Planning Out Your Garden: Things To Consider NOW

in homesteadersonline •  7 years ago 

Gardening Season Is Almost Here- Garden Plans Need To Be Finalized


Image Source- Flickr

Using Containers, Buckets & Tri-Pods For Space Allotment Concerns


Image Source- Flickr

Like many other gardeners, whether urban suburban or just smaller property size, I have an issue with what I want to grow versus what I actually have room to grow. If I could I would have ten varieties of tomatoes, a larger assortment of peppers, more herbs than the local health food store sells and rows upon rows of corn, cabbage and other vegetables. Heck, I'd even be adding fruit and nut trees to the collection just for good measure.

Oh, and let's not forget about the wide array of lettuce, spinach and flowers.

Nut, alas, I only have 1/3 of an acre of land to work with. Which is a HUGE hindrance for me. So this coming season I am planning on becoming the neighborhood container lady. We've all heard of the proverbial cat lady comments; and I want to coin the Container Lady label.

Plants I will be growing in containers and buckets:

  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • ? (not yet determined)


Image Source- Flickr

Plants I'm planning in using a tri-pod like vine growing tool are:

  • Cucumbers
  • Luffa
  • Pole green beans
  • Summer (yellow) squash
  • Zucchini
  • Eggplant

Plants in raised container beds will be:

  • Lettuce, Spinach & other various greens
  • Cabbage
  • Onions and garlic
  • Potatoes


Image Souce- Flickr

Companion Gardening & Plants


Image Source- Common Wikimedia

Knowing what plants grow well and which ones you should not plant near others is crucial to a good harvest, lowering potential pest concerns and having a better outcome. Everyone knows to plant basil near, or in between tomato plants, but did you know you shouldn't plant sunflowers near garlic and onions?

Doing your research ahead of time then plotting out where which plant will go is something every gardener needs to know.

Resources About Companion Planting:

From Window Box


Image Source

Seeds: Picking What To Grow & What Varieties


_Image Source- Commons Wikimedia

While I am new to full-fledged gardening, I have not been able to successfully attempt saving my seeds from previous gardens and harvests. This year I will be working on that goal and skill.

I have been only purchasing heirloom seeds all along; so I am confident I will be able to do this once the season is coming to an end in 2018.

Hybrid Seeds

  • Don't breed true
  • Not guaranteed to reproduce season to season
  • May need to be hand pollinated
  • Possible smaller yields

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Thanks GDawne! Up north we are still around 3 months from thinking about planting. This next year is our second year having a garden. Container gardening works well here because of frozen ground issues. Oh… can you send a invite for your group please?


I won't get my seedlings going for another 6 weeks but I am a be prepared type of person.

Planning is one of the best parts of gardening!! It gets the excitement level up, you get to plan some projects, and instantly start to envision the yield at the end of the season. The hardest part is waiting out the winter once you have th e plan together!!! =)

Small space gardening is best done in containers. I am like you, we have a small space but we put out a lot of produce by using the container gardening method. It becomes an addiction as the summer goes on, more plants, more containers, and more projects!!!

Love your posts!! Keep them coming!!

It becomes an addiction as the summer goes on, more plants, more containers, and more projects

It certainly does make you become VERY creative. I actually will like the buckets and containers because I can move them as needed to better/sunnier areas if needed.

Ya its such a great advantage!!

Another great article. Very informative.

thank you! I always find it so much easier to have things ready and more or less, get my ducks in a row.

Have you ever tried that trick of growing tomatoes upside down from a hanging bucket and then planting strawberries (or other stuff) in the top of the bucket? We tried it once years ago but the squirrels ate the harvest....the Husband mentioned wanting to try it again this year. Hmm

No I haven't! I have seen those things on TV years ago and I've seen some pics and posts online, maybe I should see about that! It would free up some more buckets and containers for other plants! GREAT idea.

You always write such great posts. The plants are pretty well what we'll be planting here in 6 months. I suppose people arent that different wherever we live.

Nice gardening @goldendawne, I bet I'll be seeing it when it's bigger and older and better in time to come, save your seeds yo, you're doing a nice job so far.

I think watermelon and green peas are another option. But not sure if weather and other condition works around for those. They are kind of low maintenance during summer time :)


Low maintenance are always nice additions to a garden especially when you have so many other plants to care for.

Wow! You re really an avid gardener! Some really nice tips there, and I like the way you have set up your garden!

I need to plan my garden too. Unfortunately, I just have a very small one (about 500 sq feet). I have a few trees in there like pomegranate, mango, guava and lemon. I also put in some plants like beans, tomatoes, chillies, etc.

Any more ideas around what I can put in there, that does not take up much space?

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Maybe I'll do another post about what plants or small trees can grow and survive in a bucket or container. Great idea!

Yup, that would be great! I'll wait for it! :)


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Thank you for all your info! I've heard that high density planting helps produce more on small properties, too. I just moved into a townhouse, trading an apartment patio for some yard space, but will start out using containers too, since I would need HOA approval to dig (underground utilities and all that), but they have not given my neighbor a hard time about that.

Being in Arizona, I have to keep track of what are "hot weather plants" and what are "cool weather plants", but pretty much everything is dead in June & July (110 degrees kills everything), and we replant in August.

I do keep an indoor closet sized greenhouse near a window, to grow microgreens in. So much variety to choose from!

Yeah I had the HOA issue a few years ago and am THRILLED not to have to deal with those anymore.
ALthough where I was at before (with the HOA issues) I had an even SMALLER piece of land. We lived in a condo and the HOA almost had a heart attack when I planted two tomato plants and three cucumber plants.

Microgreens are something I will be attempting too indoors. I have a 3x3x6 grow tent in the utility/laundry room

great way to maximize your 1/3 acre...becoming a container lady probably gives you another 1/3 acre.

That's such a GREAT way of thinking about it!

Getting me pretty excited over here!
Cant wait to get planting :)


I am counting down the days!

Im doing a garden themed post tomorrow. Can't hold back my excitement any longer. Will try really hard not to plant a gajillion plants way too soon.
And I hope it wont be snowing!!!

Looking forward to it!!

Might not get to it today, discovered leak around chimney and need to deal with it :(

Gathering my seed starting supplies and equipment. For me the first seeds will get started near the end of this month.

A few early tomatoes, celery, and celeraic. Those last two, I’ve never tried to grow before. A older friend who is native to this area told me celery was a big crop in the past. I’ll give it a try.

How difficult is celeraic? I have seen it in my seed catalogs but never thought about growing it

I’ll have to let you know. Never tried it before, but it’s on my list of new things to try. Also trying artichokes and peanuts this year in Zone 5B... just to see what happens!

I'm in zone 6a/b here. There are so many great fruit trees I'd love to have one day, but without the proper greenhouse set-up and heat, not sure it will ever be possible.

Thanks! This was a very helpful post, I was just thinking about planning the garden today. I especially enjoyed the Geranium and other plants to help repel pests. Last year we hung a bag for the Japanese beetles and it helped a little but I would love to plant companion plants!

I never realized the great importance of companion planting until 2015... then I was ALL in it!

Oh I have so much work to do! Those are some wonderful tips and information! I'm just learning about gardening! This will be my 3rd year and planning to expand quite a bit this year. Appreciate all of this info!

Yeah! It seems like a never-ending vicious cycle!

Me too... expansion is the keyword for me here too

Wow work is very excellent. I am very impressed by this. You are a woman, but this reflects your great effort and attention. I admired that much. I wish you success and excellence.
Thank you my dear sister @goldendawne

When I have a passion, I go head first and get things done. To be being able to plant, grow and preserve all my harvest is a great feeling of accomplishment.

All of the photos are of such neat, nicely organized gardens. I am far from prepared but once I get out there and attack it look out. Then I just have to hide it from. The girls and the noses chickens can locate a fresh green in about two seconds. It’s a fun way to save on groceries and feel good about what we put in our bodies. 🐓🐓

I;m not yet organized with it all yet. I am just started getting my seedling and sprouting supplies together but soon it will be here and then the overwhelming moments will be here.

Peas and onions go bad together I found out one year. Sunflower is my favorite companion plant, as it attracts ladybugs, and keeps the aphids away. I'm pretty sure birds also like the sunflowers because it helps them find fat bugs and slugs to eat.

Last year I found out I could extend the lifespan and overall size of basil by pruning the tips whenever they get tall. This year I am going to have to try out the basil and tomato partnership. I've always grown it in the same pot as my oregano.

Are you trying out any interesting flower varieties this year?

Sunflower is my favorite companion plant, as it attracts ladybugs, and keeps the aphids away

I wish there was a plant to keep away box alders- we got bombarded last autumn- it was absolutely ridiculous.

Are you trying out any interesting flower varieties this year?

I'm ding zinnias, camellias, hibiscus, snapdragon, echinacea, skullcap and calendula for the moment. I have a special area in the front herb garden bed with flowers spattered throughut to bring some vibrant colors to the drab green from all the other herbs.

Lots of fun varieties. Can't wait to see how they turn out.

I love your pictures, of your raised beds. I wish you good luck this year with your garden. I thank you for your advice about planting basil near the tomato plants. I plan to do a garden myself this year. Last year, my garden did not do very well. I think I get prepared and read the resources you gave in your post. Thanks for all the good advice.

I am looking for some pallets right now to start making the raised beds. Pallets are like gold here.

My favorite resource is actually but the others had some great companion gardening links.

I envy your drive to gardening. I have been thinking about growing my own food, but this hasn't come to pass. I sometimes think it is because my piece of land is far away. Then I know that is just an excuse. I have learned a few things from this post. I will try some containers of herbs in my balcony, maybe we can share the container lady name.

Most of my drive to accomplish the garden and other tasks I post about here actually comes from steemit itself and the homesteading and gardening community I belong. The members are my deep down motivation.

CO-Container Ladies! We could start a (support) group!

I will buy some containers soon. I already have the seeds. I sure hope this does not backfire. I planted some aloe vera and leek and they are doing very well. Now on to the herbs in the next few weeks. I will be on the look out for more gardening tips.

That first garden photo is so gorgeous :) I love this time of year for the garden dreaming and planning.

We have a lot of space but I still do a lot of vertical growing and even some square foot gardening ...old habits mixed in with new ones. Having things grow vertically is so practical but also truly gorgeous!

It's so amazing... I plan, re-plan... get it all ready and always need more room.I'm hoping the containers and buckets will be my winning ticket this year.

Im so excited about this years planting. The snow yesterday helped to calm me down a little though👍🏻 Everything in its time

Same here- we got 7 inches of snow Saturday night into yesterday. This was the second Superbowl snowstorm we've had here in the last three years.

But i have plenty inside to do to get prepared. I have to finish cleaning off my indoor garden prep table and take an inventory of peat pods and buckets I have in here.

Great season, fruitful planting!
Enjoy what you love doing @goldendawne!

I sure do enjoy and LOVE all aspects of gardening!

Great article! I got some herbs seeded and into the greenhouse was such a beautiful day for it! Today's all blustery and chilly again. Crazy Zone 8 weather!

Oh I am so jealous! We just got 7 inches of snow over the weekend, two more last night and more expected tonight. Keep telling my husband... move south!

Hooray for garden planning! Getting excited @goldendawne!

Oh I KNOW!!! I'm planning to finalize everything in the next two weeks because by March 1, I'll be setting up the seedlings indoors.

When will we be seeing them flowers in your garden? Haha. Jk.

Wish you the bountiest of harvests in the years to come!

I'm hoping the flowers I have chosen will really add a nice vibrant array to the herb garden. I can't wait to see all of them blooming!

You make gardening seem so interesting.
My wife and I live in an apartment so we don't have a garden.
Once we get a house though, we might get into planting our own food.
It seems very fun and healthy.
Thanks for sharing!

We lived in a condo for years and I had NO gardening- just a small little area for about 6 plants. So having the 1/3 acre we have now is nice, but we'd like more property to expand.

Healthy Healthy Healty, looks so good, fresh and delicious,.... Wish to see summer soon and this in the garden.

I know! Anxious for the snow to go away and the spring weather to make its appearance here.

Gah, space! That is my real hang up. My container garden grows every year! But what I really want to focus on learning about this year is companion planting. Thanks for those links! I've know a tiny bit about what to plant close to each other for years, but what not to plant together is new territory for me completely.

Oh yes! Companion planting is so important; and at times a little stressful when you'e limited on space.

Hope the links help you out!

IMG_20180106_183239.jpg:o amazing! i love plants too in my house i have some one´s i call theirs my princess... IMG_20180129_145912.jpg

I need to really start my planning for the garden but working on the small house has taken a lot of my time. I will get to it soon, it will not be real big but it will be a garden.

(Y) NIce

wow look at that... Amazing
Very helpful post!

I'm gearing up too! Just planted some herb seeds in my first grow tray. I always struggle including the companion planting aspect. I wonder how much difference there is, using or not using companion planting, all else being equal?

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Great info and an area which i am lacking at the moment.

Great ideas! I'll be doing a lot of container-gardening as well. You raise a great point about not planting certain plants too close to others. I try to avoid as much yellow as possible. Insects are attracted to yellow more than to other colors- not just flowers, but anything that is yellow.

Thanks for the advice!! I need to start planning my garden! Spring is around the corner!

thanks for sharing! I live in LA, so I should probably start thinking about what I want to plant now. I only have a little balcony tho, so definitely containers for me. I grew tomatoes last year, but no trellis, so they just sprawled everywhere. I was so surprised I got fruit. Hoping to do better this time!