Legitimate concerns for my homeschooled children

in homeschooling •  8 years ago 

It's no secret to those who know me well that we have home educated our children for the last decade or so.

There are always of course the newcomers in our lives who don't.
It's always so hilarious when somebody who doesn't know me finds out by asking my girls "where do you go to school?"

Then some of them get this really concerned look on their face and start beating around the bush about "socialization" and insinuating that we are some sort of control freaks who enjoy dominating every aspect our children's lives.

Then I'm sitting over here thinking about all the things their publicly schooled kids are forced to do every single day.

  1. Start and stop class at a certain time

  2. Respond to bells like one of Pavlov's dogs.

  3. Sit in rows.

  4. Ask permission to use the restroom.

  5. Ask permission to speak.

  6. Ask permission to ask a question.

  7. Recite a pledge to a country and flag using words they aren't ever even taught the meaning of, ever...

  8. Eat when they are told they are allowed to eat instead of when they are hungry.

  9. Eat what they are told to eat (ahhh those healthy and tasty school lunches)

  10. Be held back by students who are slower than them.

  11. Be left behind by students that are faster learners than them.

  12. Be taught that obedience to a perceived "authority" shall not be questioned. Whether the "authority" is right or wrong.

  13. Being corralled into cliques as if they had any real meaning.

  14. Being constantly told about "the real world" by people who have very little idea of what that phrase even means.

  15. Being "taught" God only knows what for 7-8 hours a day, and graduating from a 13 year program and having almost no economic value in the eyes of most employers.


You should be really concerned about my children 😂

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  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment