Jody (JR) the Amazing Rooster

in homesteaders •  7 years ago 

I’ve decided to shorten Jody’s name to JR, for oblivious reasons. Jody Rooster. He was named Jody because when he was a chick we couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl.

Harmony has been restored to the flock. He keeps a close eye on the girls and they have accepted the new order, even Broody Brownie!

JR officially began to “cock a doodle doo” yesterday morning at 8:00 and has been enjoying his newly acquired voice.






Henny Penny is missing from the photos, she was in the nest box laying a beautiful brown egg.


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JR is quite handsome! How's Florida weather these days, my friend?

JR is really developed into a beautiful rooster, what is he like 6 months old? Are there little chickies in his future, Broody Brownie would love that...

haha! look at that guy strut his stuff around! he is fitting right into his new leadership role. great stuff. And the sun is out!!

It's quite funny when their voices first break. Handsome chap!

I wish we could keep roosters in our community. But after the crazy Mr. Timmy the rooster chasing me and trying to make me one of his hens I think I’m good lol
Hugs dear friend!💜

hey mother2chicks! you ok? haven't seen you around for a few days.