builds character and personality as well as imagination.Keeps children engaged,in emotional development,role play,fine and gross motor skills,while teaching them sharing as well as problem solving skills.screentime,which includes YouTube ,handheld diveces (phone,tablet,labtop). screentime in moderation is very important as it teaches cause and affect,reward systems, ability to research things we wanna know or learn new things, improves motor skills,hand eye coordination,teaches ways to cope with anxiety and stress and alternative ways to communicate with those not right around us.Boardgames teach early at home learning,boosts language and vocabulary skills,teaches focus,teamwork and ,patience,soothes anxiety and stress,teaching bonding skills and mental and social development.imaginative play teaches social and negotiation development,as well as fine and gross motor skills which aid in the help of cognitive function, vocabulary and language building,sharing ,problem solving,cause and effect ,hand eye coordination as well as patience , concentration and most importantly building self esteem.Pokemon go teaches children and youth the importance of outdoor play,getting fresh air and exercise.this is important for socialization and community development and mental health( really who hasn't played pokemon something or other). Pokemon go helps with cognitive function,hand eye coordination,consintration and can be used to learn about things in the community and around you not just as a pokestop reward.workouts strengthen the muscles and bones,improves brain structure and function, improves your mood and allows for better mental health, maintains blood sugar and inculin levels,controls weight and reduces the disk of heart disease.parks are amazing go to for outdoor recreational play,building imagination and creativity, helping with cognitive function and intellectual development,fosters independence and freedom encourages socialization,focus and attention span,lowers stress and anxiety and is a great way to bridge the gap of education while learning about local parks and businesses, habitats and environment.
After cleaning up whatever mess we have made and washing our hands.we have a healthy snack which allows us to keep up our energy, improve cognitive function,keep us positive and promotes attention and focus while our brain and body get to relax alittle .Once we've cleaned up our dishes and washed up we get to have more interactive and engaging activities,we get to enjoy some screentime,which includes YouTube ,handheld diveces (phone,tablet,labtop). screentime in moderation is very important as it teaches cause and affect,reward systems, ability to research things we wanna know or learn new things, improves motor skills,hand eye coordination,teaches ways to cope with anxiety and stress and alternative ways to communicate with those not right around us.Boardgames teach early at home learning,boosts language and vocabulary skills,teaches focus,teamwork and ,patience,soothes anxiety and stress,teaching bonding skills and mental and social development.trampoline teaches the children a fun way to stay active and fit,it also helps the blood flow,immune system,reduces cellulite and varicose veins,builds stronger bones,improves balance and posture,reduces fatigue,and risks of some cancers,promotes gut health and digestive system.workouts strengthen the muscles and bones,improves brain structure and function, improves your mood and allows for better mental health, maintains blood sugar and inculin levels,controls weight and reduces the disk of heart teach memory, patience, concentration,fine motor skills,math and logistical thinking,cause and effect, promotes positive response with mental health and socialization.It's now time to clean up from our activities as some of our campers are heading home and the rest of us to have a healthy lunch.Lunch time is very important to the daily schedule as it allows our mind and body time to relax,rest which lowers the chance of temper tantrums ,stress and anxiety as we refuel and recharge from the activities we took part in earlier in the day providing healthy,low dye and sugary foods and beverages,from all the food groups ,allow us time to refocus and keep our energy up.we allow the children once they are done and washed up to do activities of their choice until everyone else is done and cleaned up.
Now that some of the children have either gone home,or down to nap the rest of us have continued with the day.Screentime teaches cause and effect, benefits of a reward system, research, improves motor skills,hand eye coordination,lowers anxiety and teaches alternate ways to communicate. Boardgames teach early at home learning,boosts language and vocabulary skills,teaches focus,teamwork and ,patience,soothes anxiety and stress,teaching bonding skills and mental and social development. Grocery shopping teaches the children the value of money,letters numbers as well as association with language and vocabulary words,writing skills,teaches cause and effect,how to plan and execute a task as well as time management.It allows them socialization skills which will the community development as a whole,when and how to properly meal prep,for example healthy choice options,special dietary requirements like glutin free items ,dairy free etc as well as fine and gross motor skills.Water play (sprinkler,pool) helps with language and vocabulary skills,sensory processing,hand eye coordination,fine and gross motor skills,builds character , imagination, creativity,social,and problem solving skills.helps to foster attention span,patience, dedication, teamwork,and concentration skills using math and science concepts.walking makes the children aware of their surroundings,teaches them to be paying attention ,and focus on things that seem off ,so they can protect themselves and others in the community,it lowers stress and anxiety ,combats cancer ,controls weight,keeps their arteries clear and reduces heart disease,blood pressure and teach memory, patience, concentration,fine motor skills,math and logistical thinking,cause and effect, promotes positive response with mental health and, teddy bears/ small toys male or female doesn't matter because it's extremely important to both genders,teaches them basis of push,pull,pickup,toss movements,Fine motor skills as well as hand eye coordination and the ability to work with others .Dolls and teddy bears are extremely important to play with also because they help with identification of body parts,social and emotional development,hand eye coordination,caring and nurturing skills and the ability to work with others.superheros and action figures teaches math (addiction and subtraction),cause and affect(right and wrong sineros), develops their vocabulary,speech, story telling skills builds character and personality as well as imagination.Keeps children engaged,in emotional development,role play,fine and gross motor skills,while teaching them sharing as well as problem solving drawing and coloring shows the kids a different way to problem solve, improves hand eye coordination, establishes concentration,self expression,assists in early writing skills,teaches history,colors,math and nurtures creativity through fine and gross motor skills.stickers lighten the mood,makes kids smile,teaches fine motor skills, encourages wrist movement,assists with pencil gripping, encourages hand eye coordination,reading visual appeal and sensory issues .Lego aids in problem solving skills,focus, attention span,science,math, balance,shapes and colors,also helps with hand eye coordination,story telling skills,sharing, cooperation and fine motor and dance helps develop movement control, coordination,strength,spatial awareness,focus,broadens the attention span,helps with vocabulary and language skills, encourages socialization and creativity through self expression.After cleaning up whatever mess we have made and washing our hands.we have a healthy snack which allows us to keep up our energy, improve cognitive function,keep us positive and promotes attention and focus while our brain and body get to relax alittle I spy /hide and seek teaches sounds and articulation, language and vocabulary skills, attention to detail and memory, organization, emotional development control, reduces seperation anxiety ,fosters independence,balance, courage,and flexibility.superheros and action figures teaches math (addiction and subtraction),cause and affect(right and wrong sineros), develops their vocabulary,speech, story telling skills builds character and personality as well as imagination.Keeps children engaged,in emotional development,role play,fine and gross motor skills,while teaching them sharing as well as problem's,dolls, teddy bears/ small toys male or female doesn't matter because it's extremely important to both genders,teaches them basis of push,pull,pickup,toss movements,Fine motor skills as well as hand eye coordination and the ability to work with others .Dolls and teddy bears are extremely important to play with also because they help with identification of body parts,social and emotional development,hand eye coordination,caring and nurturing skills and the ability to work with others.Grandparents visiting studies have proven that children who have a close bond with their grandparents or elderly people have fewer emotional and behavioral problems,they are better able to cope with tramatic events like death,divorce,fire ,because they learn a different way of comfort,support and wisdom by pass generations.Aunts and uncles visiting is additionally important because they listen without judgement they choose to be around and be there for the love and support, they like grandparents usually say yes to things more then parents 😂,and they have no problems telling embarrassing stories of when the parents did crazy things in the past.We finally clean up the mess we've made throughout the day out all of our items back where they belong and provide the remaining children with a hardy supper which will allow them to keep their bodies fueled ,their spirits up which inturn lowers the chance of cancer and obesity ,reduces anxiety and stress and helps the digestive system which allows us to be able to sleep better at night.once any of the other children head home we have my family's family time where we go for a drive or to the park or play games or watch a movie and,talk about our day what we liked what we wished to change before preparing my children for bed at which time then I sit and play out the next day and plan B to the next day incase it rains .


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