Elderberry, Sambucus Canadensis

in homesteading •  7 years ago 



Known as Common Elderberry, Black Elderberry or American Elderberry, Sambucus Canadensis is a tall and leafy flowering shrub that grows best in sunny locations and isn't too particular about the type of soil in which it spreads its roots. Sambucas Canadensis is found mainly in the eastern provinces and states of North America and is a subspecies of Sambucas Nigra. In late spring, the Elderberry bushes grow many clusters of delicate white flowers on wide umbrella-shaped stems. The flowers smell sweetly floral and make a delicious cordial or syrup for flavoring sodas. I've heard of people using the flowers to make champagne though I haven't tried this. I like to let the flowers grow into the beautiful and medicinal dark purple berries and harvest some in the fall.

you might find some baby birds sharing your elderberry bushes...

I use these berries in syrup and have made wine from their juice as well. A commercially prepared elderberry syrup is sold in drug stores as a flu preventative and cough syrup. Scientific literature suggests that elderberry is an effective treatment for the influenza virus, shortening duration and lessening severity of symptoms 1

You can tell by the dark reddish purple color of the juices from the berries that elderberries are very high in antioxidants. Antioxidants boost the immune system, and this is what we primarily use elderberry for in my household, as well as in my herbal cough syrup recipe.

By boosting the immune system the anthocyanins and other flavonoids in elderberries protect against a variety of infections. Vitamins A and C also work to boost the immune system and are available in abundance in elderberries.

Traditionally elderberry preparations, along with preparations of the roots, inner bark, and leaves of elder have been used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and diseases. All parts of the shrub except for the fully ripened berries are slightly to moderately toxic and not recommended for ingestion.2

a few too many unripe berries here

It can be tedious removing the stems from fresh elderberries to make the potent medicinal syrup, but it is a worthwhile endevour. They contain a cyanide-inducing glycoside so you don't want too many in with the berries you will be using for syrup.3

Elderberry Syrup

A basic recipe is 3 cups of fresh destemmed berries and 3 cups of water boiled together in a pot, stewed for an hour, then cooled slightly and strained through a cheesecloth. Be sure to squeeze the juices from the berries. Then add a cup of raw honey while still warm. This keeps in the fridge at least a year. Take a teaspoon every four hours when you first feel symptoms of an illness coming on.

elderberry syrup ready to go

I hope this information finds you well. I heard today from a medical professional that the influenza virus is going around in my area. I'm thankful that I have such powerful plant medicine available to me from my own backyard.

the birds are happy to have the elderberry bushes too

To have this post included in the #healthy2018 competition organized by @goldendawne, I would like to include that my goal is to use this wild medicinal plant to avoid getting the flu!

banner by @soulturtle

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Just read your elderberry post, we got Sambucus Nigra around here with the same uses/preparations :) We make many liters of flower syrup, usually mixed with black locust flowers.

The dry flowers make very nice winter tea as well and it's been said to help with coughs in our folk medicine. We usually mix it with "whole-quince-tea", which is another cough/sore throat folk cure - the tastes compliment each other very well!

Is whole quince tea made from whole quince? I love quince! I will try drying some flowers this year, thank you for the recommendation @bobydimitrov!

Yep, it's a granny medicine :) Get a whole quince, wash thoroughly and boil in a kettle with enough water to cover the fruit and then some. Slow boil until the quince is completely soft and mushy. It usually is made with a few quinces in a larger pot and the boiling takes about an hour or more. Let sit until completely cold, the bring to a boil, take off the fire and add dried sambucus flowers and let them steep for a few minutes. Might as well post that :)

Sounds yummy! I canned quince in light syrup this year, sooooo tasty.

You are so amazing to grow all of these items and make pure and safe products for your family! I have used Elderberry before but it was definetly not homemade! Once we get our own house and land I will be using many tips from you to provide my little ones with nothing but the best! Very informative and good on you!

Thanks @cherylann :) I'll help you anytime! Make sure you buy nearby, haha <3

Oh dear sweet elderberry, one of my favorites... Such good medicine. I actually didn't get to make any fresh syrup this year so I just placed my order for dried berries to get some going soon. beautiful pictures and lovely post! my kids love it too!!! following!

I haven't made syrup from the dried berries before, I usually freeze my excess but perhaps I'll dry some this coming fall. I'm glad you liked the post! I thought I'd get more comments on the baby birds, to me they are adorable!

They really are, are they Robins?

I believe so!

I love Elderberry anything and have been using them for years. Powerful stuff from Mother Earth.

Do you make pies or jam? I haven't done that yet...

No I have not been that creative. It was something I purchased at work as I ran a Health Food Store and I had a favorite product that I used. I used a tonic and a syrup. My aunt and uncle had a farm and she grew them and I picked them. I also remember it as a child and my mother purchased it from a German Delicatessen. Now that I have more time I would like to experiment more.

Great tribute to a wonderful plant! I always suggest elderberry as one of the queen tonics for the winter months. Unlike echinacea which should only be taken to boost your immune system when needed, elderberry is like vitamins for your immune system and can keep you healthier all season long.
I really appreciated that you included the toxic elements in your profile, something that a lot of folks don't take into account. The path to joining forces with the wondrous healing plants nature has given us is first and foremost to get to know them.

Yes most definately. You have to know what you're dealing with and do thorough research. Thank you for taking the time to read my post :)

We love elderberry syrup here. This year, We can make our own first batch from our young trer and maybe out birds will be as happy as yours!

That's wonderful :) Cheers to a great harvest and many more!

Wonderful informative post, thank you!!! You have showcased one of my ultimate favourites. I grew up with elderberry syrup as a kid, that was my "soda" or treat. I haven't got any elderberry growing here yet but soon!

Yum, awesome treat! I like to make gummies with the syrup for my kids :) I'm glad you thought the post was informative and I hope you get some bushes established very soon!

oooh. I would like some of those too :) I've got to get some in the ground this spring!! thanks again :)

Great info! We swear by elderberry syrup...good to know how to do it ourselves! Upvoted and resteemed

Thank you! Yeah it's good stuff for sure :)

I love using elderberry as the base for cough syrup! The flavour works well with the other herbs I use (at least as far as the children are concerned). Interestingly, there are a few other colours of elderberry whose berries are quite toxic. Black is the only recommended for consumption. Resteemed and upvoted! Thank-you for sharing!

Yes the red are highly toxic, as with all plants you gotta know what you're dealing with! I'm happy you liked the post :) I use elderberry in my cough syrup recipe too :)

Is the syrup recipe above used for cough syrup? Also do you use it daily for flu prevention? Thanks for the information!

Yes for flu prevention you can use it daily, a tsp a day. The cough syrup recipe is here. I'm glad you found the information useful :)

What a pretty post. Thank you!

Thank you :)

😅 The bird pics are a bit random. 🐣 🐥 🐔 🐦

Hahaha, yeeeaahhh, well they were living in my elderberry bushes! And they were so cute.

cute and always hungry

Wow, we learn everyday on steemit.

So true! I know I do :)

Those birds are just the best distraction! Do you know what they are?

I think they're robins <3

Mmm yeah elderberry flower soda like they sell in ikeas.
I don't think I've ever had the berries though.

I've had the flower soda a long time ago, when I lived in BC! It was really good...

I don't think I've ever tried this berry before, but this post made me really want to! Especially the syrup photo you added. It seems to go very well with a pancake! :D I would love to try it someday, the color of it is amazing too!


Yeah it's beautiful! I use it more as medicine than as a condiment but I'm sure it would be quite tasty actually :)

Wow, this... you've reawakened so many memories. When I was young we had blackberry bushes in a shared vegetable garden. We had other things as well. Tangerines, lemons, oranges, tomatoes and more. We'd always make jelly and cakes and many sweets to eat. It all ended when we moved, but I still find fondness in me for fruit gardens and jelly.

You'll see lots of garden posts now that you're following me, I am passionate about gardening. It's going to be hard come spring to balance my steemit/outdoors lives!

Absolutely excellent!

Thank you @papa-pepper! It means a lot <3