I swear I'll get my act together for tomorrow. Or I should say later today. Not sure what I'm going to update about since I don't have any projects planned for tomorrow. I mean later today.
Anyway, this picture mostly looks like the one from yesterday. What you can't see is that it's not really leaking from the rubber adapter part anymore. It's got a slow drip but not like it was yesterday. Now it's sort of coming out of the nipple itself. But again, it's not draining the bucket anywhere as fast as it did yesterday. Besides, if its leaking from the nipple that means the pigs will realize that water comes out of that and learn to drink from it. Win win.
I can dump out the bucket, let it dry and try to apply more calk around the rubber adapter part. But I think for now I'll just wait and see how this goes.
Most of today was more running around town. And when I wasn't doing that, hubby and I were playing World of Warcraft. The weekends are our time to play together since during the week he doesn't have as much time to get vested in it before he has to go to work. But I swear I probably went into town at least 5 times today. Go into town, come home, realize there's something in town we forgot to do, etc. I hate having to make more than one trip. But if you gotta, you gotta.
But now, I need to get more sleep before I take the oldest back to work. See ya laters, taters. Take care.