Piglets Having Fun In The Sun

in homesteading •  7 years ago  (edited)

Naughty wee piglets are having fun digging up my lawn - It's time they got locked away for a week to get used to eating and being handled before going to their new home. Soooo Naughty!!!

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A nose ring will stop them rooting as well

Yip it sure does but I leave that up to the new owners :) I don't like the squealing :(

It's impossible to see these cuties and not to become a vegetarian.

Hahaha ohhh those piglets. They are adorable though!

howdy from Texas andysantics48! you are in New Zealand..how interesting. They make alot of movies down there because it's such beautiful country. I'm new, just going down the list of Alliance members and saying hi. those pigs are very entertaining!