Personal Mentoring Statement For Homesteadersonline Community

in homesteadersonline •  7 years ago  (edited)

@goldendawne's Personal Mentoring Statement For the Homesteadersonline Community

Now some of you followers may see this as an odd posting, but bare with me... this is geared towards the homesteadersonline community that I belong to here on steemit and on Discord; which I consider my home-base as it is what brought me to steemit months ago.

Think of it as my resume... as my portfolio.. as who I am to the homesteading community.


Image Source

Who am I

I am in the Midwest of the USA (eastern time zone-EST), am a stay-at-home-wife and have committed myself 100% to steemit; as I am making this (steemit) my career. But not just a career, but a place to write, blog and earn some money towards mine and my husband's retirement.

While I have NOT worked outside the home in a few years, in the past I have been an administrative assistant, newspaper reporter and staff writer, have copy editing experience, a degree in journalism and was a ghost writer and freelance writer for many years.


Image by @riosparada

My Experience On Steemit, Projects & Goals

  • I joined steemit in mid-July 2017, and have a reputation of just hovering under 59 currently.
  • I am a moderator for the homesteadersonline Discord group
  • I am the un official meet and greet ambassador for the same group.
  • I am a @fulltimegeek Steward of Gondor; which means he has delegated 5k SP (steem power) to me to be his “spokesperson” and find new talent among the steemians.
  • I am the sole writer of a newsletter at @qurator ( which has about 500 members) and write posts every morning, as well as collaborate to approve incoming members for the group/curator.
  • I belong to nine Discord groups; while I am active in three every day, I do venture into the others for updates.
  • I have a weekly recognition post where I recognize fellow homesteaders called HOLLER OUT Tuesday
  • I just started doing a weekly update for the community with new contests and all other pertinent topics
  • With the assistance of @beatitudes8, we have a weekly seed exchange that happens every Monday. Giveaways and things for other homesteaders. We hope to grow this more and expand bigger in Spring 2018.
  • I have decent knowledge of formatting on steemit, as well as other platforms
  • Every week I have been EMBRACING a new homesteading member and offering 100% UPvotes every day for a week.
  • I just completed a Secret Santa giveaway and have a current one for the New Year where I just spread the joy and pay-it-forward to other homesteaders with consistent and good quality posts.

Things I am Able To Offer...

Hands On

  • I am available from 5am EST (USA) until 3pm EST then again periodically throughout the evening hours. Weekends may be a little less but I am still connected on every device.
  • I have tremendous UPvoting SP currently due to the delegation from @fulltimegeek
  • I am a Resteem Queen!
  • I comment like there's no tomorrow and will carry on open-ended conversations daily
  • I am on Discord about 10-12 hours a day Monday-Friday, while it can be hit or miss on the weekends, but I do check in often.

Behind The Scenes

  • Assistance with formatting posts and sourcing out images properly
  • Guidance on writing
  • Proofreading if so desired
  • Websites connected to steemit that show user's information, status, voting power, etc

My interests are:

  • Gardening
  • Recipes and cooking/baking
  • DIY & crafts
  • Growing herbs and ways to use (ie, infused oils, tinctures)
  • Essential oils and uses (ie. homemade soap, salves, health and beauty items)
  • Healthier living
  • Reading, writing, books
  • Simple homestead chores and tasks
  • Learning new skills (ie. sewing, building container boxes for garden- small tools)

Other Things To Keep In Mind

I can work with anyone, preferably in the a time zone that would be consistent with mine, or if someone keeps unusual hours that would be parallel to mine.

I post anywhere from 1-4 times a day; depending on what is happening and how crazy my life is at the moment.

Any questions, please feel free to ask in the comment section below.

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So, if you haven’t filled all your mentee spots, I’d love to slide into one of them. I’ll take all the help I can get!

message me on discord and we can start Monday!!

Rad! I’m not too familiar with Discord, but I’ll mess around with it this weekend. Thanks!

I am new here as well, thank you for the support since day one! It is because of you I realized the extent of the homesteading community here. You are the resteem queen!! I am exposed to so many new bloggers because of you! I am working on devoting more time to posting and learning to navigate here and need to join a chat room! I look forward to reading your blogs every day:)

Thank you!!
Makes me smile every time knowing I may have helped someone or introduced them to a new homesteader.

I really like the homesteading community on here. The homesteading post are, by far, my favorite content on Steemit. I think you do a good job of highlighting great post and bringing them to the attention of others. Great work.

Thank you! Yes the homesteading community is VERY strong and supportive on steemit.
Every post has some informational value and the knowledge of the group and community is outstanding!

Nice resume @goldendawne I have been on Steemit for a year and a half and still at level 59. But not looking at the levels just having fun. I am going to resteem this post because I know when I was starting out it was frustrating and had to learn it all on my own. Your knowledge and dedication sure would have helped me. Thanks for being a caring member of the community I love Homesteading

I don't normally pay attention to the reputation either; except when it is someone who has a VERY low number (below the 25 steemit gives you to start) that can cause red flags and concern to me.

Thank you for resteeming and sharing the post!

Yes, frustration does set in, especially in the beginning, but I think if you do what you love, and want to share the information, eventually it will all come together.

DITTO! I love homesteading!

This is pretty amazing! It's awesome that you're so devoted to making this your "career". I definitely need to get a little better at all of this and am thankful that @elew has been guiding me on this journey. I hope to be able to create an income from this as well.

Glad to be able to follow you and learn as I go along! <3

It takes a lot of time, patience, determination, dedication and constant visibility but it can be pay off.
Yes @elew is an excellent person to have taken you under their wing.

Is this something that can be built more part-time? I don't have lots of hours to dedicate to it right now with two kids at home. Though, I might be getting a job this coming year and I will have more time then (oddly enough because it is a slow job).

Yes it can. There's many in our community that work outside jobs and are successful.
@pennsif is one.

But if you want it bad enough, just like anything else, you can achieve it.

Find me on discord one day and we can chat.

I try to be involved as I can in things here on Steemit, I just do not have the time to do so. Thanks for all you do to help make this platform a better place.

You're welcome. I know it's difficult for some people to be here as much as I am, but I love helping ALL members.
Everyone of us contributes to the group's success.

indeed, you have been a fantastic mentor already, @goldendawne, with your inspiration for so many of us! once things get a little bit more settled, i look forward to participating in more of your contests.

we also have ALL of the same interests - you're always welcome to chat me up and give me recommendations, ideas, suggestions.

also - i finally got signed up into the homesteaders group. another new thing to learn! another way to share information! hooray!

I saw you had signed up! WELCOME!!!

Yes, please do. I tend to run contests all the time plus the weekly one with @beatitudes and me- we do a the seed exchange giveaway contest every Monday!

And thank you! Yes, I do have a strong passion for steemit.

how do you feel about self-harvested seeds being used for a giveaway? i'm pretty sure i've got a stash of several flower seeds saved somewhere ... and i'd be happy to join in if y'all want more help at some point!

Oh that would be cool!!!
Mention it in the discord group to get a census

thanks, i just made myself a note. i'll try to get it done tomorrow when i have a bit more time in front of the computer!

Thanks for all you are doing for this community.
This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your friendly @eastcoaststeem ran by @chelsea88 (not a bot)

You're welcome! I came to steemit to write and blog... I stayed because of the platform for writing and blogging... I will continue here for as long as I can and am able to.

Excellent Personal Mentoring Statement @goldendawne.

How many mentees do you think you will take on to start?

I can start with two and once I get into a rhythm I can re-visit and see what I'm capable of doing.

But depending on his or her schedules and needs, etc. I may be able to do three at first.

Thank you @goldendawne for all of your commitment! I was led to Steemit by my husband, @freedompoint, but now I want to make a nice wollered out home for myself because it's such an awesome community. I hope I can add as much as you do one day...definitly an inspiration!

Thank you!
And I follow you both too... love the posts!

If you ever need anything, find me on discord!
I'll definitely help you.
I love that both of you each have an account

Thank you for following us! And we'll definitely reach out if we need anything!

Sounds good.. I'm usually available

@goldendawne - you have been an amazing mentor during my short time on Steemit. It is because of you, and a few other with your passion, that I have committed to be here for the long haul! You have welcomed me and many others into the community with open arms and a warm heart, thank you! You are genuine and compassionate and that light spreads to others which makes this a better place. I will continue to seek your guidance when needed.

I have heard you mention "Discord" a few times. Can you elaborate on what it is? Thank you!!!

It is a chat group connected with steemit and other online platforms. We have a community and group there called the homestedersonline. We share ideas, brainstorm, chat and just get to know each other. GREAT place to share and connect.
If you want to be in the homesteaders group, there is a link above that says Discord- Homesteaders Online. Click there and it will invite you to the group.

I know you write and post about homesteading, so please do join. I highly recommend it.

Plus you can do private messaging so if you have a side question, or want to speak privately, you can.

Only takes a minute to register for Discord too.

And thank you for you kind words!! So happy I could help you!

Oh cool! I will check it out right now :)

I was wondering how to verify my account properly. I have been penalized for unverified content. I am a blogger and am reworking some old content. I have posted a steemit link to Facebook and to my blogs. Apparently, I did not do something right.

Yes, sometimes steemit and steemcleaners or cheetah will stop by. I would recommend contacting steemcleaners about it. USually there is a link in their comment on how to verify who you are to prove the posts, or articles and videos, are yours

Thanks, they did remove the flags on several of my posts. Could you tell me - do I need to add a link to my blog specific to each and every post on steemit that may have issues, or would both of my blogs in general be verified? I had not heard back from them on that? Much appreciated!

Yes you should. If you have a warning in the comments then definitely- it's time consuming but will be helpful in your success in the long run.

Will do - thanks again.

I received a downvote from blacklist-a. Can you tell me anything about that, and if I should worry about it?

Just watch the down votes. Monitor who it is I suppose. They do happen.
I don't have much experience with them unfortunately... OR very fortunate I guess you could say.

whoaa coool!
That's the whole CV there:)
So talented! You are contributing a lot to the community!

"I am a Resteem Queen" hehehe this caught my attention hehe cute:):) made me smile:):)

Have a great day ahead:)

lol- yeah, I kinda liked the "resteem Queen" to.. but it is so spot on as to who I am

Your mentees will be in good hands! We started about the same time you and I, but you were supportive even then, while we were still learning the ropes. I think you're way past me now though; I'm still learning a lot! Keep up the good work. It's so sad that many who started out with us seem to have dropped off the scene.

I'll stick to mentoring my family members for the time being now all my immediate family have accounts here. 😁

thank you for your words!!

How awesome is this!!

I'll stick to mentoring my family members for the time being now all my immediate family have accounts here.