Cute Kitty, Squirrel Suicide and Try a New Way of Blogging

in homestead •  5 years ago  (edited)

This is just a piece of cardboard folded up and laying on it's side. But Snickers thought it was a box. I don't know why steemit put the picture in sideways when it's straight everywhere else.

It's actually a nice day out today. No clouds in sky. It'll probably warm up after a while.

But as I'm driving to go get hay, I have to wonder about the squirrels in the road. Dead squirrel specifically. Why are squirrels so suicidal? You would figure by now that they would have learned to stay out of the road or at least evolved an instinct to stay out of the road. Just the fact that they get killed in the road should weed out the dumb ones. But everyday I see at least one dead squirrel in the road somewhere. Either they're really stupid or they're just really depressed. I've always seen squirrels bouncing around and being happy but the suicide rate has got to stop. The deer are almost as bad.

Also, I am currently dictating this post while I drive. Don't worry, I am watching the road. But I thought I would try something new. Maybe the natural flow of just talking would help me too write better posts. But as I'm trying to say this or explain what I'm trying to, do I'm pausing a lot and stumbling over my words because I've always found it easier to take my time and type or write out my words. But I thought I would try it anyway.

Y'all will have to tell me what you think. Does it flow better or does it just ramble? I don't really think anybody reads this blog but there's hope I guess.

But the plans for today are to go get hay (which I'm currently doing), take my child to a doctor's appointment and hopefully get that the new chicken tractor finished and put into place. If I accomplish that last one I will post a picture here. (See following post.) Who knows? I might even get to goat shelter done.

As a side note I really enjoy driving on these chilly days where are the car warms up to a nice radiant heat. It's not hot but it's just very soothing.

Maybe I'll do this text to speech thing anytime I have a thought that I want to write down and I can label them as a.m. thoughts and p.m. thoughts instead of making separate blog post. Or maybe I'll just make separate blog posts. I don't know. The more blogs I make, the more upvotes I get right?

Dropped off a bale of hay at the house and now I'm going to the hardware store to get a couple of 1x4s for the chicken tractor. Since I have a little bit of time before the doctor's appointment.

I've also decided that I want to build two overhangs on the sides of the solar shed. One, to have more space to put solar panels. And also so I can have more storage space for other things like to the riding mower or maybe even an area for hay. Maybe that will be the next project after I finished the chicken tractor.

Actually I have to finish the solar shed first and then I can add on to it. Besides, the solar shed is already getting cluttered with tools. I kind of wanted to store some tools in there but it's taking over the space that I want to use for the solar batteries. So I'm going to have to building a space anyways just to have some place to store my tools.

Oh, I also need to build a insulated box for my batteries. But that's another project for another day.

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